رعد يحذر من "مغامرات غير محسوبة" في انتخاب الرئيس: بعض الترشيحات "قد تعوق" الإنتخابات

Read this story in English W460

أعلن رئيس كتلة "الوفاء للمقاومة" النائب محمد رعد أن بعض الترشيحات للرئاسة "قد يعوق إجراء"الإنتخابات، مشيرا إلى ضرورة التسوية في انتخاب رئيس لا تصادمي "ويحفظ خيار المقاومة".

وأمل رعد في خلال احتفال تأبيني في بلدة حومين الفوقا الجمعة أن "يجري الإستحقاق الرئاسي في موعده الدستوري"، مضيفاً "بعض الترشيحات ممن ليس أهلا لها قد يعوق إجراء هذا الإستحقاق".

ويشير رعد في كلامه إلى رئيس حزب "القوات اللبنانية" سمير جعجع الوحيد الذي أعلن ترشحه للرئاسة. وفي برنامجه الإنتخابي أعلن جعجع تمسكه بحصرية السلاح بيد الدولة وعدم تهاونه في الأمر، رافضا "مصادرة قرارها في السلم والحرب".

وشرح رعد أن "البلد لا يتحمل مشكلة وتصادما بين خيارين وطنيين والوقت لا يتسع لتسوية سياسية كبيرة حول هذين الخيارين لانه لا يمكن الإتفاق على رئيس ما لم يحصل التوافق على تسوية".

وعن صفات مرشح حزب الله أضاف "المرشح الذي نريده هو الذي يكون حافظا لخيار المقاومة ومدافعا عنه وحريصا على وحدة اللبنانيين وما يتوافقون عليه لتسيير أمورهم الداخلية".

عليه شدد على أن "الخروج عن خيار المقاومة إلى أي خيار آخر هو خيار يهدد السيادة الوطنية ويضع البلاد على شفير هاوية جديدة"، متابعاً "نحن ننصح بأن يتعقل المعنيون بهذا الإستحقاق فلا يعملون على مغامرات غير محسوبة".

وإذ ذكّر "أن الفريق الذي ناوأ المقاومة وخيارها وجد أنه لم يحقق أي نتيجه" قال أن النتيجة المعاكسة هي أنه "لم يعد هناك من مقاطعة لا للحكومة ولا للمجلس النيابي، وهناك ارتياح لهذا التغيير والمراجعة وهذا الأداء ولإنتاجية المجلس النيابي".

يذكر أن رئيس مجلس النواب نبيه بري دعا إلى جلسة لانتخاب رئيس الأربعاء المقبل.

من جهة أخرى نبه رعد إلى أن "سحب مشروع سلسلة الرتب والرواتب ينطوي على مخاطرة تطيير سلسلة الرتب والرواتب وخصوصا مع دخولنا الإستحقاق الرئاسي".

إلا أن رعد استدرك في الوقت عينه قائلا "لكننا لا نريد استباق الأمور، وإذا كان إرجاء بت هذا الموضوع خمسة عشرة يوما فليكن، ونريد الإلتزام بهذه المدة حتى يستطيع المجلس النيابي أن يشرع ويصدر القانون المناسب في هذا الموضوع".

يذكر أن البرلمان قرر الأربعاء تأليف لجنة لدرس السلسلة لمدة 15 يوما بعد أن أحالتها اللجان يوم الجمعة الفائت على عجل من دون الإتفاق على جميع المواد الخلافية. وصوت نواب "حزب الله" وحركة "أمل" ضد مشروع اللجنة.



التعليقات 43
Thumb beiruti 15:59 ,2014 نيسان 18

pointing to the necessity of choosing a president who “preserves and defends the resistance’s choice.”
He added: "The country cannot bear any more conflicts.”
“The new president must also be keen on the unity of the Lebanese.”
“rejecting the resistance's choice to any other, threatens national sovereignty and places the country on the verge of the abyss."

Consider what this guy says. "The Resistance choice" What is that? Their choice to defend the Assad Regime? The "Resistance" chose otherwise when it signed off on the Baabda Declaration.

Thumb EagleDawn 16:22 ,2014 نيسان 18

Yes beiruti, you are right, what we really want is brave people like those who were saying "oh please be nice to HA! dont provoke them! bend over and do as they say, maybe they'll be nice!"

Thumb ice-man 17:06 ,2014 نيسان 18

@josephirani: Do you believe Oscar Pistorius intentionally murdered his model girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp because she supports the resistance? Please, advise

Thumb beiruti 17:09 ,2014 نيسان 18

That is altogether possible Tex, but I do not believe that the Syrian "election" will be a serious multiparty election. It will be another rubber stamp of Assad, dressed up as something else. The other candidates probably will not even dare to come into the country out of fear of being shot or blown up. Assad is already in and the outcome of the Lebanese election should not in a material way affect the Syrian presidential selection of Assad. But, its always possible.

Thumb geha 17:11 ,2014 نيسان 18

the spokesperson of the Iranian extremist terrorist militia, Mr. Raad, has spoken :)

is there really a need to comment on this?

Thumb ice-man 17:30 ,2014 نيسان 18

@joshbustaniirani: Are you Christian?

Missing cedars 17:44 ,2014 نيسان 18

Anyone who opposed your Iranian-Syrian hegemony 10 yrs ago when the Syrian Shabiha were in Lebanon and used to make one phone call to our politicians to force their authorities you called them Israeli and belong to Imperialism, today you call the same people Takfiris and supporters of Al-Qaeda. Admit to the history that you were the first terrorists in 1983 (Marines-Paratroopers) + Hijacking planes, also Admit that your Syrian masters trained Sa3eka Palestinians to massacare Dammour in the South in the 70s. Your are the root of what's called takfiris.

Thumb ice-man 19:58 ,2014 نيسان 18

3 minutes ago LBCI: Aoun will not take part in the parliamentary session on April 23 if consensus was not reached to elect him as president. Hizbullah will commit to the decision made by Aoun, thus will also not head to the parliament along with AMAL who abides by March 8's decision.

Thumb ex-fpm 20:02 ,2014 نيسان 18

there you have it. All their talk about democracy and quorum is just hypocrisy at best. Here is what the "relative" just said:

5 minutes ago FPM MP Alain Aoun to LBCI: The circumstances are not ripe yet to elect a new president and all data indicate that a leader cannot be elected on Wednesday.

Thumb beiruti 16:02 ,2014 نيسان 18

And the need to avoid more conflicts and to be keen on the unity of the country? Who other than Hezbollah has thrown the country into conflict by its illegal participation in the Syrian War? The incitement of Syrian Opposition retaliation in Lebanon, the aggravation of sectarian divisions in Arsal, Tripoli and Sidon, who more than Hezbollah has been the cause of division and conflict?
Who has put the country on the edge of the abyss. By Hezbollah's participation along the Damascus Homs corridor to the east of Lebanon, Hezbollah has not participated in defeating the Syrian Opposition, only to moving the front of the war from Syria into Lebanon at Hermal, Arsal and other Sunni towns in the Bekaa.

Thumb beiruti 16:04 ,2014 نيسان 18

Should the next president take Mr. Raad's advice, and I hope that the next president does take Raad's advice, then he would address the cause of every problem that Raad has raised and effect the disbandment of the Pasdaran force known as Hezbollah.

Thumb popeye 16:18 ,2014 نيسان 18

"pointing to the necessity of choosing a president who “preserves and defends the resistance’s choice.”

Absolutely NOT. The terror party's choice has been made clear now for many years: a sectarian militia with an evil regional scheme that has nothing to do with Lebanese interests, a terror organization the world over, an oppressive and militarized culture.

We need a President that preserves Lebanon, its role, and future.

Thumb EagleDawn 16:26 ,2014 نيسان 18

How many down votes you will give us today josephani/Full-disclosure and Co?

Missing hajjradwan 16:51 ,2014 نيسان 18

"Israelis don't get to vote for Lebanon's presidency"

and we can all thank Sleiman Frangieh for this, his refusal to have Fayez Karam on his electoral list in 2009 as Michel Aoun wanted saved the day.

Thumb ice-man 17:32 ,2014 نيسان 18

No Baroud.... No Demianos Khattar.... No Aoun.... No Flamethrower.... No Southern.... Hakeem W' Basssss!!!

Thumb ex-fpm 16:33 ,2014 نيسان 18

Something is weird going on, read this article on Nahar but the details are in tomorrow's edition:


Missing peace 16:35 ,2014 نيسان 18

LOL in order words: we choose who is to be president! democracy the hezbi way! what a joke these people are.....

and he dare say "The country cannot bear any more conflicts.” when it is an open threat to whoever oppose them? lol!

Default-user-icon Ben CanAm (ضيف) 16:36 ,2014 نيسان 18

@Crucher. Obviously, the Lebanese don't vote for their President either so you are all out.

Thumb ex-fpm 16:37 ,2014 نيسان 18

Mr. Raad: Stop your BS and go to Parliament and exercise your duty as an elected MP and elect whoever you see is fit. If Geagea is not your candidate then don't elect him but do go and let the elections be held. We are doomed to share this country with you and your likes.

Missing peace 16:38 ,2014 نيسان 18

“The new president must also be keen on the unity of the Lebanese.”

sure! unity is under a UNIQUE army! not with a militia that decides instead of the real army about war and peace!

unity is under a UNIQUE state! not under a state and a party that does as it pleases whenever laws go against them!

Thumb lebanon_first 16:39 ,2014 نيسان 18

southern. You dont even live in lebanon. You dont care about Lebanon as much as you care about YOUR IDEA of lebanon: you want a land of constant fight.

You were so scarred by the zionists as a kid that you want Lebanon to become a land of constant war against zionists. If lebanon becomes a blood bath for Assad or for the pals, you dont care. As long as there is war.

We told you 100 times that the same way you hate israel, we, your copatriots hate Assad, and you still consider assad's syria a friendly country.

Thumb lebanon_first 16:46 ,2014 نيسان 18

why is it imposed on you? Isn't sour liberated?
isnt nabatiyeh liberated?
isn't bint jbeil liberated?
isnt maroun el rass liberated?
What do u still want to liberate?

Missing peace 16:48 ,2014 نيسان 18

L_f for 22km2 they just love to put the whole country at risk... how can hezbi survive if they do not invent new things to scare people so that they can still sell their soup to ignorant fools?....

Thumb lebanon_first 17:34 ,2014 نيسان 18

Southern. I too am scared that Assad will come back and invade lebanon again. But am I arming myself? The christians were bombed without mercy by evil Assad. Do you see them arming themselves, invading Beirut like HA did, creating a "resistance" and undermining the LAF?

You are afraid that the israelis steal from us 3 or 4 Billion dollars of resources? You know how much the mere presence of HA weapons, and the instability to have a sectarian milicia stronger than the army is making us lose in tourists every year? Way more than 2 Billion every year.

Missing peace 22:10 ,2014 نيسان 18

you got no one fake crusher... you do not need an armed resistance to liberate 22km2 and hold hostage a whole country! .... you need a few willingful men to negociate your case through diplomacy...
but cowards resort to arms it is so much easier, no need to think to press a trigger....

oh! i see that your frustration took you to insult me! LOL no wonder coming from a hezbi supporter...i don't bother as it does not reach me, just pity for you for it is all you know to do: insult and kill those against you...

Missing peace 16:42 ,2014 نيسان 18

lol! hezbis never defended freedom! they defend their own interests... LOL

Thumb ice-man 16:42 ,2014 نيسان 18

Meqdads..... airport road..... women driving...... captagon..... Brital...... resistance..... and VICTORY!

Thumb lebanon_first 16:44 ,2014 نيسان 18

southern Which occupation? Lebanon is not occupied anymore. Fhama ba2a.

Missing hajjradwan 16:55 ,2014 نيسان 18

Ok now I understand Berri's statement earlier, Mohammad Raad had "a chat" with him I guess.

Thumb ice-man 17:31 ,2014 نيسان 18

@josephani: do you watch the circus?

Thumb ice-man 19:30 ,2014 نيسان 18

yes, we are @josephani, same team, same page, same ideology. "Happy Easterani" to you!

Thumb lebanon_first 17:39 ,2014 نيسان 18

texas. I dont agree.

True, assad is telling either accept me, or have a country full of daesh in SYRIA.
I dont think assad has leverage to put conditions about lebanon. I think that the balance of power between Assad and HA has reversed, and now it is HA who gives its conditions to Assad. Not the opposite. In the past, despite HA's reluctance, Assad was putting bombs to kill M14 figures, and HA couldnt refuse. Now he can't anymore, since SHN is stronger than Assad today.

Thumb ex-fpm 17:55 ,2014 نيسان 18

HA presence in Syria is "Necessary, Legal, and Temporary"....hehehe!

Missing peace 18:28 ,2014 نيسان 18

he defends hezbis interests not lebanese... do not mix both things!

as we know lebanon for you boils down to hezbollah only! LOL

Missing castro 18:34 ,2014 نيسان 18

Where is FT? Did he finally get a job?

Thumb ice-man 19:27 ,2014 نيسان 18

@Jaafar: Congratulations on proving that any idiot can have a family:)

Thumb ice-man 19:44 ,2014 نيسان 18

Dear Flamethrower: I must apologize for my inappropriate comment and ask for your forgiveness during this holy occasion. I just got carried away with my emotions and jumped at the first possible opportunity to praise you. I know you are not an idiot in the common sense of the word. I think highly of you and your comments here on this forum.

Missing peace 18:50 ,2014 نيسان 18

can't be aoun right? didn't he say he will not be candidate if mustaqbal backs geagea?

Missing peace 21:30 ,2014 نيسان 18

"If the March 14 coalition and al-Mustaqbal Movement announced their support for Geagea in the presidential elections, I will not nominate myself,” Aoun stated in an interview on Al-Mayadeen television.

Missing VINCENT 01:44 ,2014 نيسان 19

Coolaid for the masses. If your "Resistance" is showing different colors, and more than 50% of the Lebanese population do not want your version of resistance, how can you utter the words: "the country cannot bear any more conflicts and the new president must also be keen on the unity of the Lebanese" while you insist that "your party wants a candidate who preserves and defends the resistance's choice?” We want true and genuine resistance from all foreign interests.

Thumb Chupachups 02:33 ,2014 نيسان 19

The Hizbullah MP stressed that the party wants a candidate who “preserves and defends the resistance's choice. ...........

"PRESERVE and defend the resistances actions....." NEed i say more???????????????????????? filthy.

Thumb shab 03:24 ,2014 نيسان 19

Filthy murdering militia

Missing people-power 06:00 ,2014 نيسان 19

Democracy Iran-style. They think they can veto their opponents candidates.

In Iran, you cannot run for office unless you are approved by the ayatollahs. Similar to 1939 in Germany, where one would be required to be a member of the Nazi party. Or from 1970-2013 in Syria, where you were required to be a member of the Baath party.

Real Democracy!