باسيل: المساعدات المباشرة للنازحين السوريين تمدد فترة بقائهم في لبنان
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اعتبر وزير الخارجية جبران باسيل ان المساعدات المباشرة للنازحين السوريين الى لبنان تؤدي الى تمديد فترة بقائهم على الاراضي اللبنانية.
ولفت في مؤتمر صحافي عقده قبل ظهر الثلاثاء مع نظيره الالماني فرانك فالتر شتاينماير في برلين، الى ان "لبنان يعاني من الضعط الشديد من وجود اللاجئين السوريين على اراضيه".
وأشار الى ان المانيا تساعد لبنان بازالة العبء، كاشفاً عن زيارة مرتقبة لشتاينماير في 30 الجاري الى لبنان.
الى ذلك، قال باسيل ان "النزوح السوري تخطى المعقول والدولة اللبنانية بحاجة إلى مساعدات مباشرة لمعالجة هذا الملف"، مضيفاً ان "المساعدة المباشرة للاجئين السوريين تؤدي الى تمديد بقائهم في لبنان".
من جهته، أشار وزير الخارجية الالماني إلى ان "لبنان من أكثر البلدان المتأثرة بالأزمة السورية، وهو عاني بشكل كبير جداً من ضغط اللاجئين السوريين، إذ ان مئات الآلاف من هؤلاء اللاجئين يتواجدون في هذا البلد الصغير".
واعتبر ان "البلاد تواجه الآن المهمة الأصعب المتمثلة في إحتواء هذا العدد الهائل من اللاجئين السوريين وتزويدهم بالإحتياجات".
كما أشار شتاينماير إلى ان المانيا "تحاول ان تؤدي دوراً في لبنان بهدف معالجة وضع اللاجئين"، قائلاً: "لقد حاولنا المساعدة من خلال إستقبال في ألمانيا 10 آلاف نازح سوري إلى لبنان".

Bassil ! You know what would encourage Syrian refugee to stay in Lebanon ??? HEZBOLLAH's further involvement in Syria !
And while you're actually trying to pose as an actual foreign minister. How about you follow your president's order to "investigate" daily attacks by the syrian regime on Lebanese soil and file a complaint to the UNSC ?

Crushed Mowaten, if you want reality, go have a stroll in Hamra or any refugee camp and ask them who they are fleeing. While your at it, wear a Hezbollah T-Shirt and go offer food and medicine. We will see how they will greet you.
I give this challenge to any brainwashed idiot such as yourself because this is the only way you will snap out of the illusion you live in and face reality !
And what propaganda am I doing regarding imBassil's failure to respond to ORDERS from the president, investigate Syrian violations and file a complaint. If he believes there has been no violations, then let him state so !

lying crusher, arsal and akkar is full of qusayris and qalamounis, qusayr is almost empty... Lebanon is getting what he deserves...

I would do it Crushed Mowaten but would rather die than wear a Hezbollah T-Shirt and be butchered to death by an onslaught of Syrians who's lives are ruined because of the Kezb !
This proves my point ! You're full of Nasrallah!

sort of like the direct or indirect assistance that you and your father in law gets from Iran that encourages your ongoing bootlicking to HA and the butcher of damascus?

its always better when aid passes through those dimwits in the government, it allows them to then share the toothpicks with the refugees.

FPM has Lebanese interest at heart ? They are defending the attack of Lebanese sovereignty by Iran and Syria. They are defending Hezbollah's war in Syria which is directly responsible for a large chunk of the influx of refugees. They are blocking the presidential elections and fail to propose a candidate.
The only thing the FPM has at heart is the interests of Michel Aoun. It pisses on the rest of the Lebanese and would create an alliance with the devil if he promised Aoun the presidency. Luckily, even the devil would not place him in this post !

@Roar : typical threat of typical M8 goons who can only achieve things by violence, insults and killing or eliminating their opponents.
You're failure to reply is an indication of the vast emptiness in your tiny little head. It also shows you are incapable of reply or dialogue.
Now, send your goons to kick me out of here or murder me. Whatever it is you do to shut up your opponents :)

What Violence ?
The same violence that pushes Hezbollah to storm media organisations to shut them up. The same violence that leads Hezbollah to block roads whenever someone criticizes or mocks your living god Hassouné. The same violence that leads to killing of protesters in front of the iranian embassy. The same violence that leads to the murder of journalists.
In fact, the same violence that will turn you brain dead and start asking for proof when you're drowning in it !

@Crusher : everyday, emptiness, irrelevance, and... propaganda and lies coming from you.
In fact, you're incapable of proving me wrong !
Yalla, take my points one by one and expose my lies !!! I dare you !

send all refugees Syrians and Palestinians to the gulf countries where there is enough money to cater for their needs
btw not 1 refugee camp in the gulf countries be it Palestinian or Syrian

Sorry, but tiny Lebanon can NOT pick up the slack any more... Time for all Syrians + Palestinians = to go somewhere else...Enough is enough..Anytime there is a problem anywhere on this earth even in Jupiter, right way, Lebanon has to suffer somehow; whereas the rest of the world is enjoying their day to day life!!

he is 100% right!!! In times of peace we were flooded by Syrian workers. they are not refugees, they are economic immigrants! All is well if they pay taxes, and social security; however they work in black, for minimal wages, Syrian owned businesses do not pay taxes, nor contributions to social security. This situation will not be tolerated in any country in the world!! Why should we accept it??

Roar. Partly true. FPM, Kataeb, and FL are the only ones who have Lebanon's agenda at heart. weirdly enough, they are foes.
HA's interest is way beyond lebanon, seeking to reinforce Iranian interests in the region, Amal's agenda is strictly employing Lebanon's shia in the state and raising their salaries, and Mustakbal is going up and down with the Saudi mood.

roar. I do live and work in lebanon.
And the refugee issue is paramount. half the public school students are syrians, learning on our expense, bread, Electricity, diesel, all is subsidised for syrians like lebanese. Meanwhile refugees get their checks from UNRWA, and Lebanese govt gets nothing. And all our moslem leadership is doing nothing. Only people talking are FPM, Kataeb and LF.

idiotic bassil speaking against refugees in germany, while germany is the european country with the most refugees, among them lots of lebanese...

"suggesting aid to the Lebanese government instead."
sure and like in any 3rd world country the money will never be redistributed to those in need but rather in their pockets...