لقاء الحريري-نصرالله "غير مطروح" حالياً

Read this story in English W460

أفادت مصادر مطلعة أن اللقاء بين رئيس تيار "المستقبل" سعد الحريري والأمين العام لحزب الله السيد حسن نصرالله ليس مطروحاً في الوقت الراهن.

واشارت أوساط تيار "المستقبل" في حديث لصحيفة "الحياة"، الأحد الى أن "اللقاء بين الحريري ونصرالله ليس مطروحاً الآن، لأن الخلاف مع الحزب لا يزال عميقاً حول مشاركته في الحرب في سوريا وقد تركت هذه المشاركة انعكاسات سلبية على لبنان".

وأضافت أن "هذا الكلام ليس من باب التحدي بل من باب الواقع".

ونقلت أوساط "المستقبل" عن الحريري قوله إن "ما حصل في عرسال هو إنذار الى كل اللبنانيين وحتى الى "حزب الله" وسياسته في سوريا".

واعتبرت ان"دخول الحزب الى سوريا في الأساس كان لمنع وصول المتطرفين الى لبنان، كما أعلن الحزب، لكن ما حصل كان عكس ذلك. خاضوا معركة القلمون وهم يدركون أن لا منفذ للمسلحين والمتطرفين إلا لبنان، وكأن معركة القلمون حصلت حتى يدخلوا الى هنا وكأن "حزب الله" دخل سوريا للإتيان بالإرهابيين الى لبنان".

يشار الى أن "حزب الله" يشارك بالحرب السورية منذ تموز 2013 الى جانب جيش النظام السوري.

وبعد غياب دام ثلاث سنوات عاد الحريري الى بيروت حاملا معه هبة سعودية بقيمة مليار دولار، الى الجيش الذي اندلعت بينه وبين مسلحين في عرسال اشتباكات دامية.

وكان قد سبق للمملكة ان اعلنت في كانون الاول 2013 عن هبة بقيمة ثلاثة مليارات دولار مخصصة لشراء اسلحة من فرنسا لصالح الجيش.


التعليقات 9
Default-user-icon kazan (ضيف) 10:59 ,2014 آب 10

As long as the main program and objective of the political parties is focussed on religious arguments and not on education, employment, healthcare,economy etc...(for all Lebanese equally), tension and insecurity will remain in this country.

Default-user-icon Hassan1962 (ضيف) 11:57 ,2014 آب 10

@FT...Seriously is that the best answer you can come up with here ? I kind of thought you much smarter than that, but after this post I'm questioning your intelligence ma man.

Read it again and slap yourself a few times after you realise what a dumb reply that was.

No hard feelings, just pointing the obvious :D

Thumb Tony.Farris 17:47 ,2014 آب 10

He will drop dead if he sees his face in the mirror, reading it again is impossible for him...

Thumb chrisrushlau 18:15 ,2014 آب 10

Hariri is simply conforming with the tried-and-true doctrine that no problem is too big to run away from. He has gotten to where he is by ignoring the fact that Shiites are in the majority in Lebanon and ignoring the fact that the Taef Accord (so-called) gift of half of Parliamentary seats to the Christian minority (30%) is an assault on all Lebanese Muslims. He is on a roll. With pleny of mayonnaise.

Thumb EagleDawn 18:43 ,2014 آب 10

why do you call yourself chris not abbas? are you ashamed?

Thumb gma-bs-artist. 20:28 ,2014 آب 10

Sorry to burst your bubble, but the Shiites are not the majority, that's a lies concocted by the hezb's propaganda department and it was given some credence in some circles when it was repeated by Noam Chomsky after he visited Lebanon. Unfortunately some naive ignorant fool keeps repeating it as if it was fact. Sunnis and Shiites are about the same with Sunnis having a slight edge according to the voting rolls and the Christians are much more around the 40%.

Missing helicopter 23:37 ,2014 آب 10

Did you count the imported basij also in your census chrisabbas?

Thumb magnum357 19:37 ,2014 آب 10

Based on your twisted logic and philosophy, Mr.chrisrechelo,the butcher of syria and his father before him and all the shi3a of syria should have no say whatsoever in the politics of syria since they constitute an absolute minority in that country, even less in numbers than the christians themselves. It is pretty clear that your problem and people who think like you, is christianity itself.I don't know where you got your figures from but to put your mind at ease I tell you that we the christians will remain a dagger in your heart and in the heart of everyone that adopts your sectarian logic. We were in Lebanon long long before you and your kind invaded this sacred land and will be here, and in CONTROL, long long after you have dissapeared. We have seen your kind come and go.Take a good look,our cross is dug deep in our land, and if you don't like it,the Arab world is big enough to to settle filth like you.

Thumb nickjames 00:20 ,2014 آب 11

Look at all the Sohat