وزير اسرائيلي يرد على نصرالله: سندمر لبنان من جذوره

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رد وزير المواصلات الاسرائيلي يسرائيل كاتس على الامين العام لـ"حزب الله" السيد حسن نصرالله، مهدداً بإعادة لبنان "الى العصر الحجري".

وعبر حسابه على موقع التواصل الاجتماعي "فايسبوك"، قال كاتس انه في حال اندلعت حرب جديدة مع حزب الله، "سندمر لبنان من جذوره وسنعيده إلى العصر الحجري".

كلام كاتس أتى رداً نصرالله الذي ألقى خطاباً متلفزاً الثلاثاء، في ذكرى عاشوراء، اعتبر فيه ان التهديدات الاسرائيلية بحرب ثالثة على لبنان ليس سوى دليل "ضعف وخوف".

كما كان قد قال نصرالله انه في حال اندلاع الحرب فعلى اسرائيل ان تغلق مطاراتها وموانئها.


التعليقات 32
Default-user-icon Piotr (ضيف) 08:01 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 05

We are already in the stone age... unfortunately

Thumb _mowaten_ 17:35 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 05

Katz sounds hysterical lol

Thumb liberty 04:56 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 06

not as much as you troll

Thumb freedomarch 08:08 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 05


Thumb geha 08:11 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 05

to katz: Lebanon is has been returned to the stone age thanks to hizbushaitan.
if you execute what you say for once, then we will recover our Lebanon and will make it prosper again.

thus you will be doing us a favor by finally eradicating these extremist terrorist Iranian militia.
that is hijacking our country.

Missing appletalk 12:04 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 05

sovereign geha begging the israeli to raze lebanon to the ground, then when someone accuses geha of treachery, she violently denies it. ghareeb!

Thumb _mowaten_ 17:35 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 05

and when he's not begging israel to kill his fellow lebanese, he's begging nusra & isis. what a patriot! :)

Thumb marcus 08:24 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 05

propaganda speeches as both of these terror entities need each other in order to exist

Thumb joebustani 08:45 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 05

bless anyone person, entity, brigade, organization or country that inflicts extreme pain, suffering, death or destruction upon the terrorist sectarian iranian militia and its supporters wherever they maybe

Default-user-icon salim (ضيف) 09:03 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 05

Return us back to the stone age? ---> thx 4 the UPGRADE

Thumb -phoenix1 14:02 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 05

Salim, yours is one of the savviest posts I've seen in a long time, smart, savvy and sharp.

Default-user-icon flamethrower_._. (ضيف) 14:43 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 05

do you know why I was banned?>>>

Default-user-icon ebn-shouf (ضيف) 09:34 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 05

Israel wont do anythng,if yes ahla wsahla,or maybe this time will visit them bel jalil

Missing helicopter 16:14 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 05

“If such a scenario does materialize, we will raze Lebanon to the ground! We will return it to the Stone Age and bury (Nasrallah) under the rocks,” .............
Razing Lebanon to the ground is what HA has been doing for decades. If Israel wanted to get HA and Nasrallah, they could leave Lebanon alone and flatten Dahye where Nasrallah is. The HA/Israel charade continues.

Missing ysurais 10:02 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 05

We need a Peaceful and Prosper Lebanon.. We don't want to fight anyone nor anyone fighting us..
We want jobs, security, oil, gas & Love...

Default-user-icon ysouri (ضيف) 10:17 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 05

and of course the resistance

Missing appletalk 12:04 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 05

oil, gas & love! hahaha

Missing humble 10:08 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 05

What worries me is that HA wants to launch a war with the precise aim that Lebanon will be entirely destroyed....

Thumb _mowaten_ 17:37 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 05

ridiculous, nobody fought as hard as hezbollah to defend and liberate this country

Missing peace 17:43 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 05

no, defend iranian interests in Lebanon which is totally different mooowaten...

Thumb _mowaten_ 18:32 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 05

and what are those "iranian interests" exactly? liberate the south? deter israel from their agressions on us?
it's easy to throw propaganda lines around but they dont stick.

Missing peace 18:55 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 05

i don't expect anything to stick on you as a brave little hezbi soldier you are....

but anyone with common sense can clearly see that hezbollah takes the defense of Lebanon as a pretext to be the armed soldier of iran here....

and israel always threaten hezbollah never Lebanon in case you have not noticed... so hezbis are defending themselves, not Lebanon but just bring destruction upon us and you are so proud of it!

Thumb _mowaten_ 11:04 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 06

yes, israel does not threaten lebanon, as the title of this article indicates:

"Israel Threatens to Return Lebanon to Stone Age"

just take a hike peasse, you're ridiculing yourself.

Thumb -phoenix1 14:04 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 05

Sayed Hassan, your rhetoric is too fiery, anyway, we're used to you now. Israel, no surprise this time again, you too stop the concert, it's getting way too long in the tooth now.

Thumb Mystic 14:41 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 05

We've heard "Israel" say that before, only thing that is holding Israel back, is the retaliation that the Resistance, will swiftly provide them.

Missing helicopter 16:16 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 05

HA and Israel are in bed together. Israel is intent on weakening Lebanon to aid HA in becoming the dominant force. They did it in 2006 and will do it again if needed.

Thumb -phoenix1 16:47 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 05

Mystic, all I can is this: The ballet dance between Israel and HA is a tune that has become too old, too stale, no matter how sweet a song may be, play it all day long, soon after people will get bored. This is exactly how I and most Lebanese now feel.

Thumb Mystic 18:35 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 05

That's not what you said a few days ago Phoenix, back then you almost begged for no war between the two.

Missing zgmdf 06:51 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 06

What a joker!! The Resistance is primarily resisting fellow Muslims, and not Israel

Missing peace 17:38 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 05

no difference between the israeli rhetoric and hezbollah's! two extremists sides of the same coin.....

Default-user-icon ned (ضيف) 18:18 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 05

good luck with that but we are getting there ourselves without any help.

Missing zgmdf 06:53 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 06

What a brave soldier!!! So you will get rid of your Pro-Iranian puppets and collaborators?