سوريا تعلن اسقاط طائرة استطلاع اسرائيلية فوق القنيطرة

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اعلن مصدر عسكري سوري لوكالة الانباء الرسمية "سانا" اسقاط طائرة استطلاع اسرائيلية فوق محافظة القنيطرة، بعد اسبوعين على اتهام دمشق لاسرائيل بشن غارتين على مواقع قرب دمشق.

وقالت "سانا" في خبر اوردته مساء الاحد "اعلن مصدر عسكرى اليوم اسقاط طائرة استطلاع اسرائيلية من دون طيار فوق محافظة القنيطرة"، موضحا ان "الطائرة وهي من نوع+سكاي لارك 1+ اسقطت قرب قرية حضر" في شمال المحافظة.

وتابع المصدر ان الطائرة "يبلغ طولها 200 سنتم وعرضها 312 سنتم ومدى الطيران 20 كلم وتتم قيادتها من محطة ارضية".

ولم يحدد المصدر تاريخ اسقاط الطائرة.

في المقابل، نقلت صحيفة "هارتس" الاسرائيلية على موقعها الالكتروني عن متحدث باسم الجيش الاسرائيلي لم تسمه ان "لا علم للجيش باسقاط الية جوية في سوريا".

وياتي اعلان سوريا عن اسقاط طائرة الاستطلاع بعد اسبوعين على اتهامها اسرائيل بشن غارتين على منطقتين قرب دمشق، منددة بما اعتبرته "دعما مباشرا" اسرائيليا للمعارضة والاسلاميين المتطرفين الذين يحاربون نظام بشار الاسد.

وامتنعت اسرائيل عن تاكيد شن الغارتين، الا انها شددت على لسان وزير الاستخبارات يوفال شتاينيتز انها مصممة على منع "نقل اسلحة" من سوريا الى حزب الله اللبناني الذي يقاتل الى جانب نظام الاسد.

وكان الجيش الاسرائيلي وسلاحه الجوي شنا عدة غارات على مواقع في سوريا منذ بداية النزاع الدامي في سوريا في آذار/مارس 2011. كما استهدف سلاح الجو الاسرائيلي في سوريا بنى تحتية لحزب الله اللبناني او اسلحة كانت موجهة اليه.

وتحتل اسرائيل منذ 1967 حوالى 1200 كلم مربع من هضبة الجولان السورية التي اعلنت ضمها في قرار لم يعترف به المجتمع الدولي. وتبلغ مساحة الجزء غير المحتل نحو 512 كلم مربعا.

واسرائيل وسوريا في حالة حرب رسميا.

التعليقات 27
Thumb Mystic 12:25 ,2014 كانون الأول 22

Another direct proof that Israel aids the takfiris. Surveillance is only one, out of many ways they help them.

Thumb justin 22:19 ,2014 كانون الأول 22

I don't think he had any to begin with.

Thumb Mystic 12:47 ,2014 كانون الأول 22

How come Al Nusra, Isis never shot a bullet at Israel? Syria are part of the Resistance, they supported Hezbollah in 2006 and before, when your likes cheered Israeli airstrikes, and prayed for Israeli success.

Thumb Mystic 12:53 ,2014 كانون الأول 22

Funny Naharnet tries to hide the fact, that Israel treats takfiris from Syria in Golan. http://www.timesofisrael.com/syrian-rebel-leader-thanks-pm-for-standing-by-wounded/

Thumb irus_da_virus 13:21 ,2014 كانون الأول 22

The same reason why Syria has never fired a bullet onto the Israeli occupation forces within the annexed Golan Heights.

Thumb Mystic 13:41 ,2014 كانون الأول 22

As far as I can see. It is Syrian jets being shot down, Resistance positiona being bombed. While your beloved Nusra,Qaida,Isis gets Israeli medical support, and all other forms of help see above.

Thumb _mowaten_ 13:41 ,2014 كانون الأول 22


Thumb Mystic 14:04 ,2014 كانون الأول 22

The takfiris ties to Israel, has long been uncovered. But we've seen M14 & the takfiris, trying to hide that in every possible way. They fail every single time.

Missing peace 15:31 ,2014 كانون الأول 22

lol! poor FT always finding excuses for his syrian masters... sure it was easier to use Lebanon as a war field rather than trying to liberate golan... so syria stays peaceful while Lebanon suffers... glad now that the wheel spinned and your friends are in a deep sh....
but still M8 wants to drag the war into Lebanon...

fact is : syria NEVER tried to liberate golan in 50 years... LOL

Missing peace 16:00 ,2014 كانون الأول 22

fact is = you still cannot deny that syria never tried to liberate golan in 50 years... and now israel is more afraid of the islamists than of assad LOL


and yes : all your posts here are to defend the baathist regime... seems you miss it...

if you are not aware of it then it proves how idiot you are....

Thumb freedomarch 14:06 ,2014 كانون الأول 22

In a later news, 2 kids claim loosing control over their newly bought quadcopter over their neighbors home where syrian honorabke intelligence took it as downed drone, we ask them to return it since it was our Christmas present :)

Missing peace 15:24 ,2014 كانون الأول 22

1980? lol

Thumb irus_da_virus 16:27 ,2014 كانون الأول 22

So the mighty Arab Syrian army should not free its Golan heights because Israel will bomb Syria into oblivian, fair enough. So why on Gods earth is it ok for HA to attack Israel in 2006 only for Israel to bomb Lebanon into oblivion, why doesn't your logic apply to Lebanon?

Missing peace 16:34 ,2014 كانون الأول 22

because hezbi lovers prefer assad to Lebanon....

Thumb irus_da_virus 17:23 ,2014 كانون الأول 22

Oh thank the Lord, Asma Assad can drive in Syria, all is well then I guess. Whether she and others have the freedom to have an opinion different than that of the Syrian regime is irrelevant, after all she can drive, what more does one need?

Thumb freedomarch 18:01 ,2014 كانون الأول 22

Hass1978, well well, Damm you, your bread, people think like you smell like you, talk as bad as you, if your family are like you add them to the dammed list, You and whatever you to present are real, no joke, scum and dirty. Try to insult again and you bring all the beautiful words to you and people arround you. Don't take care.

Thumb freedomarch 18:04 ,2014 كانون الأول 22

We are UAE, Eygpt, Algeria, Moroco, Jordan eyc etc and above all KSA.

Thumb _mowaten_ 18:24 ,2014 كانون الأول 22

all but lebanon, right?

Missing peace 18:31 ,2014 كانون الأول 22

says the supporter of a party that pledged allegiance to the islamic revolution of iran but never to Lebanon... LOL

Thumb _mowaten_ 19:26 ,2014 كانون الأول 22

i comment what he said. you comment what you wish i said. see the difference?

Missing peace 19:59 ,2014 كانون الأول 22

exactly.. as you never pledged allegiance to Lebanon....

Thumb freedomarch 18:27 ,2014 كانون الأول 22

Wrong, All but farsi Iran ...

Thumb freedomarch 19:39 ,2014 كانون الأول 22

KSA helps the lebanese governments and institutions even if controlled by people that they dont adore, while Islamic Rep Public of Iran *(arien :) ), support unconditionally and and with no limit the GhizEbola yours.

Thumb _mowaten_ 19:57 ,2014 كانون الأول 22

what sweet sweet hearts they have. boy you must really love licking shoes.

Default-user-icon Jaafar ibn iblees (ضيف) 22:22 ,2014 كانون الأول 22

mowaten, have you ever thought about taking your own life?

Thumb freedomarch 19:43 ,2014 كانون الأول 22

You see the difference khayo..!

Thumb irus_da_virus 05:49 ,2014 كانون الأول 23

Not sure how well travelled you are but insulting the president is a punitive crime in most countries including the US. And what a strange example you decided to choose to describe what freedom means to you, so according to you if you can't insult the president then your not free, but based on the language in your post, that example seems to be a good reflection of who you are so not really surprised