لندن تقرر إغلاق سفارتها بطهران وسفارة طهران لديها وطرد جميع العاملين

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أعلن وزير الخارجية البريطاني وليام هيغ الاربعاء اغلاق السفارة البريطانية في طهران التي تعرضت الثلاثاء لهجوم متظاهرين وكذلك اغلاق السفارة الايرانية في لندن "في غضون 48 ساعة".

وقال هيغ امام النواب "اغلقنا الان سفارتنا في طهران" معتبرا ان الهجوم عليها ما كان ليقع "لولا موافقة ما" من النظام الايراني.

كذلك هدد رئيس الوزراء البريطاني ديفيد كاميرون الاربعاء ايران ب "تدابير قاسية جدا" على اثر الهجوم "المشين" الثلاثاء على السفارة البريطانية في طهران، موضحا ان سلامة الطاقم الدبلوماسي تتصدر اهتماماته.

واوضح ديفيد كاميرون امام النواب انه ترأس اجتماعا لخلية وزارية الثلاثاء وصباح الاربعاء، وانه تحدث مع السفير حول سلامة عناصر السفارة.

وقال ان "سلامتهم يجب ان تكون هاجسنا الاول". واضاف "بعد ذلك، سنبحث في امكانية اتخاذ تدابير قاسية جدا ردا على هذا التصرف المشين والمعيب للايرانيين".

وقد بدأت بريطانيا الاربعاء باجلاء افراد طاقمها الدبلوماسي من ايران غداة اقتحام سفارتها في طهران من جانب متظاهرين مقربين من النظام.

التعليقات 5
Thumb libnani 17:10 ,2011 تشرين الثاني 30

Although I don't like Iran's government or their supporters, I understand these guys. Britain and the Western world is what divided the Arabs and Muslims and poisoned us with nationalism. Nationalism brought political parties that have worse morals than the devil (baath party of Syria, all the ones that massacred people in the civil war, Hezbollah, etc). Since these countries put Lebanon and other Arab countries in hell, we should disassociate with them. Also, they are getting mad for storming their embassy? Then we should be even angrier for storming our COUNTRIES and sending them to hell! And for supporting the dictators that blocked our progress for years and years!

Thumb Bandoul 17:56 ,2011 تشرين الثاني 30

???? Britain and the Western world is what divided the Arabs and Muslims ????

Please cite a date and time in history where Arabs and Muslim were united and at peace with one another.

I am sick and tired of people never taking responsibility for their lives and their failures. It is always someone else's fault...the way of the coward.

Better yet, blame everything no matter what it is on the west! This way you will never have to stand up and take control of your lives and you can justify any immoral, irrational and ideological behavior without any type of reproach. PATHETIC!

Thumb Bandoul 18:03 ,2011 تشرين الثاني 30

People who sympathize with and rationalize the need for violence to resolve any kind of problem, political or otherwise, are themselves promoting and advocating lawlessness and criminality that is contrary to morality and every known kind of religion.

Thumb libnani 21:53 ,2011 تشرين الثاني 30

Haha, I will tell you. No matter what any you of you Western loving idiots say, the best time for us, the Arabs, all the Arabs, no matter what faith, was at the time of the Islamic ruled empires and dynasties. The world came to the Middle East to learn the sciences, or went to Moorish SPain. Then the Ottoman Empire declined, and the West invaded the Middle East, divided our countries, instilled their racist stupid values. If you like the West so much, invite them yalla, let them do to every country what they did to Iraq, what they will do in Libya, etc. Btw, if it was not for "secularism", or "nationalism", That stupid man Bashar al Assad wouldn't be doing what he is doing. We need to uproot all these governments that are blocking our progress, and use what benefited us in the time of our glory again. The truth is in history, you can use your love of the imperialists to back you up, but in the end, you are wrong.

Thumb Bandoul 17:24 ,2011 كانون الأول 01

people who use the terms "Western loving idiots" and "instilled their racist stupid values" and "use your love of the imperialists" give us a clear insight into what kind of individuals they themselves are.

Those are the same people who would stand on their head to get a visa to immigrate to the western world to take advantages of the liberties to achieve their dreams and all the meanwhile cursing the host country, promoting sharia law and speaking passionately about how wonderful their home countries are. Hypocrits,every last one of them.

The is the cancer spreading throughtout the world. These are the people who will eventually give their masters who opress and exterminate them to bring about the third world war.