نصرالله: محور المقاومة سيخرح من الحرب الكونية عليه منتصرا
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أكد الامين العام لحزب الله السيد حسن نصر الله أن "محور المقاومة سيخرج من هذه الحرب الكونية عليه في كل البلدان منتصراً قوياً وصلباً".
وقال نصر الله الثلاثاء أن "المقاومة مستهدفة اليوم، وأحد أخطر عناوين الحرب في المنكقة منذ سنوات هو الحرب على المقاومة ومحور المقاومة وهذه الحقيقة تتكشف يوما بعد يوم".
ورأى أن "هناك من يعمل على تمدير الجيوش العربية لمصلحة اسرائيل واسقاط الانظمة العربية المقاومة من أجل اسرائيل، بعد أذلت المقاومة في لبنان وفلسطين الجيش الاسرائيلي وتحول الى جيش خاو".
وحذر من أن "المطلوب أن تدمر جيوش المنطقة من أجل الجيش الاسرائيلي".

the day this iranian shia sectarian terrorist is brutally murdered is the day we celebrate our independence.

The day you people are destroyed completely in Syria and elsewhere, is the day we celebrate our freedom.

but why? You always said the iranian resistance has already liberated you and made you proud.... why do you still feel you are in captivity?

the shias are always oppressed and victimized.... the core foundation of their heretic beliefs.

Victimized. Now now, wasen't it France that turned off the lights on the Eiffel, when you wahabi people got defeated in Aleppo?
You people are quick to cry for Western sympathy.

lol eagleyawn repeating his mantra everyday, sounds like a desperate prayer for a desperate loser.

go hang yourself from a crane in central tehran or sit on a mine or better yet go finish your lobotomy, seems they missed a few spots. It's painful to watch you suffer like this.

I respect Mr. Saturn because he knows milk is not always white.

All my respect and admiration go to Sayed Hassan Nassrallah for saying "the resistance humiliated the Israeli army in Lebanon and Palestine"

Nasrallah mourning Iran's own local Salafi Lord Haw-Haw. Sheikh Fathi Yakan and this guy recruited hundreds of poor Lebanese Sunni youth for the Syrian regime to send to Iraq to "fight the American infidels". Needless to say most where lost while "performing their Jihadi duty".
If Omar Bakri does another about face Nasrallah will honor him the in a similar fashion when shuffles off to that great Harem and sauna in hell where all Jihadi performers go.

Why numerous pep speeches? Scaring your sheep with "Israel", pathetic.
By the way, filthy murdering militia

surely, the israeli enemy was humiliated when it saw dahieh bombed to rubble, our airport destroyed and closed, our port under siege, and the entirety of our infrastructure destroyed.... that's how you humiliate the enemy.
Filthy takiah peddler

The Syrian Army, their barrel bombs, the Russian Airforce, Syrian Militia, Hezbolla, Iranian Guards, fire power, tens of thousands of men... vs militia men... and they call it another divine victory!? "one of the toughest battle that the region has seen in years"..."a big victory"... LOL... without the Russian Jets... this would be going on...

Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey. Billions of aid and weapons from the West.
Limitless salafis crossing from Turkey. Yet you failed and got defeated.

Billions you say yet no anti air rocket which is the only types of weapons they really needed. The regular weapons they got from the fleeing the Syrian cartoon and Maliki's paper armies. You guys of the bee3a al hadinat lil Iranian mercs are prone to exaggeration Imagination and that somewhat amusing in a childlike way.

Well, I failed nothing, for it is not my fight. I despise ISIS more than you do my friend, but I despise Bashar, Ebola, and all this propaganda equally.
As for your argument of Billions and weapons"... it is BS. They have no heavy artillery. And should they have any, it would be immediately be pounded by the Russian Jets. Let's stick to reality Mastika... cut off the drugs...