الان عون: "التغيير والإصلاح" لن يعمل مع أطراف لجنة بكركي بقانون الانتخاب

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اعلن عضو تكتل "التغيير والاصلاح" النائب آلان عون ان "عمل لجنة بكركي انتهى"، معتبراً ان "الكتائب" والقوات" فوتا "الفرصة التاريخية على المسيحيين لتحسين تمثيلهم في المجلس النيابي".

واكد عون في مؤتمر عقده اليوم الاربعاء في مجلس النواب، ان "عمل لجنة بكركي انتهى واصبح في اللجان النيابية حيث تم تحويل مشاريع القوانين اليها".

واعلن عن "انتهاء العمل المشترك مع الكتائب والقوات، وان الاجتماع لن يتم الا اذا طلب البطريرك الماروني مار بشارة بطرس الراعي ذلك"، واعتبر انه "من حق الكتائب والقوات التراجع عن التزاماتهم المسبقة الا انه عليهم الاعتراف بذلك".

وحمل عون "الكتائب" والقوات" تفويت الفرصة التاريخية على المسيحيين لتحسين تمثيلهم في المجلس النيابي".

وشدد على ان "لا مشكلة في ان نجلس مع اشخاص مختلفين معهم بالسياسة الا انه لدينا مشكلة مع اشخاص يكذبون علينا"، معتبراً ان "الاخذ مزيد من الوقت لدرس القوانين الاخرى هي عملية نسف لاقرار القانون الجديدة، ومحاولة للعودة الى قانون الستين".

ورأى ان حديث رئيس حزب "القوات اللبنانية" سمير جعجع، امس الثلاثاء الى "المركزية" تضمن "بعض الملاغطات، فإما ان الذي ابلغه بما حصل في لجنة بكركي كذب عليه، او هو حاول تحريف الموضوع".

وكان قد شدد جعجع في حديثه امس الثلاثاء على ان" التيار الوطني الحر حاول اختراق المتفق عليه غير ان المقيمين على لجنة بكركي جمدوا المحاولة ووضع البطريرك الامور في نصابها فكان اتفاق على الشروع بقانون الدوائر الصغرى ومهلة الايام العشرة".

وقال "حاول ممثل التيار الوطني الحر النائب الان عون التملص من الاولويات التي حددتها اللجنة خلال الاشهر الستة الاخيرة، والمتمثلة بمشروع قانون الدوائر الصغرى، وفي حال لم يتم السير به فقانون النسبية ولكن على اساس مختلف كليا عن "مشروع حزب الله" كما قدمته الحكومة".

ولفت عون الى ان "التنصل من القانون النسبي جاء متدرجا بعد هجوم تيار "المستقبل" ورئيس جبهة "النصال الوطني" النائب وليد جنبلاط، وقد توكل "القوات" و"الكتائب" بالهجوم علينا دون ادنى اخلاقيات لاشحاص جلسوا معنا على الطاولة".

ويُشار الى ان لجنة بكركي التي تمثل الكتل المسيحية الاربعة (الكتائب والقوات والتيار الوطني الحر والمردة) لم تتفق بعد على طرح يرضي كافة اطرافها، وقد شهدت الآونة الاخيرة مناوشات بين اعضائها حيث تم تبادل الاتهامات في الالتفاف على "لجنة بكركي".

يُذكر ان مجلس الوزراء، أقر مطلع آب الفائت، قانونا للإنتخاب يعتمد النسبية في 13 دائرة إنتخابية.(بيروت: دائرتان، الجنوب: دائرتان، البقاع: 3 دوائر، الشمال: 3 دوائر، وجبل لبنان: 3 دوائر).

التعليقات 19
Default-user-icon traitors (ضيف) 13:32 ,2012 أيلول 12

as if FMP and Aoun are interested in the good of christians in lebanon. how can they be when they support syria conrol, hezbolah authority, and would rather see civil lawlessness than a democratic free lebanon state.

Missing roger@10452 13:50 ,2012 أيلول 12

what a loser!!! you put the interests of your Syrian BOSSES above those of Lebanon...TRAITOR!!!

Missing lqu7 14:30 ,2012 أيلول 12

The Christian "elite" of M14 have a thorough and vast history of corruption and anti-Christianism. This news comes as no surprise because what else can be expected from Christian militias who have killed more Christians, and caused more emigration for them than any Muslim party? The Gemayels, Geagea's, and Chamouns will go down in history as the undertakers of Christianity in Lebanon.

Thumb geha 17:16 ,2012 أيلول 12

fpm convieniently forget the murdors of aoun :) killing children coming out of schools in Beirut among other things...
name calling does not do any good, as all are guilty of these matters.
however, it is aoun actions that have marginilized the position of christians in Lebanon, especially through his association with the remaining terrorist states in the region, namely the syrian regime and iran.
hoping that one day fpmers will wake up.

Thumb geha 19:42 ,2012 أيلول 12

ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! it seems I hit a nerve :)
it seems fpmers have selective amnesia :)
they forget what they want and in this case: aoun's army pounding children coming ut of schools in verdun.
this is a fact, go check it out

Missing mansour 15:22 ,2012 أيلول 12

all i hear is blah blah blah coming out of all these Aounist!they talk shit just like there leader.i wonder if they run like him also.
Long Live The Syrian Civil War that was supposed to be finished 1 year ago according to the Great Aoun himself.

Thumb primesuspect 15:25 ,2012 أيلول 12

Aoun mafia at work... All they can do is sabotage the country a la Samaha style. Good for them, from 2013 and onwards they'll always be in the opposition. They're doomed to fail in whatever they undertake.

Missing lqu7 15:25 ,2012 أيلول 12

the1phoenix: With reference to your first question, the answer is that it was Geagea who broke his military alliance with Aoun because he accepted the Taif agreement, which was sponsored by the Syrian-American-Saudi alliance. Sorry to burst your bubble but history proves it was your "Christian" leader who allowed for the Syrians to take over the free areas.
As for your second post, I don't understand what you're saying. Muslims contacted LF to attack the Syrians? Are we talking about the same war and country here??

Thumb lebnanfirst 16:32 ,2012 أيلول 12


Ya 7abibi ya sa7bi, I think we all know who released Shaker Absi from prison and "gifted" him to Lebanon, ma?

Taking credit for arresting Samaha now? Sma7lna, just yesterday Aoun was again bad mouthing the two men responsible for Samaha's arrest - Rifi and Hasan - neither of whom is M8 let alone FPM ally.

That leaves the Meqdad family. HA is happy to let the army clean the crap that it admitted is out of its control. No favors here either.

Thumb bigsami 16:46 ,2012 أيلول 12

The only BS comes from YOU. It's embedded in your name...BSThrower!

Thumb bigsami 21:16 ,2012 أيلول 12

OMG....Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde are amusing each other. Damn what a pathetic Farsi! Try to be 'original'. I know it must be hard. Just reading your posts everyone can see you have a background education of a per-schooler (not even).

Thumb geha 17:12 ,2012 أيلول 12

pathetic fpmers
amazing how you flip when it suits you :) worse than joumblat!
you have constantly attacked the ISF and have pushed for removing rifi and hassan!
and now you want us to believe you? why?
your hatred to anything that is not you or the syrian regime iran and hizbushaitan is clear to all, and now you want us t believe you?
many fpmers have left your ranks and you know your status for the upcoming elections, and now because hakim refused to even discuss with you, you are going bizerk! :) and you want us to beieve anything you say?

Missing thatisit 17:17 ,2012 أيلول 12

lebanon need to be divided into small electoral districts so the people form those districts are best represented. if i am from the hasbaya area, why do i need to have someone from jizzine sour to represent me. This applies anywhere else in lebanon. The smaller the districts, the better the representation. Hope this will pave the way to making lebanon a federal country- abolish sectarian rule of authority and slowly move out to a modern state.

Thumb geha 17:19 ,2012 أيلول 12

Actually the current outburst of aoun about the elections is because the discussions at bkirki about this subject came out to the open, and they clearly showed what liars they have been trying to portray geagea and other m14 learders of changing their minds :)
the truth shall set you free, and this applies particularily to fpmers.

Default-user-icon Snooker (ضيف) 17:41 ,2012 أيلول 12

I think I found my new cue ball although the old one was much more intelligent.

Thumb lebnanfirst 18:26 ,2012 أيلول 12

Just re-read your answer and the language you use. Derision is all you know. Shame on you.

Thumb bigsami 21:20 ,2012 أيلول 12

Farsi BSThrower....don't your realize that no matter how you manipulate the votes with your aliases...EVERYONE can see that the majority of all the posts are ANTI scum HA! So vote your thumbs as far up as they can reach your derrier (I'm sure you enjoy that) because your schemes only fool your pathetic self. HA will go down.....and that's when the party will start for Lebanon!

Thumb thepatriot 10:25 ,2012 أيلول 13

@BS It is crazy wahabi obsessed karim_m1 that is manipulating the votes, not FT nor mowaten aka "Brice de Nice".

Default-user-icon Aoun (ضيف) 03:35 ,2012 أيلول 14

Aoun 50 years ago