تركيا تشهر سلاح العمليات العسكرية داخل سوريا لكنها لم تعلن الحرب...ودمشق تعتذر

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وافق البرلمان التركي الخميس على طلب للحكومة بمنح الجيش اذنا لشن عمليات عسكرية في سوريا "اذا اقتضى الامر"، وذلك غداة حادث حدودي خطر اودى بحياة خمسة مدنيين اتراك وردت عليه انقرة بقصف اهداف سورية.

وبحسب قنوات التلفزيون التركية فقد صادق البرلمان على الطلب الحكومي باكثرية 320 نائبا مقابل 129 (من اصل 550 نائبا) في البرلمان الذي عقد جلسة طارئة مغلقة لهذا الغرض.

ولكن انقرة سارعت الى التأكيد بان هذا التفويض ليس اعلان حرب على دمشق.

وشدد نائب رئيس الوزراء التركي بشير اتالاي بحسب ما نقل عنه التلفزيون على ان الضوء الاخضر الذي اعطاه البرلمان ليس تفويضا بشن حرب.

وقال اتالاي بعيد تصويت البرلمان لصالح الطلب الحكومي ان "هذا التفويض ليس تفويضا بشن حرب"، موضحا انه سيكون بمثابة "رادع".

وكشف أتالاي أن "الجانب السوري اقر بما قام به واعتذر عن ذلك".

وبعد ظهر الخميس، لفت مصدر امني محلي الخميس الى توقف القصف المدفعي التركي لمواقع تابعة للجيش السوري ردا على سقوط قذائف سورية الاربعاء في قرية اكجاكالي الحدودية التركية، ما اسفر عن مقتل خمسة مدنيين.

وقال هذا المصدر لفرانس برس رافضا كشف هويته انه بعد الرد التركي الاول في الساعات التي اعقبت سقوط القذائف السورية، استانف الجيش التركي رده فجر الخميس وواصل القصف حتى الساعة 6,00 ت غ.

واكد سكان في اكجاكالي لفرانس برس ان المدافع التركية المنتشرة على طول الحدود مع سوريا اوقفت القصف صباحا.

وكان مسؤول تركي اوضح في وقت سابق ان "القصف التركي لن يكون متواصلا. لقد حصل وسيحصل وفق الضرورة".

التعليقات 13
Default-user-icon Bobby (ضيف) 16:35 ,2012 تشرين الأول 04

Hope pathetic Lebanon learns from this. Bombed you bomb back rather than sit and blame your own country men like Aoun and his March 8th allies do and then come up with some spin.

Missing gabby5 17:09 ,2012 تشرين الأول 04

Syria will do it again. Jordan needs to do the same vote.

Thumb lebanon_first 17:46 ,2012 تشرين الأول 04

How nice to be in a country which has sovereignty. I wish to see the day where the lebanese parliament votes to "retaliate" against syria.... AND to have enough deterrance to be able to retaliate.

Missing jayjay 18:34 ,2012 تشرين الأول 04

no apology for Lebanon? at least a sorry with a BUT at the end

Missing samiam 18:45 ,2012 تشرين الأول 04

It's an insincere apology as usual--Syria doesn't give a rat's ass about any of its neighbors. Hope the regime fries in hell--almost makes Saddam seem tame by comparison.

Missing peace 19:13 ,2012 تشرين الأول 04

same as israel does: kills then apologizes later if the consequences go too far...
but never did lebanon ask for an apology from syria when it shells lebanese villages...

Missing youssefhaddad 19:16 ,2012 تشرين الأول 04

The Syrian army could not have shelled Turkey on purpose, it would be stupid.
Our experience with Syrian gunners have shown their poor marksmanship when they were hitting our homes instead of the fighters on the front lines...

Thumb bigsami 20:28 ,2012 تشرين الأول 04

Arzak no need to reply to these conditioned schizo carrying numerous aliases. You can easily see from past posts all they do is bash anyone who comments on their cons. You can't teach religious conditioned fools who live in the stone age to rationalize and/or about reality.

Default-user-icon Nizar (ضيف) 21:10 ,2012 تشرين الأول 04

Syria didn't apologize , at least what Reuters reported. Get your facts straight. Syria also didn't promise it will not do same again. Once we will have Turkey apologizing for all the destruction and killings it thugs AKA FSA has done, then it will be different discussion. By the way, watch what is happening in Istanbul, you bunch of looser self haters. In Istanbul huge demos agains QERDOGAN and his policies. And for your info: only 55% of Turkish parlament voted for the GREEN LIGHT to struck inside Syria, if you know what do this mean...

Missing feekahraba 02:51 ,2012 تشرين الأول 05

Your name mowaten with the flag is an insult.

Missing feekahraba 02:53 ,2012 تشرين الأول 05

I am confused, what does Heeman have to do with it?

Default-user-icon Greenie (ضيف) 15:25 ,2012 تشرين الأول 05

Syria Bombed once a Turkish Town and by Error ,less than 24hours after apologized ,25years of occupation slaughter of lebanon and lebanese and they have never apologized .
WHY ??????
Because of the existence of some lebanese ppl such as Hassin ,Michel aoun Mouwaten.
Nizar ,yes i know what you mean,55% is the majority right ?
As for you dummy ,who cares?why do you care about what happens between Syria and Turkey,or Israel and Turkey ??
All we should care about is Lebanon ,and the million apologies owned to us by Bashar el assad for his and his fathers doing in lebanon.
Right Mouwaten???or you do no agree with me?
Please clarify ,i would love to hear your version.

Missing phillipo 15:27 ,2012 تشرين الأول 06

Where do you get the details from regarding 19 people being killed in the flotilla incident? Everyone in the world, except presumably you, know that 9 people died. As for them being "peaceful", belonging to IHH and sailing on the Mave Marmara with the specific goal of trying to break through the UN accepted legal closure of the Gaza Strip, shows that they had sinister intentions.
Why should Israel apologise to the Turkish government when it was that government which allowed the ships with Turkish citizens on board to sail unimpeded from its territory.
The reasonable reason that Turkey didn't declare war on Israel was probably that they realised that they themselves were to blame, and no-one in the world would ever accept the flotilla incident to be a legal reason for declaring war.