المرصد: الطيران السوري يقصف مقاتلي المعارضة بعد مهاجمتهم قاعدة في الشمال

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ذكر المرصد السوري لحقوق الانسان ان الطيران السوري يقوم اليوم الجمعة بقصف مواقع مقاتلي المعارضة الذين شنوا امس هجوما على قاعدة عسكرية استراتيجية في شمال غرب سوريا.

وقالت المنظمة غير الحكومية التي تعتمد على شبكة واسعة من الناشطين والاطباء ان "الطائرات الحربية السورية نفذت غارات استهدفت مقاتلي الكتائب الثائرة المقاتلة على مشارف معسكر وادي الضيف في قريتي تلمنس ومعرشمشة".

واضاف المرصد في بيان آخر ان "مقاتلا من الكتائب الثائرة المقاتلة استشهد خلال اشتباكات مع القوات النظامية في وادي الضيف بريف معرة النعمان".

وكان المعارضون المسلحون اعلنوا الخميس انهم "شنوا الهجوم النهائي" على قاعدة وادي ضيف الاستراتيجية التي تضم حوالى 250 جنديا واستولوا على دبابات وخزانات كبيرة للوقود.

وقال المرصد ان "قرية تل اعور بريف جسر الشغور تعرضت للقصف من قبل القوات النظامية ما ادى الى سقوط جرحى وتهديم عدد من المنازل".

التعليقات 5
Missing peace 13:02 ,2012 تشرين الأول 19

you look like a demented fanatic ... so don t blame the fsa as you look just like those you criticize, not better even worse if you take time to read your BS....

Missing peace 13:25 ,2012 تشرين الأول 19

lol! you are so funny mowaten! i bet you d accept "free" elections under the threat of bombs! i bet you if your familiy was massacred by the regime it would engage you to go and vote peacefully for elections! you are soooo blinded by your faithful loyalty to those that have harmed lebanon more than israel... a true patriot indeed....

in any civilised country an army doesn t bomb its own citizens... it s against all international laws... except if you think that syria s enemies are its people not israel! you are soooo comic.

you believe that people being butchered would respond by doing nothing! you are heroic! waw!

so i guess in bahrein people don t have the right to demonstrate too... or do double standards apply there? lol!

Missing realist 07:55 ,2012 تشرين الأول 20

live in oblivion.. they were few defectors at first, now they control more than 60 percent of Syria, these are military facts idiot. Idiots like you used to say Aleppo and Damascus were out of touch and pro regime right? well look at those two cities now idiot, and just imagine where the rebels will be come next summer. Keep living in denial. Go read about najibula of afghanistan, he too was supported by the USSR and after ten years of rebelion and 1 million casualty the rebels hanged him. The point being time is not on the regime's side, just think of the events from march 2011 and you would figure it out, that is of course if they allow you to think.

Missing realist 07:57 ,2012 تشرين الأول 20

eh mowaten, in ba7rain all peaceful, and in syria was all peaceful until ramadan of last year, you probably refuse to see the million people in the streets of 7ama and deir zoor ramadan 2011, to you these are 3rd class sunis that deserve to die just like wesam 7asan mahek?? it is a matter of time before these rebels come to lebanon to take their revenge because of blind racist idiots like you.

Missing realist 07:58 ,2012 تشرين الأول 20

tfeh 3alak and on low life people like you, may you burn in hell.