تقارير: مقتل 17 لبنانيا بكمين للجيش السوري على حافلة تقلهم من القاع الى سوريا
Read this story in Englishقتل 17 لبنانياً، اليوم الجمعة، في كمين للجيش السوري على حافلة تقلهم مع آخرين من بلدة مشاريع القاع الحدودية الى بلدة جوسي السورية، على ما افادت معلومات صحفية.
وافادت اذاعة "صوت لبنان" (93.3) عن مقتل 17 لبنانيا جراء وقوع حافلة تقلهم وآخرين من بلدة مشاريع القاع الحدودية الى بلدة جوسية السورية في كمين للجيش السوري النظامي.
وقد عُرف من القتلى حمزة عامر الذي سحبت جثته الى الداخل اللبناني وفق الاذاعة.
وشهدت الحدود اللبنانية-السورية سلسلة خروقات وسقوط قذائف من الجانب السوري على القرى الحدودية الشمالية والبقاعية ما ادى الى سقوط قتلى وجرحى.
you sir are an idiot. Syrians killing Iranias? Are you sure you know what you farking talking about?
Fuck the Syrain army why dont they attack Israel instead of our people and their people .Slash Sayed Hassan is too busy trying to get out the shit he is in dude .
seems like the blast did not target a particular individual... this is an act of terror... we all are potential targets... potential victims... my heart is bleeding...
no Watch mouwwate el wateh ou ft sermeye accusing israel or al Quaeda though every single bone in their bodies knows that it was hizbolla ,following Bashars order and the blessing of el wateh Michel aoun.
This wasn't even mainstream news for the Lebanese government.
17 of their citizens were picked off on their neighbors border, and not a peep. Just goes to show you, what a joke Lebanon's government truly is. The government of Botswana and Zimbabwe would demand more clarification over the fate of their nationals.
hey guys why are we so busy yelling for something still vague... the thing is i don't like Hassan Nasrallah nickname HAS-NAS. i don't like the guy, and i don't like Hariri too, why? because they are fake. They give no shit about lebanon its either Saudi Arabia or Iran... when was the last time i heard somebody in this sorry country contend to be a true patriot. Wether it is Mouwaten or slah or william tell, i mean u no harm but u know i like billy the kid because he was a bandit proud of his achievements. He didn't fake. the problem with lebanese politics is that Nasrallah is working his arse to become a man with a suite where as Saadinio is doing his best to put a UFO trouser on
why is this news no longer being shown on TV or radio, has the bombing in achrafieh erased this event ? 17 people have been killed !?!?!?