عقدة جديدة: عون يربط انتخابات جبيل-كسروان 2013 بالمقعد الماروني السادس

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برزت عقدة جديدة في شأن تأليف الحكومة ترتبط بالمقعد الماروني السادس، من خلال مطالبة رئيس تكتل "التغيير والاصلاح" النائب ميشال عون بتعهد من رئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان ألا يكون مرشحه للمقعد الماروني السادس من جبيل او من كسروان كي تتم الموافقة عليه وألا يكون لرئيس الجمهورية مرشحون للانتخابات المقبلة في هاتين المنطقتين.

وقد أبلغ عون، بحسب صحيفة "النهار"، هذا الشرط للوسطاء الذين تولوا نقله الى الرئيس سليمان والرئيس ميقاتي.

وفي هذا الاطار، نقلت صحيفة "الأخبار" عن أحد المعنيين بمشاورات التأليف أن عون طلب من سليمان أن لا يكون الوزير الماروني "مستفزاً" له، والترجمة السياسية لكلمة مستفز تعني ألا يكون هذا الوزير كسروانياً، لحسابات تتصل بمعركة الانتخابات النيابية عام 2013.

وعندما تدخل الوسطاء مقترحين اسمين غير مستفزّين لعون، ودائماً بحسب "ألاخبار"، هما الوزيران السابقان جان عبيد وناجي البستاني، على أساس أن سليمان كان قد رشّحهما لتولّي وزارة الداخلية، رفض سليمان الاثنين.

وقد أكدت أوساط رئيس الحكومة المكلف نجيب ميقاتي للصحيفة هذه الأجواء، ولم تنفها مصادر مقرّبة من عون، قائلة: "نحن سهّلنا عملية التأليف، ولا نضع شروطاً على رئيس الجمهورية، ولا نسعى إلى افتعال أي مشكلة. لكننا نلاحظ أننا كلما تقدمنا بالمشاورات، خلق الآخرون عقبة جديدة أمامنا".

التعليقات 9
Default-user-icon karim sacy (ضيف) 11:42 ,2011 حزيران 07


Most of our so called politicians are concerned for their own game rather than for the people who elect them!
There might be no one left to vote in the country in 2013 if this saga continues!

Default-user-icon Adonis (ضيف) 14:27 ,2011 حزيران 07

where is our acting prime minister , ya 3alam ???!!!!!!

Default-user-icon Pacifier (ضيف) 15:01 ,2011 حزيران 07

Adonis, he left Lebanon and is no more interested or seeiking talks with all of M8, he was toppled, although he gave M8 a national unity governement, and the portfolios they wanted, they toppled him, on top of that, they do not want the STL, and they want to keep their weapons after turning them against Lebanese, and waging a destructive war against Israel. I think as long as we all know that extremism and Israel are our sole ennemies, then why are we letting Hezbollah act freely and keep their weapons after all they did?it cannot be compared to the Lebanese resistance, because one was in a civil war, and the other is just absorbing the state while we are in a peaceful situation, which shouldnt be happening, all the people that think that the Hariri's are bad, well they build up your airport again, downtown, most of Beirut, some hospitals free for anyone from any religion, what did aoun do,?berri?amin?geagea?you see ado if hariri really didnt care about lebanon, he wouldnt have took

Default-user-icon Pacifier (ضيف) 15:09 ,2011 حزيران 07

He wouldnt have took the PM post, but he did and tried his best to reconcile with the other camp through a national unity governement which is national bullshit in my opinion, which had a big effect on his popularity because he was seen letting down the people who voted for him because they voted for one colour not for all, anyway on top of all that, M8 wants to cancel the STL and declare Hezbollah a immune resistance , which could not be tolerable anymore, i would just like to ask AOUNIES one question, if you had as much as Saad Hariri's , would you be trying to be a premier, and have all the world against you for a while because you wanted to try to defend your other Lebanese fellows that were wrong anyway? wouldnt you go living la vida loca somewhere and not care about all those headaches in lebanese politics? enno what do you think? he is going to make 30 billion by staying premier? he knows very well that nothing is good out of it, if not love for his country,Aoun has blinded u.

Default-user-icon at the movies (ضيف) 15:12 ,2011 حزيران 07

Adonis, he's probably sitting on the couch with a big bag of Cheetos watching the "new majority" govern. This is the "part deux" of Aoun's "je veux être calife à la place du calife". If you recall "part un" ended after a couple of disastrous years with the leading man Aoun running away after his selfish ego took the country trough hell and when we needed him the most. This is the new flick's poster http://img863.imageshack.us/img863/2546/iznoaoun.jpg

Default-user-icon Pacifier (ضيف) 15:16 ,2011 حزيران 07

Who brought Riad Salameh as a central bank governor ? who? it was Rafik Hariri and you can all check that, and he was elected by specialists as one of the best in the world, maintaining the Lebanese despite all the problems , keeping 30-36 billion $ in the central bank reserve in case anything happens you and I are not in deep shit if the Lebanese pound falls, and AOUNIES are still complaining and they dont want him because HARIRI brought him, Michel Aoun has 2 complex, one the presidency, and 2- Hariri family, and you know why? because they are a modern family, that goes practically every year to see the pope, bows and kisses his hand, and everybody saw it on tv, is this an extremist? or a bearded big fat rat with an '' islamic resistance '' which does not allow anyone out of their religion to integrate, and call for jihad all the time, more dangerous?because Hariris are welcomed by all the TOP leaders in the world, while Aoun is welcomed by assistants of those, because he is a nobody

Default-user-icon Paul (ضيف) 15:41 ,2011 حزيران 07

When will people realise that Aoun is just another lunatic who can't talk properly since he is on valium all the time. People who are high on pills should not even be politicians. He changes his opinion depending on whether he took uppers like amphetamines, or downers like valium and lexotanil. Just watch him on TV and you will see the side effects on his speach (very blurred speach) and his emotions.

Missing imad 17:20 ,2011 حزيران 07

It's so sad reading all these comments day in-day out.

I'm Lebanese living in Europe and my friends are Sunnis, Shiites, Druze and Christians. We hang out all the time as a group and laugh at how you guys in Lebanon think. You follow your so-called leaders like cattle based on your religions instead of what they offer you. As most of you suffer to make ends meet and struggle to provide even the basics for your families, these so-called leaders that you are willing to die for are living like royalty in Sardinia, Paris and London with the money they stole from you. I see their children in nightclubs spending thousands of dollars and driving Ferraris and Lambos while you sit and insult each other with your comments. They own hotels and real estate and live in mansions while you can barely pay your rent.

It's time you all grow up and start looking at the big picture. You are nothing to them, you mean nothing to them and all you are is that extra vote and cow to milk

What a shame

Default-user-icon jacque (ضيف) 20:26 ,2011 حزيران 07

immad sorry but are you perhaps a masochist? /Why do you keep comping to Naharnet and reading the comments if they make you sad, it's becoming a daily occurrence now do you have a sadness fetish. This is the state of this board and it reflects the way the political discourse has been held in this country since time immemorial and it ain't gonna change.No disrespect.