نائب رئيس الوزراء التركي: توقيف تسعة اشخاص للاشتباه بعلاقتهم بتفجيري الريحانية
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اعلن نائب رئيس الوزراء التركي بشير اتلاي اليوم الاحد توقيف تسعة اشخاص يشتبه بهم في اطار التحقيق في تفجيري مدينة الريحانية (جنوب تركيا) اللذين اسفرا عن سقوط 46 قتيلا.
وقال اتلاي في مؤتمر صحافي بثته القناة الاخبارية ان تي في مباشرة "حاليا اوقف تسعة اشخاص في اطار التفجيرين وهناك اعترافات".
ونفت دمشق الاحد الاتهامات التركية لها بالوقوف خلف التفجيرين بسيارتين مفخختين امس السبت في بلدة الريحانية في جنوب تركيا، ما ادى الى مقتل 46 شخصا على الاقل، وذلك بحسب تصريحات لوزير الاعلام السوري عمران الزعبي.
وقال الزعبي "منذ مئة عام ولدينا مشاكل مع تركيا ولم تقدم سوريا بكل حكوماتها وجيشها واجهزتها على سلوك هكذا تصرف او فعل ليس لاننا لا نستطيع بل لان تربيتنا واخلاقنا وسلوكنا وقيمنا لا تسمح"، وذلك بحسب تصريحات نقلها التلفزيون الرسمي.
واكد وزير الاعلام الذي كان يتحدث في اقتتاح ندوة بمكتبة الاسد في دمشق ان "ليس من حق احد ان يطلق اتهامات جزافا"، مشيرا الى ان "وزير الداخلية (التركي) يقول ان الاتهام موجه الى سوريا وسوف نثبت عندما نصل الى ادلة".
اضاف ان الاخير "يطلق اتهامات ثم يريد ان يبحث عن ادلة وبمعنى اخر يريد ان يصنع ادلة".
وشن وزير الاعلام السوري هجوما لاذعا على رئيس الوزراء التركي رجب طيب اردوغان، واصفا اياه بـ "قاتل وسفاح".
وقال الزعبي "على اردوغان ان يتنحى كقاتل وسفاح، وليس عليه ان يبني امجاده على دماء السوريين"، وان "الحكومة التركية ورجب طيب اردوغان ووزرائه ونائب رئيس وزرائه ووزير داخليته يتحملون مسؤولية مباشرة سياسية واخلاقية تجاه الشعب التركي والمنطقة وتجاه الشعب السوري والعالم".
وانفجرت سيارتان مفخختان محشوتان بالمتفجرات السبت في الساعة 10,55 تغ امام مقري بلدية وبريد الريحانية بمحافظة هتاي (جنوب) التي تبعد ثماني كلم على الحدود السورية ما اسفر عن مقتل 46 شخصا.
واعلن وزير الداخلية التركي السبت ان مرتكبي الاعتداء ينتمون الى "منظمة تدعم النظام السوري واجهزة استخباراته".
وارتبطت حكومتا دمشق وانقرة بعلاقات جيدة قبل اندلاع الاحتجاجات المطالبة بسقوط نظام الرئيس السوري بشار الاسد منتصف آذار 2011، ووقوف تركيا الى جانب المعارضة السورية.
وتتهم دمشق انقرة بتوفير دعم مادي ولوجستي لمقاتلي المعارضة السورية لا سيما عبر الحدود الشمالية لسوريا مع تركيا والممتدة على مسافة نحو 900 كلم. كما تستضيف تركيا نحو 400 الف سوري نزحوا جراء اعمال العنف التي اودت بنحو 70 الف شخص.

It could very well be, the mercenaries may have done it to elevate the hostility between Syria and Turkey. The Ottomans should not, in first place, have interfered in this internal Syrian conflict. but being paid by the Arabs with the approval of the West, they go one to Islamise Syria in the name of freedom and democracy. A very disgusting situation if we go into the Arabs history. Unfortunately the Arabs do not read and learn from history

geha, I wish you would make your comments longer so that I don't fall into the trap of reading them when they are so short.

"Our values wouldnit allow that". Did they just receive new values from Russia or Iran? They were doing this in Lebanon all the time. Now they all of a sudden have values. Are they chemical values?

Deny.... That's what this killer regime is expert at. Deny murdering Lebanese and their politicians.... Deny sponsoring terrorism throughout the world..... Deny having "political" prisoners..... Deny having "women" prisoners but ready to swap the shia "pilgrims" with 372 women in Syrian jails...... Experts at denying the Syrian people their God given rights for democracy and freedom.

"Terrorist organizations do not stand on their own in terms
of identity; instead, they are proxies to regimes that provide
them with financial means and an operational framework for
their terrorist activities.
Furthermore, let's not forget that the clandestine nature of
these regimes and organizations would allow them to quickly
and easily restructure and reemerge under completely new
aliases, ready to resume operations in full capacity.
Any perceived cooperation in the war on terrorism does not
represent a strategic choice on the part of the Syrian regime to
combat terrorism; it is only a tactical and temporary ploy to
dodge responsibility for the central role that Syria has had in
sponsoring terrorism during the last three decades. "
he didn t say that, huh? poor thing FT... you d better check your alzheimer you are getting stupider by the day....

oh and source?
Testimony of Prime Minister General Michel Aoun House Sub Committee on International Relations
18 september 2003
in the US senate...

do not waste your breath on this Ft character.
he is a Shiite, with the fpm, and seems to have a sole role on this website: post sectarian comments. he must be paid to do so.

Peace, you keep destroying Taqiya Thrower, and humiliating him...... I love it!
Your nickname should be FT Slayer

Who are the experts in putting bombs in neighboring countries in order to kill people randomly and terrorize them?
The Syrian regime is desperate to disrupt the latest accord between the Kurdish opposition and the Turkish government.

erdogan is the one brought all the terrorist to the syria turkish border...whome ever thinks syria did this is to stupid and ignorent to debate

you're going to have to worship his dead body soon.... burried next to Zinab or thrown away into the sea to feed the fish.

Right, not the countless killed during peaceful protests before this became a class A civil war.

Just a control question, if you don't mind:
The Syrian regime is weakened, embattled, besieged and very soon bankrupt. why would it risk bringing on itself the wrath of the Turkish and Even NATO's military at this point in time?
Is Bashar a ruthless war criminal? Definitely yes.
Is Bashar a retard? I somehow doubt it.

iran and the Syrian regime have a desperate need to sit on a large conference table with the US and Europe, so they can negotiate.
however, the US and Europe told the Iranians at the latest nuclear talks meeting: no deal.
by making a war with Turkey, and/or Israel, and/or Jordan, and/or Lebanon, they would push for a conference (in their mind).

The conditions for this criminal act, its timing and location benefit none other than the criminal enterprise that is called the Turkish government as well as the terrorists who are in the same bed as those, just before Criminal Broker Erdogan's visit to the US.

"Few of u accusing syria being terrorist and planning all bombings around the world .."
not at all, just pointing out the fact that syria has a long history of terrorist acts in the region...
and just pointing the fact that aoun has long been saying the same thing coz some forget that :)
so your other examples are irrelevant and off topic here and nobody denies that usa are also a terrorist state :)
and btw all states can carry out terrorist acts for their own interests :)

as usual everyone is going to accuse the other side, nothing new under terrorism!

and here's another thing,
another persian proxy insisting and denying--not that there's anything wrong with that, but just like the boy who kept crying wolf, it just becomes less believable over time.....