اردوغان يعتبر ان دمشق تريد جر تركيا الى "سيناريو كارثي" وأوغلو يحمّل "الصمت العالمي" مسؤولية الإعتداء على الريحانية

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اكد رئيس الوزراء التركي رجب طيب اردوغان الاحد ان النظام السوري يحاول جر تركيا الى "سيناريو كارثي" عبر هجمات منها ما شهدته بلدة الريحانية السبت القريبة من سوريا والذي اسفر عن مقتل 46 شخصا.

وقال اردوغان خلال لقاء في اسطنبول "انهم يريدون جرنا الى سيناريو كارثي"، داعيا الشعب الى "التنبه وضبط النفس في مواجهة اي استفزاز يهدف الى جر تركيا الى المستنقع السوري".

واعلن وزير الخارجية التركي احمد داود اوغلو ان صمت العالم حيال النزاع في سوريا هو السبب في "العمل الارهابي الوحشي" الذي ادى الى مقتل العشرات بالقرب من الحدود التركية السورية.

وقال اوغلو خلال زيارة لبرلين ان "الهجوم الاخير يظهر كيف تتحول شرارة الى حريق عندما يظل المجتمع الدولي صامتا ويفشل مجلس الامن الدولي في التحرك".

واضاف "من غير المقبول ان يدفع الشعبان السوري والتركي ثمن ذلك".

وقتل 46 شخصا على الاقل واصيب 100 اخرون في تفجير سيارتين مفخختين في بلدة الريحانية بالقرب من الحدود السورية، في اعنف هجوم تشهده تركيا منذ سنوات.

ووصف الوزير هذا الهجوم بانه انتهاك ل"الخط الاحمر" الذي وضعته تركيا وقال "حان الوقت لان يتخذ المجتمع الدولي موقفا مشتركا ضد النظام (السوري) فورا ومن دون اي تاخير".

ودعا الى اطلاق "مبادرة عاجلة ودبلوماسية تهدف الى تحقيق النتائج" للعثور على حل للازمة السورية، مضيفا ان "تركيا لديها الحق في القيام باي اجراء" ردا على تفجيرات الريحانية.

والتقى اوغلو في المانيا بنظيره الالماني غيدو فسترفيلي الذي قدم تعازيه بضحايا "العمل الارهابي الوحشي" متعهدا دعم بلاده لتركيا.

والقى اوغلو بمسؤولية الهجوم على "منظمة ماركسية سابقة مرتبطة بشكل مباشر بنظام" الرئيس السوري بشار الاسد.

وقال انه يجري التحقيق في "اي علاقة بين مجزرة بانياس .. والهجوم الارهابي الاخير".

وتقول منظمات حقوقية ان 62 مدنيا على الاقل قتلوا هذا الشهر في هجوم على منطقة يسكنها السنة في مدينة بانياس السورية على البحر المتوسط، بعد مقتل 50 شخصا على الاقل في قرية البيضا.

التعليقات 17
Default-user-icon Vosto Blandak (ضيف) 19:08 ,2013 أيار 12

So Syria is dragging Turkey? I guess then that GabbyMarch14 must finally be right that the "ASSad" regime has already fallen for the 7,942nd time and still is. I am proud of GabbyMarch14 for still being at it with full force! Like Dr. Arreet 7akeh like fans, I guess.

Missing amir_taqieddine 19:28 ,2013 أيار 12

This is turkish arrogance. Why were you best friends wish bashar before the revolution? Was he not a criminal then? Secondly, why did you take a u-turn and started supporting those who want to topple him? Do you not see how turkey has dragged syria in to chaos so who are you to say syria is doing anything to you? Shame on you for your arrogance, for your denial of armenian rights, for your support of israel and for starting chaos in syria without even providing enough help to actually help the people. If your gonna interfer then at least help them win, all you do is throw gasoline on fire. Turkey can not be trusted, and based on my own experience with turks, they hate all the arab speaking people, greeks, armenians, kurds and others. They are brainwashed and should not be given a chance to interfer among us.

Missing plantmorecedar 23:47 ,2013 أيار 12

there is nothing logical about his statement when turkey has been less involved in lebanese affairs than any other country in the region. I agree that they shouldn't involve themselves in lebanon. We have a strong armenian community that we support and accept as Lebanese equals. The issue at hand is Turkish opposition to Assad, which is a logical scenario. The lebanese government would not last a day if we killed peaceful protesters, where the hell is your head at.

Missing amir_taqieddine 01:34 ,2013 أيار 13

Where is your head at? I am talking about syria first and foremost. But yes they have interfered in lebanon as well but not much because lebanon is not a key player in anything so they could care less. And when i said interfer among us, i meant the middle east. In case you haven't noticed, turkey has taken on a role in the past years that does not suit them. As for turkish oppostition to assad, no this is not a logical scenario, because al assad was a criminal long before the revolution started, yet that didn't stop erdogan from calling him a friend. And now when erdogan has switched on his friend, he is fueling chaos in syria by taking new syrian friends aiding them against bashar but without giving them enough help to actually beat him. Do you not see what is going on? I am not pro bashar, nor am i pro FSA. I am simply stating that turkey can not be trusted and that they have prooven that time and time again.

Missing plantmorecedar 05:44 ,2013 أيار 13

I'm sorry, my first and last sentence sentence was a reply to your second comment and those who responded to it. lebcad and FT I apologize, in my browser it seemed like you guys replied to amir's first comment.

What you are saying amir is that turkey's change of attitude is a poor decision, and that we should not trust it, given that Assad's reputation preceded him before he chose to embark on this war.

I understand your point Amir, and turkey's unwillingness to fully commit is the result of turkish public opinion. that's to answer the part of why they are not giving the FSA everything in order to win. I'm sure there are extraneous reasons as well, but they are not driving the policy changes. Turkey would look foolish if it kept supporting Assad, and I think they made a good decision. Having them on board is better than just having to choose between Saudi and Iran.

Missing amir_taqieddine 19:32 ,2013 أيار 12

With that said, i condemn the attack on civilians in turkey, and i pray for the victims but i also remind turkey of the civilians that have been killed by turkey directly and indirectly.

Missing amir_taqieddine 01:42 ,2013 أيار 13

Lol at those who voted my comments down, how can anyone disagree with the fact that turkey is fake and doing harm to syria while pretending to be on the side of the syrian people? Even if someone here supports the rebels, then that person should know that turkey could have given them enough support to end bashars rule if they wanted to, yet they havent, all they are doing is fueling things but without actually helping either side win and end things. I guess it's to much logic for some to comprehend or it was a turk who got annoyed lol. Turks see themselves as civilized compared to arab speakers, i know how deep rooted this feeling of superiority is among them, they want arab countries to be backward just like israel wants it.

Missing idris_gray 16:33 ,2013 أيار 13

Ya amir I am highly disappointed with erdogan and turkey! You are right that he could be doing so much more to help the FSA, especially now with these bombings. Yet all their tough talk is just that, talk! I am not a huge fan of turkey in general, and I agree that they see themselves as better than Arabs (they are not) but in a way they are better than either Iran or SA in that they are more moderate.

Missing people-power 20:05 ,2013 أيار 12

Syrian regime says "because our values would not allow that", and I have to ask, what about Samaha?

Missing peace 17:20 ,2013 أيار 13

FPMers live in the past, in the middle ages even; no surprise at their retarded posts....

Thumb chrisrushlau 20:34 ,2013 أيار 12

Turkey does not quite have the democracy thing worked out. I'll bet Erdogan is making these weak threats because he can't handle his military. He can't even ask it, "Who did these bombings?"

Default-user-icon John Marina (ضيف) 20:53 ,2013 أيار 12

Those Ottomans should and must stay out of interfering in the Syrian war affairs. What goes on in Syria is none of their business. It is best for Turkey, before it is too late, stay out of this mess.

Thumb benzona 22:10 ,2013 أيار 12

Bachar should see my avatar and do the same. I'll supply the benzine, his Hezb ebola ally Fneish the counterfeit ointment purchased on alibaba dot com.

Missing amir_taqieddine 04:32 ,2013 أيار 13

Blah blah blah. You come off as someone who is retarded. No offence to those who are retarded. Im sure baath is the answer to arab advancement hehe. Their speciality is raping women, torturing people and of course blowing people up so how is the baath better than FSA? Both are criminals and they both let the syrian people pay for their own selfish reasons. You don't sound like a syrian by the way.

Missing amir_taqieddine 13:26 ,2013 أيار 13

This reply was to josh bustany.

Default-user-icon dd (ضيف) 09:59 ,2013 أيار 13

am touched to the core when I hear about Syrian "Values"
a killer with values maheik Bachar?!

Thumb kanaandian 16:42 ,2013 أيار 13

This Islamist Vermanite needs to shut hit yap or take matters into his own hands. I am happily watching the Turks get humiliated and inshalla may it continue. Enjoying the show on both sides, since both sides are terrorist.