شربل: اخطأنا بعدم اقامة مخيمات للنازحين السوريين

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اعلن وزير الداخلية بحكومة تصريف الاعمال مروان شربل، ان الدولة أخطأت في التعامل مع ملف النازحين السوريين في ما خص انتشارهم في مختلف المدن اللبنانية.

وفي حديث الى اذاعة "صوت لبنان" (93.3)، صباح الثلاثاء، قال شربل "قد أخطأنا في التعامل مع موضوع اللاجئين السوريين بعدم جمعهم في مخيمات لحصر المخلين بالأمن من بينهم".

وفي حين اكد ان من ضمن قتلى الاشتباكات في طرابلس، اشخاص من التابعية السورية، شكر شربل الجيش اللبناني على ما قام به، لافتاً الى ان المؤسسة العسكرية "لقنت المسلحين درساً نتمنى الا ينسوه".

وتشهد طرابلس منذ يوم الاحد الفائت، اشتباكات بين جبل محسن، ذات الغالبية العلوية المؤيدة للنظام السوري، وباب التبانة، ذات الغالبية السنية المؤيدة لحركة الاحتجاج السورية، ادت الى سقوط عدد من القتلى والجرحى، بينهم عسكريين.

ومنذ بدء الازمة السورية، في آذار 2011، نزح الى لبنان عدد كبير من النازحين السوريين توزعوا على مختلف المناطق اللبنانية.

التعليقات 7
Thumb geha 08:49 ,2013 أيار 21

now you realize what m14 has been saying all along?

Missing mohammad_ca 09:08 ,2013 أيار 21

that's what you get for listening to nasrcorap and pretending that nothing is going on in Syria and not taking care of the refugees...guess what, when the government doesn't do its job the people will.

Missing nayakolabashar 09:39 ,2013 أيار 21

As a syrian citizen I agree that refugees should be kept out of harm's way and be kept in tents, this is what the geneva convention clearly states. It's the duty of the host government to provide refugees with aid along with other humanitarian organizations. The issue however since many people don't remember is that Hezbollah's government denied that there were refugees in Lebanon and as a result these people who had no choice but to escape the brutality of Assad's regime were left hanging and were labeled as "guests". If Charbel wants to act all righteous and apologetic, how about he sends the army to the borders to prevent the Iranian agents hizbilat from entering syria to attack and kill syrians? If he can't get the army to do it why doesn't he has the president to ask the UN to patrol the borders?

Missing beirutbastard00 10:45 ,2013 أيار 21

Wow. Please ppl! We cannot ever never ever again have an m8 government!! Never ever ever ever!! Plzzzz!

Tab now what???

Default-user-icon Jamal wahoud (ضيف) 11:20 ,2013 أيار 21

PLS send Hizb to contain this mess in tripoli once for all!! and to blow the head of every rebel there...

Default-user-icon foulen (ضيف) 11:40 ,2013 أيار 21

It takes great courage to admit one's mistakes and I respect that. But when you are in a position to make decisions which affect the lives of millions of people, admitting mistakes is not enough! Even if you are a great man, being in such a position implies that you have to take responsibility for your acts. No country can ever be built without accountibility! (We still have to wait and see the effects of this mistake on our future and the future of our children!)

Default-user-icon Gariffon Belladaj (ضيف) 11:48 ,2013 أيار 21

Never mind, Abou Melhem. This is only a minor mistake, just like the Palestinian mistake before it. Too bad our great good-for-nothing corrupt president-ny-parachute, may God bless him and extend his term and our days of misery under it forever, was absent. Otherwise, his excellency would have caught the mistake on time.