مجلس التعاون الخليجي يعلن عن إجراءات ضد المنتسبين إلى حزب الله في دوله
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أعلن مجلس التعاون الخليجي الإثنين عن عزمه اتخاذ اجراءات ضد المنتسبين إلى حزب الله في دوله.
ودان المجلس بحسب ما أفادت قناة "الجزيرة" مساء الإثنين "بشدة" تدخل حزب الله في القتال داخل سوريا.
وإذ أعلن عزمه اتخاذ "إجراءات ضد منتسبي حزب الله في إقامتهم وفي معاملاتهم المالية" في دولة، دعا المجلس "حكومة لبنان إلى تحمل مسؤولياتها تجاه سلوك حزب الله وممارساته".
يذكر أن البحرين بدأت الأربعاء الفائت جمع معلومات للتحري عن مصالح حزب الله فيها تمهيدا لـ"حصرها" واتخاذ اجراءات ضدها.
وكانت قد اكدت دول الخليح في ختام اجتماعها الدوري في جدة في 2 حزيران الجاري اعتبارها حزب الله "منظمة ارهابية" وهددت باتخاذ اجراءات ضد مصالحه، لكنها امتنعت عن وضعه على لوائح الحركات الارهابية متذرعة بضرورة المزيد من "الدراسة".
وقال الامين العام للمجلس عبد اللطيف الزياني ان مجلس التعاون الخليجي "قرر النظر في اتخاذ اجراءات ضد اي مصالح لحزب الله في دوله".
وكان وزير خارجية البحرين الشيخ خالد بن احمد ال خليفة اعلن قبل ايام ان حزب الله "ارهابي يجب العمل على وقفه".
وتأتي هذه الإجراءات بعد إعلان الأمين العام لحزب الله السيد حسن نصرالله مشاركة عناصره في معارك مدينة القصير السورية الإستراتيجية التي انسحب منها مقاتلو المعارضة الأربعاء الفائت.

The culture of terror belongs to your regime as well as to AlQaeda. Yes you are violent people who are also well armed. May God keep the likes of you and the likes of AlQaeda away from our Culture and Country.

Because of such mentality (balls, will and strength) Lebanon is always threatened by war. Hezb and Salafists share same culture.

How courageous you guys are when you torture men, chop off their willies, rape their helpless women, shoot protestors in front of Iranian embassy, blow up Rafic Hariri with enough explosives to take down a whole neighborhood.
Give us your name and address and we'll show you how strong we are, we'll take you to the Hague because cancer isn't fought with cancer, hemorrhage with blood extractions, and exactions with more exactions. You'll pay for your crimes, but not in a barbaric way like you do.

Yes, the prisonners of war were well treated. You fucked their dead bodies, even bin laden and hitler was more human than the animals I saw on youtube today thanks to Macbeth.

Amazing , what is wrong with our culture Helicopter ? You always seem to beg the West for help, you seem to like to take refuge in the Western Society , and it a Christian run International Organisation such as the Red Cross are helping to evacuate you very own , but you fail to acknowledge & respect our culture ! The Free Savage Animals ( FSA / Al Nusra ) run by the KSA & the GCC are a reflection or a window to really see through the culture that you are proud of , Canibals , that's it just Canibals ! No more to add leave the rest up to your limited intelligence .

pendejo, I watched the video and they did cut the man's dik... your friends did this. they better know how to swim because they deserve to be at the bottom of it.

ya habileh stop bragging about guns.. after all the Lebanese surrendered their arms to the gvt. after the war except dogs like hizbo. , idiots like u tend to think that Shia's are superior to others coz they bare illegal arms, remember a while ago when the Lebanese Forces was armed we never heard of this Hizb. we never knew nasrallah then and his finger was hidden!.. got the point stupid? its either war or peace ya bahleh!

"Open your mouth" and we kill you. "Expose us" and we start a war...
The essence of M8 : hiding behind weapons, rule of fear, threat, mafias, smuggling and murdersssssssssssssssss.
I defy Aoun or Nassrallah to have an OPEN debate on live TV with any M14 politician ... instead of hiding in their ratholes. They don't dare because they can only handle Monologues and their arguments and lies don't stand in the face of pure simple logic.

for your information guys: this measure includes all fpmers and supporters of aoun.

But they are honest to the point that they will leave on their own ......... I always hated having Palestinian refugees that stabbed Lebanon in the back. I hate to be the ones doing it for the GCCC countries. I strongly believe in living (or make living) from countries that I appreciate. It is not cool to break the hand that feeds you or to drink from a well and then throw stones in it.

these measures should include all m8 heads besides hezballah like berri aoun frangieh arslan ferzli emile lahoud...most of those appearing on almanar nbn and otv, the prosyrian regime parties and their followers.

these measures should also include iran and most importantly russia they are seeking desperately gulf countries business and money.

FT : The ones blackmailing the lebanese to AVOID democracy through intimidation is Hezbollah !
They forbid chiites to vote for anyone other than them and their allies. They point a gun to the head of all lebanese citizens saying it's their way or no way.
They block all democratic processs.
They shut down parliament for 18 months.
Who's blackmailing who ? Who's holding the country hostage ?
How can you be so stupid !

FT, the hizbocrap supporter, is speaking against intimidation. What irony...

and then they will be looking at hizb iran and blaming them for losing their jobs and livelihoods. not all shia are hizb or amal

any foreigner fighting in syria should be thrown into the sea to feed the fish.

Haha Banthepoof , your stomach reminds me of Budda , you know the other cult , the ones that like to sleep with Savage Animals ! Not the ones that like to eat Humans , wink wink nudge nudge..... Say no more M14s ...

Amen to all that M11er. And I can add by saying that the Civil war in the USA ended with the victorious North extending hand of peace and justice on equal footing to the South. This is why the wounds healed quickly and the USA became the great power afterwards. There was no vengeance, no rapes, no mutilation of corpses, just civil and human ending to a tragedy.

You have a very very long list of Jihadist from different parts of the world to kick out to deep sea , thanks for HA to this dirty work for us to keep them out of our region especially Our Homeland Lebanon . Now where do I start ? Chechnya , Balkans , Turkey, Dagestan , Turkmenstan , Libya, Egypt, Morocco , Sudan, Somalia, Yemen , GCC, Saudis, ........you get my drift ? Bloody Canibals , the Free Syrian Army ( FSA /Al Nusra )

Wow, the GCC must be really go crazy over their failed investment of billions of dollars in FSA-Al Qaeda blew up in their faces when their terrorist employees were torn apart in Qusayr.
Whatever makes these terrorists feel better, I guess.

Not only in their faces but up their slimy dirty butts . On the positive side now , how many Canibals are illuminated ?

When are hizub al shaytan going to realize that without our feet they are nothing...

Well, I suggest those fat dress wearing pigs arm themselves and sneek into Syria and do something about it. instaed of sitting around casting votes between stuffing their faces with finger food.

Al-Fouwwar road in Zgharta was blocked with burnt tires in protest to not fixing the sanitation pipes in the region, which lead to the spread of unpleasant odors in addition to bugs and reptiles.

Al-Fouwwar road in Zgharta was blocked with burnt tires in protest to not fixing the sanitation pipes in the region, which lead to the spread of unpleasant odors in addition to bugs and reptiles.
We need some HA members to help Frangieh to put down the bugs and reptiles ASAP.

The Gulf Cooperation with Israel Council doesn't simply condemn the party's involvement in the fighting in Syria. No sir-ee. It STRONGLY condemnn it. Then, the earth shook, the sky roared and fire descended on the infidels and burned them alive.