مرسي يعلن "قطع العلاقات تماما مع النظام السوري": نقف ضد عدوان حزب الله على الشعب

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اعلن الرئيس المصري محمد مرسي مساء السبت "قطع العلاقات تماما مع النظام السوري".

وقال مرسي في كلمة القاها امام الاف الاسلاميين المحتشدين في ستاد القاهرة في مؤتمر "لنصرة سوريا" ان مصر "قررت اليوم قطع العلاقات تماما مع النظام الحالي في سوريا واغلاق سفارة النظام الحالي في مصر وسحب القائم بالاعمال المصري" في دمشق.

وأضاف مرسي " لقد وقف المصريون في عام 2006 بجانب لبنان وحزب الله وها نحن نقف اليوم ضد حزب الله لعدوانه على الشعب السوري".

عليه دعا الرئيس المصري الحزب إلى سحب مقاتليه من سوريا ومغادرتها.

وكشف مرسي أنه "بدأنا اتصالات مع الدول الاسلامية والعربية لعقد قمة طارئة لنصرة" الشعب السوري.

ودعا المجتمع الدولي الى "فرض حظر طيران" فوق سوريا.

داخليا أعلن مرسي أن "الواهمين الذين يتصورون ان بامكانهم هدم الاستقرار (...) هؤلاء الواهمون انصار النظام السابق وبقايا فلوله" سيتم التعامل معهم "بكل حسم" مستبقا بذلك تظاهرات دعت اليها حركات شبابية واحزاب معارضة نهاية الشهر الجاري للمطالبة بانتخابات رئاسية مبكرة.

التعليقات 20
Missing mohammad_ca 22:43 ,2013 حزيران 15

Thank you Egypt.

Default-user-icon Jim Tam (ضيف) 22:43 ,2013 حزيران 15

Feed your people you salafist pig before pointing finger at others. Singeling out Hezbollah and turning a blind eye at the salafist terrorists makes you more of an idiot than ever

Default-user-icon why? (ضيف) 23:17 ,2013 حزيران 15

would you like to recall the history, I will help you. Try to understand the legends of Abraham, specially, Hajjar's ( wife of Abraham, originally from Egypt) story. Egypt historically has been behind the big unknown changes , but never changed, only changed states around it. They brought Islamism back in 1920, which was replaced by Arabism to secure the others and to create the nationality that never existed. Who benefits, non Arabs, BEDOIN ( GULF STATES ) who now has secured power and verdict the future of the Middle East. but historically had no values, compare to real people, and societies, Damascus, that NOW IS BAND FROM THE ARABS LEAGUE, but was the head of it for decades. Hypothetic society.

Thumb Senescence 23:28 ,2013 حزيران 15

Oh come now, of course Syria would prefer a relation with Egypt. The more allies the merrier.

The way I see it though, this won't make much of a difference. Egypt isn't involved in any way, he's just trying to gain a bit of popularity (of which he hardly has any, frankly).

Also, again: political solution is still the best option. Till when can the Syrian government sustain itself, while rebels have a continuous supply of food/drugs/small arms&ammunition/and jihadists ?

Thumb benzona 01:05 ,2013 حزيران 16

Morsi used the wring terminology. It isn't a war, it's a revolution which is being crushed by the regime. The outcome remains uncertain.

Missing canadianadam 01:27 ,2013 حزيران 16

Nice try FT and Mowaten. I can spot your many accounts from miles away.

Their is no relationship between re Muslim Brotherhood and Al Nusra, but the MB is probably the most supported group among moderate Muslims in Egypt and many other countries. You arnt going to turn us against the people who arose in the Arab Spring.

Good luck when they start involving militarily. Hassan N will be crawling up Claouns behind to hide from them.

Missing canadianadam 01:28 ,2013 حزيران 16

Especially when one accounts for 1.6 billion and one is 100 million - lets do the math.

Missing Lebanonwbass 02:53 ,2013 حزيران 16

Hizbollah's days are numbered, they just opened a can of worms by going to Syria. all nations are finally realizing their true evil agenda and uniting against them. HA should fear the Arab world now not only Israel.

Thumb mckinl 03:04 ,2013 حزيران 16

A very disappointing but completely expected decision. Egypt and the leadership Muslim Brotherhood is in desperate shape and needs the sponsorship of Qatar and the US and the loans forthcoming from the IMF.

Egypt is on the verge of a complete and total economic meltdown. Business is reporting that it is getting difficult to get their foreign orders and investors are saying getting profits out is being squeezed.

Once Egypt is in the clutches of IMF their budget will have to be approved by the IMF which means cutting all subsidies for food and fuel and slashing social programs ... as we have seen everywhere else.

Missing people-power 03:12 ,2013 حزيران 16

Total propaganda BS, but nice try

Thumb Senescence 03:54 ,2013 حزيران 16

people-power, I don't believe it's "propaganda BS', especially seeing as how Egypt is the 4th most recipient of U.S. foreign aid((2001-2010)--behind Iraq, Afghanistan,Russia) and the 5th most(2012, 2013(allocated) --behind Israel, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq). So perhaps appealing to his people and simultaneously to the U.S. government is the wisest choice for Morsi. It's always politics, never justice.

Missing mohammad_ca 04:08 ,2013 حزيران 16

Those stats are under Mubarak. Very little if any aid since Morsi won but nice try.

Thumb Senescence 04:26 ,2013 حزيران 16

Well, mohammad_ca, it is true that most of the aid was received under Mubarak, but I don't quite see the argument.

Indeed, relatively little aid has been received by Morsi compared to Mubarak, but that's because Mubarak had been in the game for quite a long time.

I remember Kerry informing Morsi that if Egypt were to receive the requested amount of U.S. aid, he would need to adopt certain changes and this unprecedented move by Morsi seems to be exactly the kind of change Kerry implied (economic, social, political, etc.).

Still though, sir, the U.S. aid figures above are true, and the 2012/2013 packages were/are to be used by Morsi's government.

Morsi pleasing his people and appealing to U.S. interests is the wisest choice he can make, and make that choice he did.

Missing mohammad_ca 06:24 ,2013 حزيران 16

you remember it ? you were there?

Missing people-power 06:57 ,2013 حزيران 16

Examples of BS propaganda:

1. Egypt is on the verge of complete and total economic meltdown
2. "Business" is reporting... blah blah blah
3. "Investors" are saying .... blah blah blah
4. So perhaps appealing to ... blah blah blah
5. I remember Kerry informing Morsi ... blah blah blah

Here are some trends you should pay attention to:

1. Bashar Assad is a brutal murderous genocidal dictator
2. The vast majority of Syrians are Sunni and are against Assad
3. The Sunni Arab world hates Iran
4. After Qusayr, Hezbollah is now recognized by everyone as a Shia sectarian militia controlled by Iran
5. Syria, Iran, and Hezbollah claim to be the "resistance" front against Israel, and yet both Fatah and Hamas support the uprising against Assad, and are now also aligned against Iran and Hezbollah (Hamas is now more in alignment with Qatar and Egypt)

Missing bigcat 04:02 ,2013 حزيران 16

Morsi another revolution is looming in Egypt ,I think you should be worried about your lack of leadership, so stop diverting the situation onto Syria and worry about the knives been sharpend as you speak . Down with you & your Moslem brotherhood . A horses' mouth is better looking than yours, don't open it too much when you speak.

Thumb primesuspect 06:56 ,2013 حزيران 16

Morsi, khamenei, nusrallah, same shit different logos.

Missing mohammad_ca 04:11 ,2013 حزيران 16

I hardly think he knows who the heck u r so I really doubt he cares if you have relations with u. If you mean the regime then why didn't they severe ties first if they didn't want relations with him?

Default-user-icon Zulfikar Bidashi (ضيف) 11:30 ,2013 حزيران 16

What makes ahl al sanni, aka the crazy self-exploding scab infested lunatics, crazier and crazier and crazier in addition to being filthier than the filthiest filth? Yes, you guessed it: having their bearded moustacheless faces squashed in dirt while a shoe presses their necks down.

Default-user-icon lakshjfyer (ضيف) 18:08 ,2013 حزيران 16

inshalla isra2il betdal tnik emmetkon ya zbelet el 3alam ya tobjiyi bala baydat