قطر تبعد 18 لبنانيا ومعلومات أن سبب الترحيل ليس سياسيا

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ابعدت السلطات القطرية 18 لبنانيا من اراضيها بعد قرار مجلس التعاون الخليجي اتخاذ اجراءات ضد المنتسبين الى حزب الله المقيمين في الدول الخليجية بسبب تدخل الحزب في المعارك في سوريا، إلا أن تقارير صحفية أفادت أن سبب الترحيل ليس سياسيا.

وقال مصدر حكومي لوكالة "فرانس برس" أنه "تم ابعاد 18 لبنانيا من قطر خلال الفترة التي تلت قرار مجلس التعاون الخليجي"، من دون اعطاء تفاصيل اضافية.

إلا أن مصادر مطلعة قالت لإذاعة "صوت لبنان 100.5" أن "ترحيل مجموعة من اللبنانيين من قطر ليس مرتبطا بما تم تداوله مؤخرا عن سياسة ترحيل للبنانيين من هناك".

وقالت المصادر "المرحلون من قطر هم من فريق عمل واحد يتولى الاشراف على مشروع هندسي تابع لوزارة الداخلية والترحيل مرتبط باخطاء دفع ثمنهاالفريق اللبناني".

بدوره اكد وزير الخارجية والمغتربين في حكومة تصريف الاعمال عدنان منصور في حديث الى "الوكالة الوطنية للاعلام"، انه "بعد اجراء الاتصالات اللازمة مع بعثة لبنان في قطر، افدنا انه ليس هناك من صرف او طرد للبنانيين العاملين في قطر".

أضاف "كل ما هنالك ان هناك عددا من الموظفين يعملون في شركة بن لادن في قطر التي لديها مشروع تابع لوزارة الداخلية القطرية، ويعمل فيها عدد من الموظفين من جنسيات مختلفة، ومدير العلاقات العامة والادارة في هذه الشركة هو لبناني الجنسية، يستدعي الموظفين لتقييم ادائهم خلال عملهم، ومدة عقد العمل هي بين سنة وسنتين، ونتيجة لهذا التقييم تم صرف 21 موظفا من بينهم 15 لبنانيا و6 أجانب: واحد باكستاني، واحد هندي، واحد بحريني وواحد كندي ومصريان اثنان، وابلغتهم الشركة انها على استعداد لمنحهم "عدم الممانعة" اي يمكنهم البقاء في قطر شرط ان يتوفر لهم كفيل آخر او مغادرة قطر والعودة اليها بعد الحصول على كفيل جديد".

وإذ أشار منصور انه "ليس هناك اي قرار بترحيل اي موظف من الشركة وبالتالي اي لبناني"، قال: "هناك عدد كبير من اللبنانيين يعملون في قطر وفي دول الخليج وهم يلاقون من الاخوة الخليجيين الرعاية والمحبة والاهتمام، وهذا لا يعني انه في كل مرة يغادر شخص يتم تفسير هذا الامر بسبب سياسي او طائفي".

وثمن منصور عاليا رعاية "دول الخليج الكريمة للبنانيين بكل طوائفهم من دون اي تمييز".

وكان سفير المملكة العربية السعودية لدى لبنان علي عواض عسيري صرح مساء الاربعاء في مقابلة مع تلفزيون "المستقبل" بان الاجراءات التي ستطبقها المملكة تطال "الداعمين لحزب الله الذي أخطأ في حق نفسه وفي حق طائفته وبلده، وهذا القرار يستهدف من غُرّرَ بهم".

واوضح "اننا ننظر بالمعيار الأمني في ما يتعلق بتطبيق قرار مجلس التعاون الخليجي بشأن المقيمين في السعودية والمنتسبين إلى حزب الله"، و"هذا القرار لا يستهدف الشيعة وحدهم بل كل من يقوم بعمل ينافي قرار المجلس".

وكان مجلس التعاون الخليجي الذي يضم قطر والسعودية والبحرين والكويت وسلطنة عمان والامارات العربية، اعلن في العاشر من حزيران اتخاذ اجراءات "ضد المنتسبين لحزب الله في اقاماتهم او معاملاتهم المالية والتجارية".

واصدرت معظم الدول الخليجية منذ اشهر قرارا بمنع مواطنيها من السفر الى لبنان، حفاظا على امنهم وبسبب التوترات الامنية المتنقلة في لبنان على خلفية النزاع السوري.

التعليقات 20
Thumb geha 18:35 ,2013 حزيران 20

7000 + will be expelled from the GCC within 2 weeks.
this is what hizbushaitan and fpm are bringing on these Lebanese who went there to work and provide for their families at home.
will nasrallah and aoun feed them and their families?

Thumb lebanon_first 19:33 ,2013 حزيران 20

Geha. to give you an idea of HA's state of mind, listen to what happened with me in 2006.
During the israeli attack, there were a bunch of chiite refugees (HA?) in some schools next to our work. I went in there and said I wanted to help, offering them work so they could live with dignity.
They told me, even before discussing what jobs I was offering that "no we dont need you, Hassan will provide"
This is called mentality of entitlement. They get used to get their free lunch and eat it, and dont fight to make a living. So yes, Nasrallah will probably feed them and their families. He will feed and medicate them just enough so that they survive and keep needing him.
Compare that to the Rafic Hariri who gave a full education to tens of thousands of sunnites so they fly with their own wings....

Thumb geha 20:32 ,2013 حزيران 20

actually Hariri did that to many Christians, Druze, and believe it or not to shia too! and where did that lead him to? they killed him.
those who support murderers are just murderers.

Missing peace 11:07 ,2013 حزيران 21

"hariri never 'offered'. it gave loans, that the students paid back."

yes he GAVE money... i know several hariri students who never had to pay back anything so keep your stupid propaganda for yourself... at least he did something for the youth of lebanon....
we cannot say the same for your clown....

Missing mohammad_ca 12:48 ,2013 حزيران 21

don't talk to hizbocrap supporters about education, the last time most of them were in school was in the 2006 war...

Missing rudy 12:05 ,2013 حزيران 21

because fpm is turning its rhetoric on the gcc in general, and then the fpmers will start changing accordingly.

because although ft likes to talk big, more than a few lebanese people's livelihood (with a part of them being tayyar supporters in the gcc) is now at stake.
at the end of the day, people will only support political plans if their economic situation is safe. if that is in danger, no one cares what the party's principles are.

Thumb geha 17:15 ,2013 حزيران 21

who is gloating stupid FT?
by stating facts the way they are, you read it as gloating?
you are truly stupid.....

Default-user-icon Somebody (ضيف) 20:31 ,2013 حزيران 20

No worries! Hizbullah will find them jobs in Syria and Iran.

Thumb primesuspect 21:37 ,2013 حزيران 20

Expell all pro Hizballa. It'll make more jobs for the grateful Lebanese.

Thumb fero 14:48 ,2013 حزيران 21

That makes no sense you are assuoming that anyone who supports hezbullah is a grateful lebanese when i can give you tons of examples of lebanese people who do not support hezbullah and have absoloutley no gratitude towards lebanon or lebanese people so why dont you let those peopele live their lives in peace and you can live yours because they are just trying to make a living for themselves and there families as i suspect you would as well

Missing --karim_m1 22:47 ,2013 حزيران 20

Al Qaeda sympathizers are such cowards. They expect other countries to fight on behalf of their February 14 Saudi-Wahabi leaders, so they rejoice when they see other Lebanese losing their jobs and livelihood. These are the sick, shameless people the civilized citizens in Lebanon are expected to share a country with.

Be careful what you wish for terrorists.

Missing samiam 23:07 ,2013 حزيران 20

and maybe you should go out to the airport greeting these people with their families and see what kind of reception you get.

you spew venom, but you have no substance--you like using wahabi and aoun in sentences, but beyond that, you are robotic in your responses. you have no solutions, just pointing to problems.

in other words, you are a typical taefi racist

Thumb lebanon_first 23:37 ,2013 حزيران 20

karim- you are always talking about "al qaeda sympathizers"!!!
How can anyone be an al qaeda sympathizer? qaeda is the scum of the world, that is for sure.
But that doesnt make assad who systematically killed any great lebanese leader, whose objective in life is to create strife in lebanon and to plunge lebanon in civil war an ok man. Assad is also scum of the world. Why dont you see that?

Missing --karim_m1 02:05 ,2013 حزيران 21

Where did I ever indicate that I like Assad? Me and many other Lebanese were peacefully resisting and protesting against the Syrian occupation as unarmed college students before many on this forum were in diapers and while the leaders you revere today were shining their boots. Disliking FSA-Al Qaeda does not automatically mean liking Assad.

Also, can you point out any instance where FPM or March 8 supporters were rejoicing to see February 14 supporters lose their jobs? You are sick, demented, and cowardly if you start celebrating when someone who doesnt politically agree with you loses his job.

Thumb geha 06:14 ,2013 حزيران 21

who is rejoicing?
we are just seeing the effects of what hizbushaitan and aoun are doing and their effects on Lebanese people!
but NO, you are so blind that you want to see the wrong things and accuse everyone of being an extremism sympathizer, while you fail to recognize the extremism of hizbushaitan and aoun.
when you will start seeing that extremism, then you will become credible.

Missing mohammad_ca 12:50 ,2013 حزيران 21

the supporter of a fundamentalist shia militia calling the unarmed ikhwan a "radical bunch of crazies"...talk about irony.

Missing greatpierro 04:56 ,2013 حزيران 21


Of course one should not rejoice when lebanese citizens are loosing their job and being expelled. However Hizb and FPM should assume their responsibility in what is happening and not accuse the GCC or say such things like we do not want tourists from the GCC.

Missing --karim_m1 13:24 ,2013 حزيران 21

FPM never said that "we do not want tourists from the GCC". Many Christian business owners who rely on tourism are FPM supporters. You're being delusional.

Thumb geha 17:16 ,2013 حزيران 21

OH yes they said it plainly....

Default-user-icon hashim (ضيف) 13:26 ,2013 حزيران 21

All of you guys are wasting time....Seek gods refuge and just do your jobs but people dont like to work especially the lebanese they want money earned via easy sources.Brother get killed you know why coz the other brother doesnt like him hehehehe.shame on you all lebanese.