Bellemare Examining Material Handed by Hizbullah to Mirza on July 13
إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية
The office of Special Tribunal for Lebanon Prosecutor Daniel Bellemare is currently examining material hand-delivered by Hizbullah officials to Lebanon’s State Prosecutor Saeed Mirza on July 13, 2011, Bellemare’s office said in a statement Wednesday.
Hizbullah, for its part, issued a statement later on Wednesday in which it confirmed the delivery of the material to Mirza but noted that that happened at the state prosecutor’s “personal request.”
The party stressed that it would only submit material to the Lebanese Judiciary, noting that its stance on the STL is “clear, well-known and final.”
On July 4, Bellemare invited Hizbullah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah to submit information and documents that could assist the tribunal "in its quest for justice."
Nasrallah, in an hour-long televised address on July 2, ruled out the arrest of four Hizbullah suspects, indicted in the investigation into the deaths of ex-PM Rafik Hariri and 22 others in a powerful car bomb blast in Beirut on February 14, 2005.
But Nasrallah claimed to have material including video clips which could assist in the investigation and proposed to send them to the prosecutor.
The statement said Bellemare's office asked for the file on some elements of the investigation Nasrallah offered to provide. It also asked for video material shown during his speech.
"The prosecutor continues to pursue all investigative leads," it added.
On Friday, a tribunal judge confirmed the names of the four wanted Hizbullah men and the charges against them.
Pre-Trial Judge Daniel Fransen ordered confidentiality around the charges against Salim Ayyash, 47, Mustafa Badreddine, 50, Hussein Anaissi, 37 and Assad Sabra, 34, be dropped.
Badreddine is a brother-in-law of Hizbullah military commander Imad Mughniyeh who was assassinated in Damascus in 2008.
Ayyash and Badreddine face among others, charges of "committing a terrorist act by means of an explosive device" and homicide including Hariri's death, while Anaissi and Sabra faced charges of conspiring to commit the same acts.
Interpol has also issued wanted notices for the men.

Dear Lebanese , dont let that thing called STL spoil your holidays , as they are trying to do ! This thing doesn't exist and has never existed .
Enjoy yourselves , Lebanon is in very good hands , the thieves are no longer here , they are OUT for good .

Shame shame hezbollah, what happened to non cooperation with the politicized "Zionist American project" HAHAHA! even nasrallah doesn't believe his own words! What a fool...he has officially given legitimacy to the tribunal, let it work dummy!!

This will only add credibilty to the results of the STL process, the fact that the Special Prosecutor is looking at every lead, even the red herrings being tossed his way by the guardians of the accused.

Le Phenicien, every post of yours makes no sense. You are incredibly ignorant. Maybe you guys should learn the difference between the UNIIIC and the STL. Maybe you guys should learn the difference between a suspect and criminal. Maybe you guys should just do some learning.

Whoever ordered the crime -Syria, US, Israel..- there are few chances that it has been executed by simple individuals or a palestian group recruted for the mission. Why? because of the presence of an armed and trained milita who has all the qualifications for such mission including restrictied areas out of the control of the State. This is why Hezbollah followers should understand that elementary logic leads to suspect them until it is proven that they are innocent. And for sure that if they did not belong to the same sect, they would have the same logic other people have. The best way to show their innocence is to confront the STL with lawyers and all democratic means. It is very difficult to culpabilize an innocent by fabricating false elements, false calls, and by buying the 120 lawyers and judges member of the STL. This can happen in a village tribunal but not in an international one where the courts will be aired live on TV's will all the details of the process.

Reader hahahahaha!!! this guy passed the word ignorance.... He is just a pathetic attention seeker... Commenting on things that only fits his own benefits to type nonesense about. after all, look who does he follow as a leader and You would know. Simple!

This is a scared Hezbollah running away of confrontation with high heels, only they won't be able to run away forever they need to get along with the rest of the lebanese to save the resistance