23 Arrested in Tripoli for Celebratory Gunfire
إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية
A number of people were arrested on Wednesday in the northern city of Tripoli for firing gunshots and grenades to celebrate the re-election of Syrian President Bashar Assad, announced the army in a statement on Thursday.
It said that a total of 23 suspects were arrested.
It identified one of the suspects as Mahmoud al-Masri, who fired a rocket-propelled grenade towards the Jabal Mohsen neighborhood.
The remaining 22 people, including a Syrian, were detained for firing celebratory gunshots in the Bab al-Tabbaneh and Jabal Mohsen neighborhoods.
They were also charged with driving motorcycles without proper licenses and resisting arrest.
Supporters of Assad opened fire in the air in the Jabal Mohsen neighborhood following news of his re-election on Wednesday.
The army carried out raids in the area to arrest the suspects.
LBCI television reported on Wednesday that tensions were high on Tripoli's Syria Street following the celebrations.

The Lebanese army has about 20,000 criminals to arrest in Dahyé for "celebratory" gunfire. No need to put them in Roumieh, execute them on the spot for high treason, support of a foreign dictator and support of the criminal regime which occupied Lebanon for decades !

"No need to put them in Roumieh, execute them on the spot" lol.
you are losing it FC. what next? gas chambers?

If it does the job quicker yes. There is no possible rehabilitation for those brainwashed beyond recovery.

i think the same of you, there is no possible rehabilitation for you, you're too far gone with your hatred and fantasies of mass murder.
but still, i wouldnt call for you to be "executed" as you just did. i leave this kind of lowlife behavior to you and your takfiri friends.

"a number of people were arrested on wednesday in the northern city of tripoli for firing gunshots and grenades to celebrate the re-election of syrian president bashar assad, announced the army in a statement on thursday..."
"a number of people were arrested on wednesday in DAHIEH for firing gunshots and grenades to celebrate the re-election of syrian president bashar assad, announced the army in a statement on thursday..."
keep on dreaming!!!!!

you sound a little bitter jerry, and maybe just a tad biased...
"It identified one of the suspects as Mahmoud al-Masri, who fired a rocket-propelled grenade towards the Jabal Mohsen neighborhood."
was it you???

i'm pointing out the fact that you point your finger at jabal mohsen and bring in dahiyeh (not mentioned in this article), but you omit that an RPG was fired on jabal mohsen.
this kind of selective finger pointing is a clear indicator of how biased you are, and how obsessed you are with your anti-alawite/anti-shia propaganda.

good. you are slowly but surely learning :)
more seriously, i think the arrests are more due to the fact that these were not just "celebratory" gunfire (ie: one guy shooting an RPG towards the other neighborhood)

How about the 3 on the rooftop firing toward tareeq eljdeedi and Baabda declaring allegiance to Bachar and intent to liberate Baabda? Have they been arrested yet?

This thread is a good example of mowaten's behavior. First, he attacks @slash then he moves onto @flamecatcher and then onto @jerry. Most people make a comment regarding the article and move on. Not mowaten, he has a job to do. Perfect profile of a propagandist..

lol i "attacked" slash did i?
eagledown go play elsewhere, you're terribly boring with your repetitive comments. and why is it you are so obsessed with me? following me all the time and commenting after each and every one of my posts? i must be doing something right if i'm upsetting you so much :D

This celebratory gunfire is ridiculous. Does anyone know anything about gun safety? I mean this is so amateur. I support the right to bear arms but this is ridiculous. My priests brother in law was killed last year and left two kids by celebratory gunfire in Baalbek.