Al-Rahi Returns from Rome: Officials Would Be Violating Constitution by Extending Parliament's Term
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Maronite Patriarch Beshara al-Rahi reiterated on Tuesday his rejection of the proposed extension of parliament's term, noting that it would violate the constitution and the will of the people.
He said upon his return from Rome: “I told Mustaqbal Movement leader MP Saad Hariri that he would be violating the constitution by seeking the extension.”
“Hariri wanted to explain that the failure to elect a president in a timely manner and the need to hold the parliamentary elections and avoid vacuum is forcing us to extend parliament's term,” he revealed.
“I informed him that I do not intervene in such affairs because we still oppose the extension,” added the patriarch from Rafik Hariri International Airport.
“I asked Hariri: 'What more would it take for lawmakers to elect a new president after seven months of vacuum?'” he stated.
Seeing as the MPs will head to parliament to extend its term, “why don't they dignify us by electing a president?” wondered al-Rahi.
“I will not bless the extension or the violation of the constitution,” he declared.
Hariri had held talks last week with al-Rahi in Rome.
The two officials discussed the presidential and parliamentary elections.
“The priority in the country is the election of a new president and we as political forces must make initiatives and elect a president who enjoys everyone's approval,” said the former premier after the closed-door talks.
“This does not mean that we support extending the parliament's term and forgetting about the presidency, as we see the extension as a necessity aimed at avoiding the unknown,” he explained.
Media reports said over the weekend that Hariri pledged to al-Rahi to exert efforts to hold the presidential elections after extending parliament's term.
The country plunged into a political vacuum as president Michel Suleiman's term ended on May 25 and the rival political forces have so far failed to elect a successor despite having held more than a dozen electoral sessions.

Great talk.... so let's hold the elections in the absence of a President. Consequently, the government would be considered "resigned" as per the constitution. Great, now on to the next step. Who would call for binding consultations to form a government and who would sign the decree for the formation of the new government if there is no president?

I agree with Al Rahi on this one:
all MPs are already usurpators of power. they have nor constitutional right to extend to themselves.

Your Eminence, the constitution has been repurposed to better use, it's the new doormat to Parliament now used by our parliamentarians when they run in to extend parliament's term and when they rush out to abort a presidential vote

18 minutes ago OTV: Khaled and Walid al-Hujeiri, who were abducted from Taalbaya and Masharii al-Qaa, have been freed.
and what's the penalty for abducting innocent civilians in Lebanon? Nothing if you are a Houthi!
This is what Minister of Interior was talking about. HA gives political cover to the outlaws because its members commit these crimes. I am sure nobody was arrested or charged although both Berri and Nasrallah know exactly who the abductors were.

100%!! In Baalbeck last week, a kingpin drug lord was freed from a hospital, drug dealers fought with RPGs, kidnappers and thieves are well known and yet nobody gets arrested. Then you have people here telling us HA exerts goodwill gestures and helps the government and the institutions. Enough....!

you know the irony; they plaster this site with "Saudi/Salafi/Wahabi/Takfiri/Cannibal/.... " and much more and I would not mention the rest because I will be banned, but they are offended when someone refers to them as Houthis.

southern you're complaining about 3 minutes between posters?LOL... That's a lifetime compared to your posts and those of mowaten, flamethrower and the_roar;:)

A sense of humour is always needed on this site much tension

He said upon his return from Rome: “I told Mustaqbal Movement leader MP Saad Hariri that he would be violating the constitution by seeking the extension.”
When did you say "I told Free Patriotic Movement leader MP Michel Aoun that he would be violating the constitution by boycotting the presidential election." Oh that's right, you didn't. Stay out of politics Rahi

You are right. Any person who supports a traitor is a traitor himself.

All I can say to the two, is the first should work on stopping the attacks on the army by the fanatics in his sect and the second should grab Aoun be the throat and stop him from destroying what is left of this country, it's institutions and constitution . HA are poised to take over, Iranian arms are on their way, thru legal means mind you. the infrastructure is in place and the void will be filled by the strongest. We will be welcomed into the axis of resistance by the Ayaotallah himself and the tyrant Bashaar. We will according to Imagine be sucking on chubby chubs for a long time.