Nasrallah Calls on Hariri to 'Go Together to Syria', Says Dialogue to Continue
إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربيةHizbullah Secretary-General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah on Monday hit back at al-Mustaqbal movement leader MP Saad Hariri, saying all Lebanese should go to Syria to fight the “serious and real” threat terrorism poses to the entire region, as he stressed keenness on the ongoing dialogue between the two parties.
“I tell those who are asking us to withdraw from Syria, 'Let us go together to Syria and Iraq and to any place that contains a threat to the future of our nation, because that is the right way to defend Lebanon,'” said Nasrallah in a televised speech commemorating Hizbullah's “martyr leaders” – Sheikh Ragheb Harb, Sayyed Abbas al-Moussawi and Imad Mughniyeh.
Nasrallah also revealed for the first time that Hizbullah is fighting the jihadist Islamic State group in Iraq.
"We may not have spoken about Iraq before, but we have a limited presence because of the sensitive phase that Iraq is going through," Nasrallah said in reference to ongoing clashes between Iraqi troops, several militias and Kurdish forces against the IS.
Hizbullah is already fighting in Syria, alongside President Bashar Assad's forces.
Nasrallah's speech comes two days after Hariri called on Hizbullah to withdraw from Syria.
“Where is Lebanon's interest in sending Lebanese youths to fight in Syria and Iraq and to interfere in Bahrain's affairs,” Hariri said, describing Nasrallah's recent remarks on “linking the Golan and the South fronts” as “an act of madness.”
However, in his Monday address, Nasrallah voiced support for Hariri's call to “devise a national anti-terror strategy.”
“We agree on the enemy that is terrorism and, unfortunately, we disagree over another enemy, which is Israel,” Nasrallah lamented.
Turning to the issue of the jihadist groups threatening Lebanon's eastern border, Hizbullah's leader noted that “we will face another challenge when the snow melts.”
“Daesh (Islamic State) and al-Nusra (Front) are present on the other side of the Eastern Mountain Range. Circumstances have limited or prevented the confrontations and the state must take a decisive stance on how to deal with this threat,” Nasrallah added.
He noted that these groups “can be easily defeated,” adding that victory requires a “national decision and will.”
Addressing Hariri, Nasrallah added: “Whether the Lebanese like it or not, Lebanon has always been affected by what happens in the region. Anything that happens in it has an impact on Lebanon.”
“The region went through major events and it is being recreated from scratch. Whoever wants to decide Lebanon's fate must be present in the fate of the region. If you want to be absent, you are telling others to control your fate,” he went on to say.
“No one can say, 'I'm Lebanese', because the fate of our people, country, dignity and the future of our generations is at stake.”
Commenting on Hariri's accusation that Hizbullah is “interfering” in Bahrain, Nasrallah said: “Those interfering in Syria, whose relation with Lebanon is more critical than Bahrain's relation with Lebanon, have no right to criticize our interference in Bahrain.”
“They have been interfering in Syria since the beginning of the crisis and they were part of the media and political war,” Nasrallah said.
“We did not call for toppling the regime in Bahrain, we only supported those who were calling for dialogue. We call for avoiding any response to the authorities' violence and Bahrain's blind government must applaud this stance,” Hizbullah's chief added.
“Italy's defense minister has said that her country is willing to join an international anti-terror coalition because 'terrorism is now only 350 kilometers away from the Italian border.' Terrorism is on our border in the mountains, (Syria's) Qusayr and Qalamun and some parties are speaking of right and wrong,” Nasrallah said.
Despite of his jabs at Hariri, Nasrallah affirmed that dialogue will continue between Hizbullah and al-Mustaqbal movement.
“We believe it has yielded good results within the expectations we had in mind from the very beginning,” he said.
“Disregard what is being said in some speeches. Through seriousness we hope to reach a good and reasonable outcome for the sake of all Lebanese,” he added.
As for the issue of the presidential crisis, Nasrallah called for “renewing the domestic efforts,” noting that “the relevant parties in this regard are well-known.”
“I call on all those who are keen on preventing vacuum not to await foreign changes, neither the Iranian nuclear issue nor the Iranian-Saudi dialogue, because the region is heading to further crises and confrontations,” he noted.
“To all parties claiming to be advocates of independence and sovereignty I say: let us renew the national domestic efforts to resolve this issue and cross this juncture,” Nasrallah added.
Commenting on the latest controversy regarding the cabinet's powers in absence of a president, Nasrallah called on the political forces to support the government.
“It should continue its work because there is no alternative other than vacuum and chaos, and I don't think that anyone has an interest in this alternative,” he said.
As for the conflict in Syria, Nasrallah said “the game has ended in Syria and the insistence on fighting has become a form of intransigence.”
“The non-takfiri opposition must be allowed to seek a settlement and the regime will accept that,” he added.
He also called for coordination between the Lebanese and Syrian armies in the border region, calling on the Lebanese government to “coordinate with Damascus over the issues of refugees and security.”
16 February 2015, 20:10
Nasrallah: Before the snow melts on our eastern border, I call for coordination between the Lebanese and Syrian armies and I call on the government to coordinate with Damascus over the issues of refugees and security.
16 February 2015, 20:09
Nasrallah: I tell those who are asking us to withdraw from Syria, “Let us go together to Syria and Iraq and to any place that contains a threat to the future of our nation, because that is the right way to defend Lebanon.”
16 February 2015, 20:02
Nasrallah: The game has ended in Syria and the insistence on fighting has become a form of intransigence. The non-takfiri opposition must be allowed to seek a settlement and the regime will accept that.
16 February 2015, 20:02
Nasrallah to Gulf countries: Lift your veto over the presidential crisis and allow the Lebanese to reach an agreement over a president.
16 February 2015, 20:02
Nasrallah to Gulf countries: Talk to the al-Khalifa family to release the detainees and engage in dialogue.
16 February 2015, 20:00
Nasrallah to Gulf countries: You failed in Yemen, so search for the reasons of your failure because influence cannot be built on corruption and buying consciences. In Yemen, there is a real revolution that is standing in the face of al-Qaida and Daesh which are threatening all of you.
16 February 2015, 19:58
Nasrallah: Some countries, especially Gulf countries, must approach the region's problems in a different manner, because they are in the circle of danger.
16 February 2015, 19:56
Nasrallah: We must not fool ourselves by trying to differentiate between Daesh and al-Nusra Front, as they are one reality, one ideology, one approach and one goal.
16 February 2015, 19:49
Nasrallah: Italy's defense minister has said that her country is willing to join an international anti-terror coalition because "terrorism is now only 350 kilometers away from the Italian border." Terrorism is on our border in the mountains, Qusayr and Qalamun and some parties are speaking of right and wrong.
16 February 2015, 19:47
Nasrallah: For the first time I say search for the hands of the Mossad, the CIA and the British intelligence in the deeds of Daesh, which is doing everything that serves America's hegemony in the region.
16 February 2015, 19:46
Nasrallah: Daesh's eyes are on Mecca and Medina, not on Jerusalem, because the "caliphate" cannot function without the Two Holy Mosques.
16 February 2015, 19:44
Nasrallah: Israel has the right not to consider Daesh a threat because everything the group has done serves Israel's interests, whether Daesh knew that or not.
16 February 2015, 19:44
Nasrallah: Only Israel does not consider al-Nusra and Daesh a threat and you heard what Yaalon said.
16 February 2015, 19:41
Nasrallah: We salute Bahrain's revolutionaries over their wisdom.
16 February 2015, 19:40
Nasrallah: Because there is a terrified government in Bahrain that fears any word of right, it gets nervous and it threatens to expel the Lebanese. This is the approach of a weak authority and this is something shameful.
16 February 2015, 19:40
Nasrallah: We did not call for toppling the regime in Bahrain, we only supported those who were calling for dialogue. We call for avoiding any response to the authorities' violence and Bahrain's blind government must applaud this stance.
16 February 2015, 19:39
Nasrallah: Those interfering in Syria, whose relation with Lebanon is more critical than Bahrain's relation with Lebanon, have no right to criticize our interference in Bahrain, because they have been interfering in Syria since the beginning of the crisis and they were part of the media and political war.
16 February 2015, 19:37
Nasrallah: In the past, we faced the problem of convincing some Lebanese that we are part of the Arab region and the Levant, but their stance today has taken a more negative course because we now have to convince them that Lebanon is part of Planet Earth, not of Mars.
16 February 2015, 19:36
Nasrallah: In light of this travail, the fates and survival of entities and peoples will be decided and the entire world will be affected. No one can say, "I'm Lebanese", because the fate of our people, country, dignity and the future of our generations is at stake.
16 February 2015, 19:35
Nasrallah: The region went through major events and it is being recreated from scratch. Whoever wants to decide Lebanon's fate must be present in the fate of the region. If you want to be absent, you are telling others to control your fate.
16 February 2015, 19:35
Nasrallah: Moreover, the fate of the entire world is being decided in this region.
16 February 2015, 19:34
Nasrallah: Nowadays, Lebanon is greatly affected by the regional events and its fate cannot only be decided in Lebanon, as the fates of Libya, Egypt, Syria, Saudi Arabia and Bahrain have become connected.
16 February 2015, 19:34
Nasrallah: Whether the Lebanese like it or not, Lebanon has always been affected by what happens in the region. Anything that happens in it has an impact on Lebanon.
16 February 2015, 19:33
Nasrallah on dissociation policy: The facts of history, geography, life and nature say otherwise. For example, we can't tell a storm that we dissociate ourselves from snow and rain because we are a "piece of heaven."
16 February 2015, 19:31
Nasrallah: We reiterate our support for dialogue among all parties because it is the best approach we have.
16 February 2015, 19:29
Nasrallah: We will continue our dialogue with al-Mustaqbal movement and we believe it has yielded good results within the expectations we had in mind from the very beginning. Disregard what is being said in some speeches, and through seriousness we hope to reach a good and reasonable outcome for the sake of all Lebanese.
16 February 2015, 19:28
Nasrallah: We call for supporting the government and it should continue its work because there is no alternative other than vacuum and chaos, and I don't think that anyone has an interest in this alternative. We must cooperate to resolve the disputes and we'll deal positively regarding some solutions. We call for overcoming the problem so that the cabinet can convene again to shoulder its responsibilities.
16 February 2015, 19:28
Nasrallah: To all parties claiming to be advocates of independence and sovereignty I say: let us renew the national domestic efforts to resolve this issue and cross this juncture.
16 February 2015, 19:27
Nasrallah: We call for renewing the domestic efforts and the relevant parties in this regard are well-known. I call on all those who are keen on preventing vacuum not to await foreign changes, neither the Iranian nuclear issue nor the Iranian-Saudi dialogue, because the region is heading to further crises and confrontations.
16 February 2015, 19:26
Nasrallah: On the anniversary of the Hizbullah-FPM MoU, the importance of this agreement and major achievement is being more pronounced and its impact on the political situations in Lebanon and the region is revealing itself. We call for deepening and consolidating the relation and the agreement and we call for similar agreements at the national level. We were hoping to expand the agreement because there is a major national interest in anything that closes ranks and achieves accord.
16 February 2015, 19:24
Nasrallah: We must renew the salutation to the young men who are deployed on the heights of mountains -- the officers and soldiers of the army and security forces and the men of the resistance. We also salute the officers and soldiers of the Syrian army who are preventing the dispatch of bomb-laden cars. They have all our salutations and appreciation amid this snow and cold.
16 February 2015, 19:23
Nasrallah: These groups can be easily defeated, but the issue requires a national decision and will.
16 February 2015, 19:23
Nasrallah: We will face another challenge when the snow melts. Daesh and al-Nusra are present on the other side of the Eastern Mountain Range. Circumstances have limited or prevented the confrontations and the state must take a decisive stance on how to deal with this threat that is present on hills and mountains.
16 February 2015, 19:22
Nasrallah: Alongside the security plan there are two issues -- the development plan in Baalbek and Hermel as well as in Akkar, and resolving the problem of tens of thousands of people who are wanted over minor or old offenses.
16 February 2015, 19:21
Nasrallah: We must support the army, security forces and government to control the security situation, that's why the plan must continue. It has been said that the fugitives have fled the area; the army must make sure that they don't return and there should be no leniency.
16 February 2015, 19:20
Nasrallah: We reiterate our ultimate support for the security plan in the Bekaa and we believe that it came late. It must continue because the Bekaa region was suffering from thieves and outlaws who were intimidating people.
16 February 2015, 19:19
Nasrallah: The government, parliament and any dialogue session must exert efforts for such a strategy.
16 February 2015, 19:17
Nasrallah: We in Hizbullah support the call for devising a national anti-terror strategy. We agree on the enemy that is terrorism and, unfortunately, we disagree over another enemy, which is Israel.
16 February 2015, 19:16
Nasrallah: I extend my condolences to the family of martyr premier Rafik Hariri after the painful incident that shook the region. I also extend my condolences to the families and loved ones of the martyrs who fell in that agonizing and very dangerous incident.
16 February 2015, 19:14
Nasrallah: The blood of the martyr Jihad has revived the memory of the commander Hajj Imad Mughniyeh and returned this brilliant and historic leader to the forefront of events once again, confirming that his presence is still strong in the minds of friends and in the mind of the enemy, which will always be haunted by Imad Mughniyeh's blood.
16 February 2015, 19:14
Nasrallah: Jihad (Mughniyeh) stood on this podium to pledge his allegiance and declare his belonging through his free will. He carried Hajj Imad's spirit, left his university and went to Quneitra where he fell a martyr.
16 February 2015, 19:13
Nasrallah: The martyrs who recently fell in the Quneitra aggression are the sons of prominent resistance fighters who contributed to victories.
16 February 2015, 19:10
Nasrallah: It is important to learn loyalty and honesty from them and to learn the responsibility of making a decent and dignified future for our people and nation. We talk about their jihad to draw lessons and to teach the sons, grandsons and future generations.
16 February 2015, 19:09
Nasrallah: When Israel was occupying our land, Sayyed Abbas, Sheikh Ragheb and Hajj Imad were saying that Israel will leave our land.
16 February 2015, 19:04
Nasrallah: We commemorate this anniversary for us and for our children and grandchildren, not for the martyrs. We celebrate this occasion so that the past remains connected to the present and future.
16 February 2015, 19:02
Hizbullah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah in speech commemorating the party's Martyr Leaders: Before I start my address, I want to strongly condemn Daesh's crime against the Egyptian workers, which cannot be tolerated by any religion. We extend our condolences to the Egyptian people and the Coptic Church and this crime has affected both Islam and Christianity.

"We extend our condolences to the Egyptian people and the Coptic Church and this crime has affected both Islam and Christianity"
Thank God, someone bothers about the Christians in the region.

I thought you liberated Libya & made it democratic..why would anyone bomb your new found democracy? you know the one you wanted to impose on Syria & Lebanon also.

the roar, do you read/watch arab news? Muslims (the ones you hate i.e "sunnis") are VERY vocal about the christians and their plight. Nasrallah is only trying to score some political points exploating the christians.

i can assure you on the tomb of my son hadi and on the integrity of zeynib and the conscience of imamu ali that we are here to protect lebanon and not the shias.
free Bahrain
free Yemen
free Syria
free Iraq
free Egypt
free Lebanon
free Thailand
free Argentine
free Bulgaria
free Peru
free Nigeria
free West Beirut
free Dar3a
free Qunaitra

Anyone with a drop of decency would condemn the slaughter of the Egyptian workers. Where are his condemnation of the Assad regime that committed horrible crimes against the Syrian people??? Ah I forgot, he is too busy proping up that monster.

Nasrallah: Italy's defense minister has said that her country is willing to join an international anti-terror coalition because "terrorism is now only 350 kilometers away from the Italian border." Terrorism is on our border in the mountains, Qusayr and Qalamun and some parties are speaking of right and wrong.
laughable! Italy is not a sectarian party and no Italian party wants to go fight in another country. Second, Why did you veto Lebanon as a COUNTRY joining the coalition against ISIS?

because jizbushaitan is an extremist terrorist Iranian militia, they did not allow joining the war on terrorists :)
they are afraid this war on terror to start fighting them too in the near future.

No one cares about Iran or its traitors.. this leader of Lebanon is born & bred in Lebanon...his blood & honor stopped IS, nusra from being in Beirut as we speak & making you either convert to Islam or be crucified.
Long live the brave who sacrifice for their nation.

2 points:
1-You live outside lebanon. all you know about lebanon is what you read in the media.
Lebanon is not Raqqa and the lebanese army is not the Iraki army. so dont even dream about ISIS in Beirut. Our army does not need HA to protect us against those criminals. We can handle them on on our own.
what pisses me off is that you have ZERO trust in Lebanon as a nation. True we have issues, but you take your mistrust to an extreme. And your spitting on all the efforts of our nation and our army is despicable.
2- IS and Nosra have been created directly or indirectly by Assad and HA. If Assad did not shoot his protestors, we wouldnt be here. If HA didnt help him, we wouldnt have ISIS.
Besides, HA is fighting ISIS in Syria. Most fighting in lebanon is carried out by our glorious army.

Which is why it is called Army/Resistance, the army takes care of the security while the Resistance fights off the takfiri masses. The Resistance are doing the job that the LAF aren't allowed to do, tell me how come Arsal haven't been cleaned yet?
Because Hariri & Rifi will probaly call it an attack against them. Or better yet they will whine about the LAF taking the side of the Resistance, which many M14'ers did here on Naharnet I recall.

The LAF command, didn't want the Resistance to interfeer out of fear that it might spark secterian tensions at the time. Which is why we have the army to take care of such elements.
I wish though that they get the same greenlight, as they did in 2007. Emile Lahoud remember him?

The LAF command, didn't want the Resistance to interfeer out of fear that it might spark secterian tensions at the time. Which is why we have the army to take care of such elements.
- Looooooool I'm gonna use your catchphrase here: "wishful thinking." Mystic, did you forget that in 2000, Lebanon was still under Syrian occupation? Yet the LAF fought the takfiri by themselves. The LAF mobilised 13,000 troops and columns of tanks. The LAF (under Syrian influence) was not in the position to talk about Hezbollah interfering to raise sectarian tensions. The Syrian army could have forced the LAF to coordinate with Hezbollah, or the Syrian army itself could have spearheaded the assault.
Sectarian tensions lmaooooooooo right Mystic. That's why Rafiq Hariri and Sayyed Hassan were buddies (remember the picture of them sitting together having friendly conversation? Remember when Hariri had secret meetings with Sayyed Hassan to get himself back in the good graces of Assad??

More about the 2000 Dinniyeh clashes: the reason 13,000 LAF soldiers were deployed is because Syria wanted it that way. Why lose their own men when they can have the Lebanese soldiers die instead? Which brings me to today: why aren't there 13,000 LAF soldiers deployed in Beqaa? Because Syria and Hezbollah don't want that. They want takfiri in Lebanon because their presence justifies Hezbollah's regional activities (fighting takfiri in Syria and Iraq to "protect" Lebanon). The LAF is subservient to the axis of evil.

Same case as in 2015. The Resistance can not intervene in Arsal, due to secterian tensions it might elaborate. Did you forget your beloved Justice Minister Rifi, denying ISIS/Nusra presence right after LAF soldiers got beheaded?
Now I am laughing nickjames, you are such a hypocrit for real. Did you know Gen. Francois al Hajj was pro Resistance? He fought the Israelis himself, and he also had the full backing of the Syrian forces at the time.
He led the LAF during the Dinniyeh battles, and the Resistance backed him fully, just like he backed them in 2006. Don't twist my words, you are beginning to write insanely like your friend from texas.
Palestinian camps, have since the civil war ended, always been the job of the LAF, not the Syrians or the Resistance for that matter.

Looooool such off-topic garbage as usual. One, I don't care about Rifi and his Internal Salfi Forces, I am not a Mustaqbal constituent.
How exactly did the resistance support the LAF in the Dinniyeh clashes, and how did Francois al-Hajj support the resistance in 2006 (besides sporadic shooting at Israeli jets)? Please inform me...
And who cares what Hajj's political leanings were, that's irrelevant. Your whole post was irrelevant, like usual you dodge, deflect and divert into other subjects irrelevant to the original debate.

Yeah right, and you wrote that I am off topic, you just used the Dinniyeh clashes as leverage, and I just corrected you by saying the LAF general leading the offensive were actually Pro Resistance, you not caring about that, proofs that you are a real hypocrit indeed. Read about him and you will know. He was a true hero Francois Al Hajj, and I hope the LAF will inspire from him in the future.

Mystic, "Which is why it is called Army/Resistance, the army takes care of the security while the Resistance fights off the takfiri masses." - this is what the debate was about. I did not use the Dinniyeh clashes as "leverage" for anything. I used them as an example to prove that the LAF fought the takfiri without Hezbollah assistance. I don't give a crap about who Francois al-Hajj liked and who liked him in return, it's completely irrelevant to the debate.

Now it is suddenly not important in the debate, because it is going in my favor. The General Francois hajj leading the LAF to victory, praised the Resistance many times. I never claimed in any of my comments, that the LAF couldn't fight alone, they did in Nahr Al Bared & Arsal now. They do not get the proper backup or orders from the cabinet though, too many M14 saudi shackles tied around their heels. Without the Resistance holding back takfiris in Syria, then the army casualties would rise drastically. Ask soldiers off duty, they will say without the mouqawama, operations would be chaotic for them.

Just look at what the thumb robots are saying, and tell me the debate is in your favour. "Now it is suddenly not important in the debate" lol I said twice that it was irrelevant, and still is (this is three times now). Stop talking about Francois al-Hajj. I don't care who he likes and who likes him. It has nothing to do with Nahr el-Bared or Dinniyeh.
Now you bring up Arsal which is an entirely different scenario than Nahr el-Bared and Dinniyeh. This debate is over, I'm done for tonight. Go waste your time arguing with other people.

You failed james, now you write the thumbs decides who is right, who cares about those? I for sure do not. People should look up the facts and statements I write, search it on google, not look at silly Naharnet thumbs.

"People should look up the facts and statements I write"
Looooooooool Mystic the "facts" you write is the same hearsay in the STL that you make fun of and call garbage lmao. You used no facts, no numbers, nothing. You just argued with me to argue with me, and when you argued, you just said a bunch of cockamamie nonsense about Francois al-Hajj being a Hezbo bootlicker, which is irrelevant.
Just a thought about that: if al-Hajj loved the resistance (as you claim) why didn't he invite Hezbollah fighters to join his soldiers in Dinniyeh???
Lol I swear to God if you even respond to me you have no shame.

Pretending to care about Christians...shame on you, you're no better than ISIS. The only difference? You use Christians first then dispose of then after, but of course the sheep will follow blindly, queue the thumbs down fake account brigade in 5,4,3,2,1....

Go ask the Christian army who used to torture Shia in the South, what happened to them when Israel withdrew from Lebanon.
That's right headbanger, SHN made sure not a hair on their head will be touched ..when the Christians themselves thought HA would slaughter them for what they had done.
Go bang your head some have a screw loose.

Come to Lebanon for once instead of sitting on your throne in Australia :)

When there's peace in the region I might consider it.
until then, bang on headnager.

Cute, but since you have never been here, I suggest doing so. In the meantime keep up the ego boosts you so desperately require.

Southern, quit being a 5 year old. Christians are used by HA and ISIS, and this coming from you? Actually I find it funny, have a cookie.

PS I've seen you on many occasions like your other cohorts getting mighty offensive when they don't get their way...which is a common Houthi reaction.

On and one more thing southern, I'm pointing out that what is being said is by someone who has NEVER been to Lebanon, it's like you getting involved in South Korean Politics. Christians are used by HA in a more indirect way, that's a fact.

Right on roar thumbs up, SLA the cowards ran away along with the IDF. I thought their job was to liberate the South from Resistance?

The heads are terrorists, the kids who get killed in Syria are robots.

The day this criminal is brutally martyred is the day we celebrate our independence.

I am against HA in Syria. Would rather have them help with border patrol. To be honest it was a good speech.

lol time do tell us how you feel.
nice to cya brother ..long time.

They think we are the same I guess you must be doing ok yourself lol.

thank you the_roar for bringing @wolf out of retirement. Now it all makes sense. Good Job

they support M14 which in turn supported IS, Nusra Qaida with milk & blankets....what more does one need to say about them?
anyways brother I'm out...take care.

The good Christians of Lebanon supports the Resistance, not the Judas called Geagea. When did Geagea do anything for the Christians of Syria? He didn't care one bit he even exploded a church, any of you guys saying "oh those are just Syrians" you don't know what Jesus A.S words was all about.

Mystic, don't say who people support and don't support. Back in 2009 (the last time there were elections), Aoun was clearly more popular. In the six years since, Aoun's popularity has steeply declined because of his hypocritical and self-contradictory nonsense. The Christians are divided like always, which is why Lebanon will continue to fail as a country.
And so what if Geagea didn't do anything for the Syrian Christians, what did Aoun do for them? What did Aoun do for his captured soldiers and fellow LEBANESE Christians, who till this day are in Syrian jails?

nickjames, you are the last to talk about Christianity, last time we discussed about religion, you wrote me that you were an Atheist, which resulted in me dropping the conversation entirely.
Gen. Aoun supports the Christians of Syria, by supporting the Resistance whom dies protecting them. While the backstabbing Zionists M14 in Lebanon says, "Oh it's just Syrians, 5ale moot."

@nickjames, an even better question is what did Mr. Aoun do to bring home the Christian prisoners rotting in Syrian jail where they are still being beaten and tortured?

You people are a joke, Geagea bombed a Church! The Statue of Mary and Jesus peace be upon them, were laying around in pieces. Did Gen. Aoun ever do something like that? Did the Syrian Occupation do that?
Geagea did the same as ISIS did, bombing a Church and desecrating & crushing statues of Maryam al 3adra ou the crosses of Issa alayhi salam. Yet he says that Hezb are terorrists, he is the childkiller of all time, everybody knows it is not a big secret.

Lmaoooooooooooooooooo so off-topic Mystic, what does me being a non-practising Christian have anything to do with who Christians support politically??
Whether I'm Christian, Atheist or Hindu: Aoun has lost so much popularity, and has done nothing for Syrian Christians. He hasn't done anything to secure the release of his loyalist soldiers in Syrian prisons.

How is it off topic? If you are not a Christian, then how can you vouch for them, that is pretty simple nickjames. But then again, I guess all Geagea supporters are Atheists, no faith in God at all just dollars $$$.
"Aoun lost popularity" Now is that supposed to be a joke or what. He has more support than ever, more than Geagea I bet. More Christians actually support the Resistance after their actions in Syria, go to Lebanon outside the Achrafieh LF zones, and ask people yourself.

Mystic, don't make a fool out of me. You know damn well that me not going to church on Sunday has no relevance to politics. I grew up in a Christian family, many in my family are practising Christians, and we celebrate Christian holidays. Just because I don't go to church does not mean I am not Christian.
Geagea bombed a church?? I thought he was acquitted for that in a court of law (the same court that gave him four life sentences). And stop living in denial about Aoun. The last elections were six years ago (the peak of his popularity). Now he is a senile lunatic he contradicts himself in the same sentence. The reason people support him is because of what he did 25 years ago, not what he's doing today. They are Aouniyeh loyalists until the end, no matter how ridiculous he sounds.

gotta laugh at this one:
"If you are not a Christian, then how can you vouch for them, that is pretty simple nickjames."
Well then how come mowaten and southern who claim to be atheists (shia) vouch for shias? LOL

nickjames - Shame on you. Have you not figure out that Mystic has been assigned the right to determine who is a Christian and who is not. Who is a good Christian and who is not!

Ye ye nickjames, you don't have to write your life story here on Naharnet now, we already have baniharouf spammer for that business.
Now where were we? Oh yeah right, I knew you guys would be whining in masses, just like the takfiris across the border.
Now aint that a sight? M14'ers whine, and takfiris screams with you. Hezb sure are patient people.
By the way, Geagea is still a criminal. He got 4 life sentences for a reason, and he didn't fulfill his punishment, which is life imprisonment.
Good thing Geagea is still alive, it is amusing to see his zionist plan for Lebanon go to ashes, and him being an whiney old man with no heir to the LF throne but his wife. I hope he gets old, so he can continue to see this Resistance grow.

bani7arouf salafi here.
Geagea ordered this to happen. Inside a house of prayers, metlo3 da3ish.

Who cares about Western music? Do you believe we all want to listen to Justin Bieber and Britney Spears as you do? We listen to Sayed Hassan instead. All this propaganda about Christians not allowing to serve Alcohol is pure nonsense, go to any so called "Shia" area with Christians, and you will see Alcohol in every store they own, yet you have the nerve to call us narrow minded. Go and see for yourself ya Geagea lover.

Nasrallah: We reiterate our ultimate support for the security plan in the Bekaa and we believe that it came late. It must continue because the Bekaa region was suffering from thieves and outlaws who were intimidating people.
- You wanted it to come late so you'd have time to help your dealers escape to Syria. Beqaa will continue to suffer from outlaws because you guys are gonna bribe the security forces into releasing them.

Nasrallah: In the past, we faced the problem of convincing some Lebanese that we are part of the Arab region and the Levant, but their stance today has taken a more negative course because we now have to convince them that Lebanon is part of Planet Earth, not of Mars.
- Of course Sayyed, some Lebanese don't consider themselves Arabs, and they have the right to feel that way.

Nasrallah: Only Israel does not consider al-Nusra and Daesh a threat...
what a low opinion must he have of his followers!
June 26, 2014 - Israeli FM says ISIL (Daesh) is a 'threat to all countries of the region'Israel's
February 15, 2015 - Likud claims vote for left will benefit IS (Daesh)

Nasrallah: Israel has the right not to consider Daesh a threat because everything the group has done serves Israel's interests, whether Daesh knew that or not.
- But wait... I thought Daesh was working for Israel's interests. Now they're just doing things in Israel's interests without knowing??? Loooooooooool

Nasrallah: Daesh's eyes are on Mecca and Medina, not on Jerusalem, because the "caliphate" cannot function without the Two Holy Mosques.
- More sectarian rhetoric. Can't believe people listen to this Israeli sewer rat.

The only rats are you westernized people, roaming around his pure & honest speeches with your dirty words.

The day where Nasrallah takes orders from Lebanon and not his native Iran is the day I'll take his words seriously.

The day where Nasrallah takes orders from Lebanon and not his native Iran is the day I'll take his words seriously.

The day you M14'ers stop kissing American and Zionists feet. Will be the day I take you seriously.

Nasrallah: Jihad (Mughniyeh).. went to Quneitra where he fell a martyr.
what a low opinion must he have of his followers he keeps laying they keep believing!
January 16, 2015 - Hezbollah Secretary General said that the party does not deploy military units on Golan Heights
January 18, 2015 - The helicopter strike in he Syrian province of Quneitra (in the Golan Heights), killed six Hezbollah fighters, including Jihad Mughniyeh

poor iranman... dumberer than ever... disguising the truth to make it HIS truth and make it look true!
but he only fools his brainless sheep and no one else...

Nothing changes in the eyes of HA supporters; if you are not with HA then you are automatically with all of HA's enemies. Ya3neh anywhere from a traitor Zionist to an extreme Jihad lover. That's what happens when an Iranian militia controls every aspect of your life at gunpoint.

Says the guy who is living the "American dream of opportunities." Live your life the American Zionist way forever, eat your Mcdonalds watch American dad, eat your beef jerky, watch tv & be happy. People in Lebanon sure are happy to be rid of you, if you want the Western life, you can freely go to the U.S & Canada and live your lives, nobody is stopping you. That goes to all Western/Zionist lovers of Lebanon.

Yes I thank God everyday I don't have to share a country with the likes of you. Freedom of choice is a wonderful thing. Thank you for proving my point by the way :)

Nasrallah: I tell those who are asking us to withdraw from Syria, “Let us go together to Syria and Iraq and to any place.. any place like Bosnia you mean!
the poor fool thinks we are all brainwashed Iranian mercenaries and Iranian Légion étrangère.

He starts by saying " I am not a Hizbollah supporter...." and you understand the rest. By the way, who "knighted" you and made you 'Sir"... was it Sir Nassrallah?

If that was just the dearly case. Then we should make real democracy in Lebanon and let the people vote, yes the majority Lebanese wins let's go that way.
Then you would see, indeed the majority of Lebanese (Inside) Lebanon, supports the Resistance & their right to have weapons.
Don't forget the majority of commentators on Naharnet have their residence outside Lebanon, mostly in America or Canada, they are majority Lebanese Forces, Mostaqbal, or Kataeb supporters.

Only got one answer to that, bring it on. I will call my SSNP buddies and tell them, LF has finally grown a pair. They have been eager to fight you guys for years, Hezb can just sit and watch them shred you up.
Wont happen, because we all know LF'ers are big talk with no action. Just like all M14, you learned it the hard way in the 2008 clashes.

"Just like all M14, you learned it the hard way in the 2008 clashes."
- Looooooooooooool tell us what exactly the LF learned in 2008??? Last I remember, the Ouwwet didn't fight in 2008. They just had snipers all over the rooftops of Ain Remmaneh, waiting for Hezbollah -- sorry your SSNP thugs -- to enter.

Yes indeed, LF were terrified to see their Mostaqbal allies getting themselves busted up like that. How come the "brave" LF didn't come to rescue their allies, instead of hiding?

Because ma khasso fi. LF had no reason to enter the conflict, Ouwwet areas were not being threatened. Just because Mustaqbal was fighting, it doesn't mean LF has to. They had snipers in Ain Remmaneh in case they were attacked, but none of your brave SSNP thugs attacked.

Aha? So you fail to help your allies hide in your own areas, and expect people to see your "bravery" everybody knows the LAF are the loosers of Lebanon, even Mostaqbals salafi mercenaries are more dangerous.

Too bad I keep messing up the words, LAF & LF. Sad that the Lebanese Forces had to steal their name from the legitimate army of Lebanon.

Don't you ever get tired of writing all this crap in spam, ya bani7arouf?

Just look at Switzerland : prosperity, stability, security, and happiness. They have thunderstorms and plenty of snow, but their Neutrality stands high above all weathers....

The Governorate of Nabatiyeh will be linked to Iran through Kuneitra region and Iraq. All future wars will not be against zionists but between Shiistan (Persian empire) and Arabistan, Which will be surrounded from all sides by Shiistan.

Yes, the evil Qawmiyeh in Metn. Can't believe they still have that building on the main road in Dhour Chweir...

The comments above show hatred on behalf of all of us.
A clear evidence that Ebola has killed the coexistence and destroyed 100 years of hardships building Lebanon.
Ebola is the enemy from within.
Caporal is a traitor to the Christians.

Are you for real ya zalame? I think you have lived in the U.S for too long, listening to "victory stories" from the Lebanese Forces Association overseas. LF were the ones getting whipped by Palestinian forces during the civil war, you Phalangists begged the Syrian army to come and save you in that War. You are actually wrong about Hezb being allied with the Syrians in the civil war, actually we had clashes with them. Not even nickjames, is moronic enough to type so garbage.
Learn your history phalangist junior. Who called upon Hafez Al Assad to save you from the "evil" PLO? Pierre Gemayael & Co. Don't be sad, you joined up with the zionists later. So who is the weaker one? You guys have always jumped on the wagon of the strongest.
As for SSNP, they actually won against the LAF in many battles, including assassinating the head of LF. So you shouldn't underestimate your nemnesis, I for one, do not underestimate Israel. Because I know what they are capable of.

Meant to write SSNP, they actually won against the LF, my bad.
Anyway, The resistance was born out of the civil war. They had nothing to do with the politics before that, they were simply poor farmers with nothing else on their mind, than harvesting crops for the rich folks aka Kataeb families etc.
The Iranian Revolution in 1979 inspired them to resist against oppression after the Israelis invaded, and they succeeded in resisting the Israelis by driving them out of Al Janoub (South) Lebanon in year 2000.

Five images, not a single one has one Lebanese symbol. The men look like Mullahs, the women in black chadors looking like crows, the Posters they are worship are those of Khomeini, and their flag is totally foreign. Contrast that with the civilized photos of the commemoration of Harriri assassination and you know right away who is the true Lebanese. The anti-HA Shia must be embarrassed and angry to see their sect hijacked by power and money profiteering for some sick ideological propaganda.

Terrorism is on our border in the mountains, (Syria's) Qusayr and Qalamun and some parties are speaking of right and wrong,” Nasrallah said.
100% right Mr. Nasrallah, Daesh is an enemy that our LAF must deal with. However another terrorist organization (HA) is interwind within our territories and they are nibbling at the State and its institutions. Both Daesh and HA have unholly designs on Lebanon and both must be dealt with by our LAF.

The LAF will not fulfill your personal needs helicopter, they rather support and cooperate with the resistance and fight the takfiris you are so fond of.

Assad also sent busses filled with terrorists into Iraq to battle the US forces.

لا حدود لوقاحة من أرسل مصطفى بدر الدين يقود حرباً في سوريا وهو الهارب من وجه العدالة الدولية في قضية اغتيال الرئيس الشهيد رفيق الحريري، وربما غيرها من القضايا والجرائم الإرهابية. وهو بالرغم من كل هذا يتباهى.
لا حدود لوقاحة من ارتبط اسمه بسيل من العمليات الإرهابية إن لم يكن بالسكين فبالتفجير والاغتيال وغيره، وهو يشمئز اليوم من جرائم “داعش”.
لا حدود لوقاحة إرهابي يدعو الى وضع استراتيجية وطنية لمكافحة الإرهاب.
لا حدود لوقاحة من رد الدعوة للانسحاب من سوريا بدعوة الى الذهاب اليها جميعاً وبالسلاح إلى أي بقعة من العالم.
لا حدود لوقاحة من ادعى لنفسه أنه المدافع الأول عن المسلمين وهو الذي قتل منهم الى جانب حليفه في سوريا وغير سوريا مئات الالاف.

لا حدود لوقاحة من قرر أن اللعبة في سوريا انتهت وكأنه هو المنتصر وهو ليس سوى محتل يجرجر أذيال خيبته وقتلاه من منطقة الى أخرى.
لا حدود لوقاحة من لا يقيم أي اعتبار لدولته أو سلطته أو حكومته فيما يطرح نفسه وكأنه منقذ العالم.
لا حدود لعنجهية وكبرياء من صنف نفسه أذكى وأقوى من زعماء الشرق والغرب وكأنه مرشح للتربع على إمبرطورية العالم.
لا حدود لوقاحته، لكن لصبرنا عليه… حدود.

و»من الآخر»؛ في ملفّ انتخابات رئاسة الجمهوريّة، وبرغم قولك «على دول الخليج رفع الڤيتو عن ملف رئاسة الجمهورية في لبنان»، علينا تذكيرك أن نوّابكم هم الذين يقاطعون جلسات انتخاب رئيس للجمهوريّة، وأنّ مقاطعتكم هي لفرضِ رئيس للبنان تختاره إيران، وأنّ وقوفكم خلف ميشال عون ليس رغبة منكم في وصوله لسدّة الرئاسة بل غطاءً مسيحيّ تستفيدون منه كلّما رغبتم في تعطيل الحياة السياسة في لبنان إصراراً منكم على تعطيل الرئاسات ومصادرتها وتعطيل الدولة وتدمير مؤسساتها، وهذا مشروعكم منذ العام 1982 ومشروع إيران للمنطقة، وهذا شاهدناه في لبنان وفي العراق وسوريا، ونشاهده اليوم في البحرين وفي اليمن، وللمناسبة، لا بدّ من تذكير أمين عام حزب الله بأن دول الخليج لا نوّاب لها في البرلمان اللبناني!!

Translation of Nasrallah's speech: "I got in over my head again. I am drowning in Syria and Iraq. I need the Lebanese Armed Forces to join in a war into which I got Lebanon involved so as to bail me out. I will hold the Lebanese Presidency hostage until a candidate appears willing to concede to my demands to ally the LAF to the Syrian Army."

Then his other statement in support of the Copts who were slaughtered in Libya and his statement that he is fighting these same people, that he was right all along and that the rest of the world should join him in fighting the ISIS.

This guy is a liar supreme. Let us remember the real recent history, not Nasrallah's fabrications. Let us remember that before Hezbollah joined the fight in Syria at the instruction of Iran to save the Assad Regime, that Assad was on the brink of defeat at the hands not of ISIS or Nusra, but at the hands of the FSA and the forces who started the Arab Spring Movement in Syria.
Iran and Hezbollah's involvement which was clearly sectarian, was a catalyst to the rump Al Qaida in Iraq force that had evacuated Iraq to Syria. They were able to rebuilt their Sunni Movement because of Hezbollah's intervention in the Syria War. So who created ISIS?? Hezbollah did. ISIS was a reaction to Hezbollah involvement in the Syria War. Nasrallah always has difficulty with cause and effect, confusing one for the other.

Then his other statement in support of the Copts who were slaughtered in Libya and his statement that he is fighting these same people, that he was right all along and that the rest of the world should join him in fighting the ISIS.