Dulaimi Says she Was Married to Baghdadi for a Month

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Saja al-Dulaimi, a divorcee of Islamic State chief Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, has revealed to the court that she had been only married to the man for a month.

“I haven’t committed any offense,” al-Dulaimi was quoted as telling the military court on Monday.

“My only crime is that I entered Lebanon as a refugee … I married a (man) called Hisham Mohammed six years ago but only for a month,” she reportedly said while holding her newborn.

“His name wasn't Abu Bakr,” the woman told the court.

Al-Dulaimi was arrested at a checkpoint on al-Madfoun Bridge in the North last year.

She has been charged with belonging to an armed organization with the intent of carrying out a terrorist attack.

Al-Dulaimi has four children – twins from her first husband, a girl who is Baghdadi's daughter and the newborn from her Palestinian husband Kamal Mohammed Khalaf.

Monday's session was postponed because al-Dulaimi does not have an attorney.

“It's been eight months that I am under arrest and I don't need a lawyer. I have nothing” to say, she said.

Comments 14
Default-user-icon Ragnar of Arabia (Guest) 14 July 2015, 09:35

pour acid in her rotten cunt so she can never reproduce..

Thumb Mrowwe 14 July 2015, 16:50

To the moderators: please remove such satanic comments and to whoever posts such things, well Allah sees and knows.

Default-user-icon Abu Bakra al Bakhshawi (Guest) 14 July 2015, 09:45

'She was my wife,but i divorced her because didn't let me in her back passage'

Thumb joebustani 14 July 2015, 14:58

don't worry, zainab will.

Default-user-icon mowaten aka cityboy (Guest) 14 July 2015, 10:15

she should be released immediately. Innocent until proven guilty unless she is a sunni.

Thumb justin 14 July 2015, 10:27

@naharnet moderators: how can you approve and publish comments such as the above!

Default-user-icon rida (Guest) 14 July 2015, 14:06

i agree, she is still a human being show some respect. we go on crying to save an abused dog, but for human its fine to torture.....

Mr Moderator do some moderating

Thumb mouallek 14 July 2015, 11:25

Comments inspired by the Prince of Orange culture.

Thumb Machia 14 July 2015, 12:25

It is interesting that she is a Dulaimi. Dulaim is one of the largest Arab tribes (7m people)mostly living in Iraq.
The Dulaim played a great role in the creation of modern Iraq and consituted up to 20pc of the Iraqi army under Saddam.
The US invasion of Iraq, hailed by all GCC countries, was a disastrous affair for the whole Arab world, bringing to the fore the worst Shiite and Sunni extremist and killing secularism.
George W. Bush and Tony Blair should be tried for war crimes.

Default-user-icon Abu Amar al Zabrawi (Guest) 14 July 2015, 19:47

She came with the intent to commit terror or assist someone else to do so ..so in my book,she is less than a whore..deserves to be called less than that.

Default-user-icon paper yw (Guest) 15 July 2015, 02:47

a beautiful liar who is a spy, and who omar w trained well. tears of the desert lizard are all mere lubrication not sadness to the ride is going to make other perceive. isis girl is working for big H scope.so Hassan still sit under the tree while other bring refreshments as...

Thumb kanaandian 15 July 2015, 04:15

she should be executed

Default-user-icon Reader (Guest) 15 July 2015, 08:58

Do you reuse your paper towels for a month?
How about your toilet papers?

Thumb Mrowwe 15 July 2015, 09:13

There is a difference hetween sleeping around and being married three, four or more times even. Someone who speaks this way about women has either not been taught to respect half of the people on earth or he is just a hate-filled loser. You don't get to decide how many times it's ok for someone to be married. Slandering chaste women just because you hate Islam, a new low. You just gave her many of your good deeds (if you have any) or you took many of her bad deeds. The lord creator of the heavens and the earth who has no offspring is most just. Just because you are hiding behind a screen, it doesn't you aren't accountable for the evil you write. And yes Muslim women cover because it's an order from God (an order that even exists in the bible), they don't cover so that "men" who don't fear God can have an opinion on what's is proper modest behaviour and what isen't. Worry more about yourself and the evil you keep posting.