Geagea Decries 'Major War' on LF, FPM in Elections, Says Both Mustaqbal, Hizbullah against Maarab Agreement
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Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea announced Wednesday that the LF and the Free Patriotic Movement faced a “major war” from all parties in the latest municipal polls, noting that both al-Mustaqbal movement and Hizbullah are against the LF-FPM rapprochement.
“Municipal polls have never reflected the true political strength” of the political parties, Geagea said in an interview on MTV.
“We have never claimed to be a 'Christian tsunami' or that we represent 86% of Christians,” Geagea added, referring to the LF-FPM alliance.
“There was no confusion and it was our first attempt. A lot of technical mistakes happened and we will draw lessons from them but all of this does not justify the conclusions that were published in the media,” he said.
Asked about allegations that the LF and the FPM sought to “eliminate” local leaders in the elections in certain towns, such as Qoubaiyat, Tannourine and Deir al-Qamar, Geagea noted that “all the electoral battles were imposed” on the two parties.
“We did not seek a battle but we don't accept that anyone be under attack only because they belong to us. How did (Mustaqbal bloc MP Hadi) Hbeish become allied with (ex-MP Mikhail) al-Daher despite the sharp rift between them?” the LF leader added, referring to the Qoubaiyat battle.
“The LF and the FPM are the biggest Christian forces and no other party or figure has the same representation among Christians,” he stressed.
“Are we supposed to dissolve the LF department in Deir al-Qamar because (LF deputy chief) George Adwan failed to reach an agreement with (National Liberal Party chief MP) Dory Chamoun? We have the right to run in any electoral battle,” Geagea emphasized.
“Are they trying to say that any citizen has the right to run in the elections in Qoubaiyat and Tannourine except for the members of the LF and the FPM?” he added.
Turning to LF-FPM rapprochement, Geagea pointed out that “the Maarab agreement was based on specific points.”
“Until now the FPM is still allied with Hizbullah and we are still allied with al-Mustaqbal,” he said.
But he added that “all parties are waging a major war against the Maarab agreement and even al-Mustaqbal movement is against the Maarab agreement.”
“Hizbullah is also against the Maarab agreement and days ago (Hizbullah deputy chief Sheikh) Naim Qassem said that his party is committed to its allies, not to 'the allies of its allies',” Geagea went on to say.
Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid “Jumblat is also against the Maarab agreement but he is smarter than them and we agreed with him in all towns in Upper Metn, Chouf and Aley and we had no problems,” the LF chief said.
Commenting on the strained relation with al-Mustaqbal, Geagea reminded that “after the North's elections, Future TV started its news bulletin by saying that the municipal polls had crowned (Telecom Minister Butros) Harb as a king over Tannourine.”
“Sixty percent of voters in Tannourine are members of the Harb family and yet we managed to grab 40% of the vote,” Geagea added, referring to the LF-FPM alliance.
01 June 2016, 23:34
Geagea: Jumblat is also against the Maarab agreement but he is smarter than them and we agreed with him in all towns in Upper Metn, Chouf and Aley and we had no problems.
01 June 2016, 23:32
Geagea: After the North's elections, Future TV started its news bulletin by saying that the municipal polls had crowned Harb as a king over Tannourine. Sixty percent of voters in Tannourine are members of the Harb family and yet we managed to grab 40% of the vote.
01 June 2016, 23:27
Geagea: All parties are waging a “major war” against the Maarab agreement and even al-Mustaqbal movement is against the Maarab agreement. Hizbullah is also against the Maarab agreement and days ago Naim Qassem said that his party is committed to its allies, not to “the allies of its allies.”
01 June 2016, 23:25
Geagea: We had no enthusiasm for the Beirut electoral battle.
01 June 2016, 23:23
Geagea: We did not want to return to the previous experiences in Beirut's elections but we also did not want to create a new problem with al-Mustaqbal movement. We entered the coalition in Beirut because we did not want to deal a new blow to our relation with Mustaqbal and because there was no feasible alternative.
01 June 2016, 23:18
Geagea: The Maarab agreement was based on specific points and until now the FPM is still allied with Hizbullah and we are still allied with al-Mustaqbal.
01 June 2016, 23:14
Geagea: In Jounieh's elections, we supported the list backed by Frem until the end and I did not want a confrontation with the FPM. I feared for Maarab's coalition after Aoun engaged in Jounieh's municipal polls and I had to act cautiously.
01 June 2016, 23:07
Geagea: We are collecting all the necessary documents to appeal the results of the Qoubaiyat elections. If we gather enough evidence, we will press on with the appeal procedures.
01 June 2016, 22:58
Geagea: Are we supposed to dissolve the LF department in Deir al-Qamar because George Adwan failed to reach an agreement with Dory Chamoun? We have the right to run in any electoral battle. Are they trying to say that any citizen has the right to run in the elections in Qoubaiyat and Tannourine except for the members of the LF and the FPM?
01 June 2016, 22:43
Geagea: When the Maarab agreement occurred, Pharaon stressed to Hariri that he cannot be against it. We want everyone to be with us but some do not want that – either because of their other ties or because they believe that their political weight is bigger than ours.
01 June 2016, 22:40
Geagea: The LF and the FPM are the biggest Christian forces and no other party or figure has the same representation among Christians.
01 June 2016, 22:37
Geagea: We did not seek a battle but we don't accept that anyone be under attack only because they belong to us. How did Hbeish become allied with al-Daher despite the sharp rift between them?
01 June 2016, 22:14
Geagea on Qoubaiyat's polls: All the electoral battles were imposed on us.
01 June 2016, 22:04
Geagea: We are seeking to leave behind the traditional considerations and to focus on the factor of competency.
01 June 2016, 21:59
Geagea: In the 2010 municipal polls, we won by 500 votes in Bsharri while the margin in this year's elections was 1,000 votes.
01 June 2016, 21:52
Geagea: There was no confusion and it was our first attempt. A lot of technical mistakes happened and we will draw lessons from them but all of this does not justify the conclusions that were published in the media.
01 June 2016, 21:48
Geagea: We have never claimed to be a "Christian tsunami."
01 June 2016, 21:48
Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea to MTV: Municipal polls have never reflected the true political strength.

Geagea: After the North's elections, Future TV started its news bulletin by saying that the municipal polls had crowned Harb as a king over Tannourine. Sixty percent of voters in Tannourine are members of the Harb family and yet we managed to grab 40% of the vote.
If municipal elections are all about families and locals then why go compete with Harb in Tannorine if as you claim 60% of voters in Tannorine are from the Harb family.

How did (Mustaqbal bloc MP Hadi) Hbeish become allied with (ex-MP Mikhail) al-Daher despite the sharp rift between them?” the LF leader added, referring to the Qoubaiyat battle.
How did you become allied with the FPM your nemesis enemy for over 35 years despite the sharp rifts between you and the FPM? Geagea is sounding now more and more like a totalitarian of the civil war era.

They are all losers in my opinion. They want more and more control of the people through twisted electoral laws. Tripoli led the change and I hope other Lebanese areas follow to punish these warlords and corrupt politicians, without exception.