Report: Hizbullah Finds Mossad Agents within its Ranks

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Hizbullah has uncovered spies within the ranks of the party’s leadership, creating a shock to both the Shiite party and Israel, the Kuwaiti daily al-Rai reported Sunday.

The newspaper said that the discovery was made around three months ago when Hizbullah intentionally sent “fateful information” to Israelis and put the suspects under tight surveillance.

Israel reacted to the info, al-Rai said. This contributed to uncovering its spies, it added.

According to the daily, the number of Mossad agents discovered from within different ranks in the party is more than 10. Some of the spies are high-ranking officials, it said.

Comments 18
Default-user-icon G (Guest) 19 June 2011, 12:05

And they say M14 are collaborators! its in their own backyards

(i know i know, spies come in all shapes and forms)

Good thing they found them though

Missing mansour 19 June 2011, 12:26

Haha lol and his name is nasrallah :)

Missing motfeh 19 June 2011, 12:27



Hezbos ....

You need to double check on Le Phenicien.... I know he is on your payroll, but all this trolling around is suspicious

Trust me ;-)

Default-user-icon mehdi (Guest) 19 June 2011, 13:13

hassan called it albee2a al 7adina lil 3oumala2, hassan tried to accuse and blame the Christians like the Arafat, Jumblat and Assad did previously but in fact it turns out that's Hizballah, Tawheed and FPM they breed traitors. Turns out the accuser was trying to shift the blame away from himself were the real Zionist traitors are nurtured I mean it's a fact that most of the SLA was Shiite.

Thumb tabasco 19 June 2011, 14:01

أكدت مصادر قيادية في "حزب ايران" "اعتقال عدد من عناصر الحزب بعدما تبين تعاملهم مع العدو الإسرائيلي"، مشيرة لأحد المواقع الالكترونية إلى أن "أحد المتعاملين المعتقلين هو قريب لمسؤول بارز في حزب السلاح الايراني إضافة إلى أن من بين المعتقلين رجل دين


Thumb Marc 19 June 2011, 16:29

How many ? What are the names??

Default-user-icon Pacifier (Guest) 19 June 2011, 16:34

Wake up call, it iss obvious Hezbollah has many mossad agent within its ranks, even in high levels, because all of Hezbollah's existence has been nothing but helping Zionist Scheme to desintegrate Lebanese unity, and prosperity,Its simple:

- Hezbollah of beginning 82 was not the same Hezbollah of today. When Imam Sadr disappeared, or probably got flushed by israel and Libya, because he wa a strong wake up educated leader for the Chiites , which they didnt want. so they sent some agents of theirs to infiltrate it from the beginning. why do you think they left Lebanon if they felt there was going to be anotther threat for them in 82?

- Hezbollah protects Israel's north borders, as it doesnt let any palestinian attack happen from there, which is to the benefit of israel, or else we would have lots of fireworks.

- Disarming palestinians means disarming Hezbollah too, means unity through army and people, prosperity, no wars, tourism , bigger threat for Israel, see, it was all planned,

Default-user-icon أحمد (Guest) 19 June 2011, 16:35

أسماؤهم سيعلن عنها حزب الله بعد صدور القرار الظني، ليقول أنهم هم من يشملهم الإتهام.

Default-user-icon neutral (Guest) 19 June 2011, 18:19

yallah. fadayeh fadayeh. Israels fingers are every where in lebanon and the Am dollar is filling accounts in switzerland. Every one is using Palestine to get rich.
No one cares about Palestine or the palestinians. its all masrahyeh.
Every one who takes money from the Yahoody is Khayen kbeer and deserves to be hangued. Lets wait and see if Hizbo going to show them and hang them.

Default-user-icon Joe (Guest) 19 June 2011, 19:35

Is it surprising to see Hizbullah ranking officers working as Israeli agents? All of Hizbullah leadership are Iranian agents anyway. After all, Israel and Iran sleep in the same bed and thats not a secret. The sad part about it is that these young men who are indoctrinated and used by Hizbullah and Israel have forgotten that they are lebanese.

Missing urotherside 19 June 2011, 22:44

hehehe .. little HA got that big Giant israel very very worried, and very embarrased, and now they might have lost the last of their spies :) ... i am loving it.

P.S: I do not necessarily like HA, but since Israel is the greater evil, I enjoy seeing what HA is doing to them. They say what goes around comes around. Israel's evil is finally starting to catch up with it.

Thumb shab 19 June 2011, 23:14

Filthy non-Islamic mafia militia run by filthy money horny leaders

Default-user-icon neutral (Guest) 20 June 2011, 04:40

If Hizballah has rockets that reach Tel Aviv why dont they destroy tel aviv? All their speachs with iran we will destroy israel. We hear it and hear it again and again. What is keeping them from doing it? Is this an act their putting on? Think about it people they are capable but why arent they doing it? Thats what they say their arms and rockets are for. yes? why dont they use them and get it over with. ? why is iran and ahmadinijad are silence now? Is Israel telling them what to do? so they can get money from the US? Propaganda is huge . While israelies are living happy we in lebanon are suffering . what does it tell you? who is the winner here ? and who in lebanon is making the lebanese suffer so the jews live happy? All the speches and tahdidat to israel are talk but no action.

Missing bigdigg 20 June 2011, 07:16

Naharnet, keep quoting sources like Al-Rai, whose staff itself happens to be on the payroll of the Mossad, and whatever you have left of credibility will go down the drain.

There you go Naharnet, I told you cannot be at the center. How can you quote a trash article like this one and not publish the Hizballah response to this?

Missing bigdigg 20 June 2011, 07:21

بيان صادر عن حزب الله:
يؤكد حزب الله ان كل ما يُنشر تحت عنوان"مصادر في حزب الله"، أو"مصادر قيادية"، أو "أوساط قيادية"، أو "مصدر مسؤول".. لا علاقة له بحزب الله على الإطلاق، وإنما هي اختراعات صحفية.
ومن المعروف أن حزب الله يعبّر عن آرائه من خلال مسؤوليه، بأسمائهم المعروفة، أو من خلال بيانات رسمية صادرة عن الجهات المعنية فيه.
لذا، يدعو حزب الله وسائل الإعلام إلى توخي الدقة والحذر في ما تنشره من أخبار ترتبط بحزب الله وتنسبها الى عناوين مجهولة.

Missing urotherside 20 June 2011, 09:06

Asaf, If I was an israeli I would be worried to have no good agents lik eyou spending their tim eon websites like these. Go get a life bozo, and stop killing innocent people who had nothing to do with your lover Hitler.

Default-user-icon Danny Brand (Guest) 20 June 2011, 18:04

neutral, I see that you think that victory can be achieved with missiles or terror.
Should I remind you that the coin as two sides and the 1st missile hit Tel Aviv half Lebanon will be ashes? sometimes I have the feeling that people with short memory in Lebanon are missing the war started in 1975 cause you 170 thousand of victims, hundreds of thousand wounded, 25 billion dollar loss over 1 million people left Lebanon and remain with a trauma till this very days.
A country used to be the Switzerland of the Mediterranean paid a price for its hospitality to snakes.
If you think that Israel will stay calm for being targeted you are wrong as we all know who will pay the price for this adventure.
So live and let live.
If our side of border will be quiet yours will be as well.
You have a beautiful country I know have been there and will be happy to return for a visit but as a tourist not as a soldier.
And one last suggestion, stop dreaming of Israel's destruction and start dreaming for peace.

Default-user-icon Lebanus (Guest) 20 June 2011, 20:32

Totally agree with pacifier! Israel had planted hezb. To secure it's border with some margin of maneuvers. For one they shifted the focus from the main cause which is the Palestinian cause for decades and created an issue that would take generations to solve ie. the moving of masses from south to Beirut... If Israel was really fighting this armed party since 82 then how come it grew so big... Even bigger than the Lebanese army arsenal... Iran Syria and hizb are all working on one single plan and that is the non existence of lebanon. If you trace it back to short history: 82invasion/86 Beirut clashes! 06invasion/08 Beirut clashes. The problem might be Israel, but the thing is they always find their best allies from within!