Le Figaro: Hizbullah Moving Arsenal from Syria to Lebanon
إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية
Hizbullah is moving its arsenal from Syria over fears that the anti-Assad demonstrations would lead to regime change, a Western expert closely following up Iranian-Syrian ties told the French daily Le Figaro on Saturday.
The expert confirmed that Western intelligence had monitored the movement of trucks from the Syrian border to eastern Lebanon’s Bekaa valley.
The trucks are allegedly transporting Iranian-made Zelzal, Fajr 3 and Fajr 4 rockets that the Shiite party had amassed in depots in Syria.
Le Figaro said that Hizbullah’s logistics units based in Syria were helping the party move its arsenal.
However, it said that Damascus and Tehran have lately doubted that the transfer of arms to Hizbullah has been monitored by U.S. and Israeli satellites.
In an effort to confront the surveillance, Syrian intelligence units and Iran’s al-Quds Force have established a central command at the Damascus airport, Le Figaro added.

If this is true , how come the Israeli air force did not interfere to stop them from crossing the Syrian borders ??
Where was the Figaro when the Palestinians introduced their weapons inside Lebanon from the same Syrian borders ..???
At least Hezb is Lebanese not Palestinian and these arms will be Lebanese facing the Palestinian Salafi wahhaby terrorists that are in the camps , in Tripoli and Akkar , and behind all the troubles we have in Lebanon .

to M8: I hope you guys only are serious about playing defense. If you got no WMD's then you have no business provoking someone who does. If those guys get pinched badly then they might decide to wipe out southern Lebanon. What would you do then?
To M14 folks. I never hear you criticizing israel for all the unjustice that they do. If it was not for HA then they might already annexed and have had a few settlement in south as they do in Golan. What is your plan? Would that be your plan if you were Shiite and lived in a southern town? Would you feel comfortable with that and for how long knowing that right wing israeli's seek a greater israel. If you think you have a real and good plan (not the army of course since israel will wipe them out in 2 days) then why don't you present it.

first of all, it's obvious that slash is CIA/MOSSAD information unit because no lebanese is so stupid. Secondly, the very idea that HA kept their arms in Syria and is now transfering it to Lebanon is idiot ic in it's nature, because it's obvious that you can't defend your country like in 2006 if you have weapons far away. I mean, what's wrong with Nahar publishing such crap?

Slash, I don't even know how to start with you but I'm going to begin with your uneducated sectarian brain by telling you to learn how to write in english before posting. It looked like an encrypted message, but from what I understood is that you think you're still in the civil war: WELL ITS 2011 and the balance of power changed. If you think your martyrs gave their blood and soul, good for you, but remember who brought the palestinians to Lebanon via the Cairo agreement so the GEMAYEL was the root of the problem. Did you ever ask yourself why the LF and Phalange were the strongest back in the day? Every other group in the war had AK 47s and RPGs while you had the Israeli army funding-arming and giving you intel on every move so don' t take too much credit there. What did you do in West Beirut except pull a massacre in Sabra and Shatila? That's pretty heroic my friend, I'm glad you're proud lol. Remember that HA fought the Israelis for 34 days and never let them invade. They fough the

And asaf is lying also. There were jewish setlements in south lebanon, they tried it, and how can someone deny that it's unbelievable how some people want to believe in lies. They wanted south lebanon just like they want golan.

strongest army in the region, held strong and destroyed its objectives. And you're here boasting about your civil war accomplishments 30 years ago against fellow lebanese. People like you are the reason Lebanon is sectarian and backward and I honestly feel sorry for you.

Lebanswer u idiot HA didn't win anything in 2006 if anything they destroyed and cost Lebanon billions.HA was crying whether you admit it or not if they won why is your leader hiding under ground and haven't even thrown a stone at isreal since.thank you

Phenicien your mind is so simple it is refreshing. Why on earth do you need iranian missiles in Lebanon and how is this helping us? How was 2006 good for the country and last but not least it is your friends Assad's Syria who armed the Palestinians in the camps, nothing crosses the border without them knowing about it.

Le phoenician; if Israel were to bomb the convoys that would be a declaration of war. Let go of your racism and let's live in peace please .

M14 (except LF), You are losing because of LF and spineless leaders like Zaezae. That's my new name for lady geagea (zay-ze2).
LF'rs who're posting here: You're very ignorant, ill-inforned and come across as such in a grand fashion. You seem to be full of hatred. Congrats. Stay the course (past, present, anf future) losers. You do not deserve even a reply besides this little one stating what you are.

You guys are all dumb. Arguing and fighting back and forth, you're not much better than all the corrupt politicians in the country. HA,LF,M14,M8 etc etc etc. makes me laugh, I can't believe in this day and age people still can't think for themselves and blindly follow such groups, it's pure tribalism. Grow up gentlemen, nothing will change or get better until you all do!
Slash, your English sucks the big one...DDUUUDDDEEE

bigdig simple question for your simple neurones: do u back up the syrian regime?

Asaf, Israel stole our water, cut off supplies so they can only sell their products. And, according to the UN, they even stole tons of our soil.
Israel is a criminal state and a threat to the ENTIRE middle east. Imagine if the Arabs went to Spain (which belonged to Arabs for 800 years) and captured it. Do you think the Europeans will say, it is only Spain and it has nothing to do with us? Or the Europeans will fight to kick the invaders out? Asaf, I will guarantee you your racist state will not have a moment of peace until we Arabs have justice.