Israel Threatens to Attack Southern Lebanon if Situation ‘Deteriorates’
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Israel threatened on Sunday to launch a large-scale military operation on southern Lebanon if the security situation continues to deteriorate in the region.
“Hizbullah has turned most of the villages in southern Lebanon into explosive spots,” security sources told the Israeli radio.
The sources noted that the Israeli military has recently discovered new combat techniques and headquarters that belong to Hizbullah in the south.
"We have recently discovered new military bases and equipment belonging to Hizbullah in these villages,” they stressed.
The radio quoted the sources as saying that “Israel will try to diminish injuries among civilians (if it launches such an operation), and will direct civilians to leave their houses at the right time and with all the available means.”
The Israeli military launched on June 19 a major five-day home front defense exercise called Turning Point 5, in an attempt to prepare for a possible wave of massive missile attacks on it.
Hizbullah chief Hassan Nasrallah said on Friday during a speech that members of his group had confessed to being CIA agents, and accused arch-foe Israel of turning to the U.S. spy agency after failing to infiltrate his party.
More than 100 people in Lebanon have been arrested on suspicion of spying for Israel since April 2009, including military personnel and telecommunications employees.
Lebanon and Israel technically remain in a state of war and convicted spies face life imprisonment or the death sentence if found guilty of contributing to Lebanese loss of life.
Hizbullah last fought a devastating war with Israel in 2006. The month-long conflict killed more than 1,200 Lebanese, mainly civilians, and 160 Israelis, mainly soldiers, and destroyed much of Lebanon's major infrastructure.

Me thinks this is total BS by the israeli proganda machine. I will believe it when I see it. Me also thinks israel is afraid of HA so I doubt they will be stupid to start anything. Unless there are a lot more spies then HA stated last.

To: Red Night. Yes we all in Israel are afraid of war and blood of casualties to your surprise (even f they are Jewish) is red.
Have been in wars in my life and saw the horror of wars and a trauma that never been forgotten.
But in case we'll have to defend our country we'll do it with no hesitation,
Israel is targeted by Hizbulla missiles and rockets.
There will be many casualties and destruction.
Question is who will suffer more? Lebanon or Israel ?
Who will recover quicker and who will count his dead ?
If you don't believe that South of Lebanon became to be Hizballastan, then try to enter freely to those villages.
Even the Lebanese army can't enter there not to mention the UN forces.
If Lebanon likes to live with a this situation you are welcomed as long the border will be quiet.
As any spark can ignite the whole area and the casualties will not be only ours.
So live and let live this is for the benefit of both countries.
It came the time to stop proving who has a bigger thing .

We saw nothing of Israel's strength in 2006. If they are coming back, they will come back in full force! Especially because Hizballah were bragging about their "victory" (which killed 1200 lebanese civilians, not to include destroy our infrastructure and economy)

Let them try!! this time Tel aviv will be ablaze, their airports will shut down too....this is only talk aimed at scaring the few tourists planning to come to Lebanon this summer, they can no longer launch a war.

To Danny Brand whatever, and where ever you are.. unlike our neighbours to the south, we are not racist. we know the color of blood, and horrors of war.. we don t give a toss about the religion of those to the south. we are not at war with Judiasim. we are at war with a racist, fascist, and illigetimate state of Israel. That country will remain illegitimate and without a future until the Palestinian issue is solved, and Israel recognizes a state of palestine within the 1967 boarders. Israel has to apologize to the palestinians for all the crimes against humanity it has commited against them since 19478, and compensate the refugees. Israel will end up doing all of what i just mentioned.. the way the germans paid for the crimes they commited during WWII.

Slash, don t know where u come from..i really hope you re not lebanese.. if u are, u should be stripped of your citizenship and shipped to the USA..maybe they ll grant you asylum..
Without any sort of resistance in lebanon, we would have ended up as refugees or second class citizens. as the israeli would either have annexed our country, or shipped all the palestinians and settled them in chez nous..
what racism did u hear in my post???? u need to wake up, and get out of your limited square mentality. No one is asking u to like or hate hizbullah.. nevertheless the reality is that the palestinians are treated like dogs in israel, and throughout the world.. i am not waging a war to defenfd them, i was explaining to a post on what israel has to do to become legitimate..
read a post properly, not just 2 words before u react.. don t bother responding to me, as i will not answer your again..

Mazen: Have a question.
If Palestinian treated like dogs in Israel, how come 78 percent of Palestinian living in East Jerusalem willing to remain under Israeli government ?
About returning to 1967 borders, is it accepted by all Palestinian groups to live side by side to Israel or instead of Israel ?
Did you recently red the Hamas Agenda, they are not only against Israeli occupation, they are against Israel's exsistance and not only anti Israel they are against all Jews of the world swearing to kill Jews wherever they find them.
We saw what Hamas did to their own brothers in Gaza.
We should compensate the Palestinian for being attached in 1947-1948?
It same if you like us to compensate the Germans for wasting their bullets killing the Jews.
Just imaging how many Jews would have remained in Israel if we lost that war.
The humanitarian Arabian treatment we see till today in Iraq , Syria Lybia and Lebanon.

Now that Israel is too weak and confused to act, it panics, and all it does is make its shouts more shrill. And at the same time, its hired spokespersons in other places and organizations get more shrill. In fact, you can see who is working for Israel by how shrill their voices are getting.

Turns out the ones who shout and shrill and accuse all those who disagree with them of working for Israel are the ones fostering traitors and spies, think Hezballah, Tawheed and FPM.

HA was formed not to join the civil war and murder lebanese but to liberate our 10452. They have liberated most of the land but Shebaa and Anjar remain occupied. Without HA, Lebanon would be occupied until today since no convetional power in the region could beat Israel except an organized guerilla warfare. The reason arms will remain with them is because nobody can protect their soil like they can and the lebanese army is too weak. It took our army almost a year to beat Fatah Al Islam in the camps, how long could it stand against Israel? HA's existence isn't healthy for Israel and sectarian lebanese followers of the rival camp. The sunnis don't want the Shia to keep shining, the extremist christians feel too uninvolved. The palestinians are the root of the lebanese problem, but nothing justifies the way their land was stolen. They did sell some of it, but the expansion was unjust to say the least. What did the International Community do about it? That's all I'll say.

Lek Lebaneseanswer, please habibe dont use the word 10452km2 , the first one who said it is Cheikh Bachir Gemayel and he defended it well, and reject the israelis peace treaty at the end, when you accept iranian hegemony and praise Iran day and night and Nasrallah showing love and wants us to be the same as their republic.
- liberate what ? the south? Israel went off not because of Hezbollah, he is the biggest zionist agent. he is covering their borders from palestinian threats,
- Help the palestinians ? we saw what they did at nabka wou naqsa wou ma ba3ref shou day in june, he just watched them get killed.
- Where are their balls now? always threathning like Israel, both are the same, and are friends , both fucking Lebanon their way, thank you for not giving a chance for diplomacy and to prove your resistance in case Israeli reject it, we thus have a reason to tell them that there is no other way, and in front of the Intl community, but like that we are fallin deeper in their trap

lebanswer: as many supporters of the islamist hezb you claim that the army is too weak to protect lebanon: ok.
so, why don t you ask the hezb to integrate the lebanese army and be under the control of the state of lebanon and not a political party who launches war when it wants without refering to the state and keep millions of people hostages of the decision of a man and not of the people...
this way the army would be strong benefiting from the weapons of your militia...
do you find it normal and democratic that one man and his party decide to make peace or war and not your state?
don t you want a state of lebanon, a true state meaning that the only legal arms are with the national army and police forces?
supporting the hezb is turning your back to what makes a strong and unified state which should be the only one to decide the fate of a country!
the resistance does not belong to a single party but to all the citizens therfore thru their army!

re lebanswer
last time I was there Anjar wasnt occupied, it hasnt been since the syrian dogs left after ordering the murder of Rafik Hariri. You probably meant Chebaa and Kfar Shouba. These villages are also free from any occupiors, but there is inhabited areas belonging to these mountains still under israeli control.

Pacifier, I wish I have time to waste to answer you but judging from your first sentence, you support the man that brought th palestinians to our country in the first place so you or Sheikhak aren't worth my answer ya3ne za7eet :). Peace, I am not a supporter of Hezbollah's ideology, they still have to clarify the wilayt al fakih before I declare their agenda is righteous so don't get me wrong. We both and it doesn't take a genius to know that our army is weak. Integrating the Hezb into the army isn't as easy as one could think since their methods of secrecy could not be revealed, not to mention their tactics of Jihad in the face of the enemy, whether you agree with suicide bombing or not. From what I hear, to become a HA soldier you have to go through a course only the a pious sacrificial person can so we're supposed to integrate them and their secrecy under the army's composed of 40,000 soldiers. If they infiltrated them recently with their secrecy guard up, what do you think

happend when integrated? They shoudn't stopuntil our 10452 is liberated and whn it happens, they could open the page for a new defensive strategy and hopefully people like Bachir won't open our borders to Palestinians again for more trouble. That's all I'll say on this post. Thanks.

Danny Brand:
First of all, i said palestinians treated like dogs everywhere, not only in israel. It goes with your selective memory, read post fully before u comment.
second, the palestinians will remain even under a government run by lucifer rather than leave their homes in E. jerusalem. U want them to say they prefer P.A.? this way some racist thugs in israeli government will ship them to the west bank?
Then, as for 1967. what most israeli and westerners do not understand is that the Arabs, and the palestinians in particular compromised big time by accepting the 1967 boarders. They forsake palestine for th km2 west bank, E. jeruslaem and gaza. Please keep in mind that Israel is and will always remain an illegal entity whose legitimacy can only be granted by the PALESTINIANS. most palestinians and arabs are willing to make peace with israel if palestine is created within 1967 boarders.
Finally regarding hamas, i do not read or hear what those thugs do or say. like i do not listen

Hamas: they are not worse than fundimenatlist jews .. actually they might be slightly better..Lieberman and co. can be compared to al qaeida..
Finally, 1947-1948. The jews came from europe extremely well trained in warfare as they had taken part in WWII along many allied armies and resistence. they simply flushed the Palestinians out of their homes, land, and countries. Most arab states had either benn independent 2 or 3 years or not yet independent. The creation of the state of Israel remains one of the shameful acts of humanity of the 20th century..along side the Nazi crimes, Rwandan genocide, Bosnia etc..
Israel, in its form today, will not last!!! europeans are slowly forgetting WWII and their collective guilt is subsiding.. democracy and freedom for all..even in Cairo.. who would have thought?? freedom is approaching damascus, and will get to jerusalem..

as far as i know a "resistance" integrates all citizens that want to resist. it is not reserved only to a sect or party . in that case it is called a militia...
so the hezb better stop calling themselves resistance as they do not allow people from another sect to integrate! they have wiped off all the people resisting in the south who weren t shiites! so they could impose their ideology and their power... it is called also a mafia....
hezb is then a mafia's militia and certainly not a lebanese resistance as 70% of the lebanese cannot join this so called resistance!
as they do not obey to the state nor to the army then it means they have their own laws which is inacceptable in a democratic country.
or is lebanon still a country???

Last but not least, Lebanswers, you can say 10452km2 when :
- You resist for more than 8 years, Syrians, Palestinians, Arabs with their petrodollar counting on you to fall, US and the West counting on you to give up Lebanon as a replacement for Palestine
- You get your facts right on how the palestinians landed in Lebanon after the Cairo Agreement signed by EMILE BOUSTANI, general of lebanese army , he is the one who gave the permission for palestinian militias to act freely,
- Then SLEIMAN FRANGIEH SENIOR called SYRIA to intervene and handle the situation in 75 like i said earlier to control JEICH TA7RIR EL FALASTINI which was under their orders and making the first problems.
- CHECK your fact lebanswer, you know nothing of the past, you can check it anywhere, all you know is your pathetic superficial no good for nothing Hezbollah, that not even resisted one month against Zionists, and Piggy poo hassouni was sweating in his sewers saying he didnt plan for all that to happen. pussy