Miqati: Connelly Called for ‘Respecting’ International Resolutions, a Word March 14 Had Objected to

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Prime Minister Najib Miqati’s circles revealed on Saturday that the American administration had called on the Lebanese government to “respect” international resolutions, which is a word the March 14 forces had voiced reservations on.

The forces had criticized Miqati for saying that the government will “respect” resolutions instead of “committing” to them.

The circles stated that the U.S. position was revealed after Miqati held talks on Friday with U.S. Ambassador to Lebanon Maura Connelly.

An Nahar daily reported on Saturday that the meeting was aimed at highlighting the American position on the Special Tribunal for Lebanon.

The Prime Minister had reassured the Lebanese in remarks published in As Safir newspaper on Friday that strife will not erupt in Lebanon after the release in the indictment in the STL, stressing: “We do not want to create panic and tensions in the country as a result of an international decision that is out of our control.”

“Matters will take their natural course in the Lebanese judiciary and with the general prosecutor, not the government, who are charged with following up on the indictment and the STL’s procedures,” Miqati added.

Comments 1
Default-user-icon ☞ Visit Site (Guest) 02 July 2011, 15:30

You wouldn't want to give the impression the U.S. is pushy now? Would we?
It will only give validity to Hezbollahs claims. I am very sad Lebanese are involved, but I am eager to see what the tribunal has found and unquestionably analyzed to put the blame against Lebanese. The proof needs to be solid. I ask the tribunal not to insult our intelligence.