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Jumblat, Geagea Abroad for High-Level Talks

Two of Lebanon's top politicians, Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat and Lebanese Forces chief Samir Geagea, traveled on Saturday for high-level talks abroad.

Jumblat and his son Taymour traveled to Paris while Geagea headed to Saudi Arabia for talks with top Saudi officials.

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Four Wounded in Dispute at Palestinian Refugee Camp

Four people were injured on Saturday in a personal dispute at a Palestinian refugee camp east of the southern city of Sidon, the state-run National News Agency reported.

NNA said knives and sticks were used by the young men at the Miyeh Miyeh camp.

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Families of Arsal Abductees Meet Sons in Outskirts of Town

The families of the Arsal hostages met their sons on Saturday after the kidnappers agreed to the step as a good-will gesture on the occasion of Eid al-Fitr.

Families of the abductees arrived at the northeastern border town of Arsal and were later transported to its outskirts to meet their sons, the state-run National News Agency reported.

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Residents of Jbeil and Hbaline Block Roads to Landfill

Residents of the Jbeil district town of Hbaline blocked on Saturday all the roads leading to the controversial garbage landfill in their town, the state-run National News Agency reported.

Their move comes after the announcement of Environment Minister Mohammed al-Mashnouq that the Sukleen firm will continue collecting waste in Beirut and its suburbs in the coming days.

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Five Czechs and a Lebanese Feared Kidnapped in West Bekaa

Lebanese authorities are searching for five Czechs feared kidnapped in the eastern Bekaa Valley, a military source and the state-run National News Agency said Saturday.

The five, along with their Lebanese driver Munir Taan, a resident of Nabatiyeh, have been missing since Friday night, when their car was discovered in the Kefraya region in the western part of the Bekaa.

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Six Wounded in Family Clashes in Wadi Khaled, Akkar

Six people were wounded Friday in two separate clashes in the North district, al-Jadeed television reported.

A dispute between the Attiya and Hammoud families escalated into a fight involving the use of batons and knives in the Akkar district town of al-Muqaybleh.

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Media Exposes Yatim's Criminal Past, Aoun Urges State to 'Deter' Offenders

Lebanese media outlets scrambled Friday to highlight the criminal record of Tareq Yatim, the man who stabbed to death a 45-year-old father of four children in Ashrafieh, as Free Patriotic Movement chief MP Michel Aoun urged the state to “start deterring criminals.”

In 2012, Yatim was among those who opened fire at a motorcycle repair shop in Sidd al-Baouchrieh, killing Elie Numan and wounding two others, OTV said.

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Al-Rahi Says Presidency Can't be Replaced with '24-Head Republic'

Maronite Patriarch Beshara al-Rahi on Friday reiterated his call for political forces to elect a new president, noting that the 24-member government cannot continue practicing the powers of the presidency indefinitely.

“We pray for politicians to elect a president for Lebanon, because if there is no president, we can't do anything. The parliament is not being able to perform its duties and the fate of the faltering government is in peril,” said al-Rahi as he laid the cornerstone for a religious foundation in the Qannoubine Valley.

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Al-Nusra Front Invites Families to Visit Captives

The emir of al-Nusra Front in the Syrian Qalamoun region, Abou Malek al-Talli, has reportedly invited the families of the Lebanese hostages to visit their loved ones on the occasion of Eid al-Fitr.

Family member Hussein Youssef told TV and radio stations that al-Talli asked Sheikh Mustafa al-Hujeiri to inform the relatives held captive by al-Nusra Front to head to the northeastern border town of Arsal on Saturday to meet the hostages.

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Naameh Landfill Closure Deadline Expires, Protesters Stage Sit-in

The residents of the town of Naameh that lies south of Beirut and nearby areas staged on Friday a sit-in near the landfill after the last truck left the facility following the expiry of the deadline for its closure.

The trucks of Sukleen, which is responsible for collecting and transporting the garbage in Beirut and Mount Lebanon, operated early Friday backed by security forces.

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