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Hariri Voices Solidarity with Saudi Arabia

Prime Minister-designate Saad Hariri expressed solidarity with Saudi Arabia "in the face of the campaigns targeting it," Hariri’s press office said.

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Israeli Drone Hovers over Lebanese Areas, Destroys Spy Device

An Israeli reconnaissance airplane has incessantly been hovering over Lebanese areas recently, as the State-run National News Agency reported that an Israeli spy device planted east of the southern town of Hallusieh was remotely destroyed on Sunday by an Israeli drone.

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Hariri Lauds Aoun’s Speech at Francophone Summit

Prime Minister-designate Saad Hariri contacted President Michel Aoun on Saturday congratulating him on his safe return from Armenia after his participation in the Francophonie Summit.

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Geagea: Outcome of Students Elections Reflects LF Representation

Lebanese Forces chief Samir Geagea on Saturday said the recent student elections reflect the wide popularity and representation of the Lebanese Forces, as he hinted at Free Patriotic Movement chief Jebran Bassil saying the “main goal of some is to curtail the LF representation.”

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Report: Macron Refrains from Comments on Lebanon after Aoun Meeting

France does not want to be accused of “meddling” in Lebanon’s affairs which made French President Emmanuel Macron refrain from making a statement after his meeting with President Michel Aoun on Friday, amid dark prospects in light of a government deadlock, al-Joumhouria daily reported on Saturday.

According to information obtained by the daily, it said the meeting between the two men, on the sidelines of the Francophone Summit in Armenia, was “ordinary,” and that Macron has asserted support for Lebanon but was “frank and clear” it could lose grants allocated at the CEDRE conference if the government gridlock persists.

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Qabalan Says ‘Ruling Class’ Fighting over Oil ‘Spoils’

Grand Jaafarite Shiite Mufti Sheikh Ahmed Qabalan urged the “ruling class” in Lebanon to end wrangling over the country’s oil and gas wealth, asking them to focus instead on the people’s concerns and livelihood matters.

“It is painful to see the people in power trying to secretly put their hand on the oil wealth, while the country is passing through the most difficult circumstances. This wealth belongs to the people, it is their right and we warn against any attempts to steal it,” said Qabalan in a speech during Friday prayers.

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Aoun: Government Formation ‘a Lebanese Affair’

President Michel stressed on Friday after meeting French President Emmanuel Macron that the formation of Lebanon’s government is strictly a Lebanese affair, noting that his presence in Armenia is not meant to discuss the formation process.

“Forming a Lebanese government is strictly a Lebanese affair. I did not come to Armenia to discuss the government issue,” said Aoun after a closed-door meeting with Macron on the sidelines of the Francophonie Summit in Yerevan.

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Government 'Unlikely' to Be Formed Soon, Says Hizbullah

Hizbullah reportedly said a government is unlikely to be formed within the time limit pledged by PM-designate Saad Hariri in light of the obstacles hampering the process, al-Joumhouria daily reported on Friday.

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Report: All Eyes On Aoun-Macron Meeting in Yerevan

An anticipated meeting on Friday between President Michel Aoun and French President Emmanuel Macron on the sidelines of the Francophone Summit in Yerevan, draws attention as it highlights the future of loans pledged for Lebanon at the CEDRE conference, al-Joumhouria daily reported on Friday.

Sources of the official Lebanese delegation to Armenia, said the two men are to meet in a side hall of the building that hosts the Francophone Summit.

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Aoun Welcomes Regional Francophone Office in Beirut, Calls for Coexistence

At the opening of the Francophone Summit in Armenia on Thursday, President Michel Aoun welcomed the organization's decision “to adopt Beirut as the headquarters of its regional office in the Middle East,” as he voiced calls for coexistence.

“The decision of the francophone organization choosing Beirut as the headquarters of its regional office in the Middle East is most welcome,” said Aoun at the 17th IOF Summit in Yerevan.

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