22 قتيلا من حزب الله في القصير السبت و"80% من المدينة باتت تحت السيطرة"

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قتل 22 مقاتلا من عناصر حزب الله اثناء مشاركتهم في المعارك الى جانب القوات النظامية السورية في مدينة القصير الاستراتيجية السبت، بحسب ما افاد مصدر مقرب من الحزب وكالة فرانس برس اليوم الاحد.

وقال المصدر "سقط 22 شهيدا السبت، احضرت جثث تسعة منهم في اليوم نفسهم، في حين نقل الباقون الى الاراضي اللبنانية اليوم".

وبحسب المصدر المقرب من الحزب، ارتفع عدد عناصره الذين قضوا منذ بدء مشاركته في المعارك داخل سوريا قبل اشهر، الى 110 عناصر.

من جهته، افاد المرصد السوري لحقوق الانسان ان عشرة عناصر من الحزب قتلوا السبت خلال المعارك في القصير.

من جهة أخرى قال المصدر في الحزب "لم يتبق سوى 20 بالمئة من القصير بعد السيطرة على 10 بالمئة منها اليوم الاحد، وبذلك بات 80 بالمئة من مدينة القصير تحت السيطرة".

واضاف ان الطريق الرئيسي بين مدينة بعلبك ومحافظة حمص في وسط سوريا، "بات آمنا". ويعد هذا الطريق الذي يعبر في الجهة الشرقية لمدينة القصير، خط امداد حيوي لحزب الله من الاراضي السورية.

ولم يقدم حزب الله اي رقم عن عدد عناصره الذين قتلوا في المواجهات داخل سوريا، الا انه اقام في الايام الماضية مراسم تشييع لعدد من عناصره في مناطق لبنانية مختلفة.

التعليقات 15
Thumb benzona 17:24 ,2013 أيار 26

that makes around 1500 new virgins on the market in heaven! pschhhhh

Thumb jabal10452 17:53 ,2013 أيار 26

Shou, ba3d ma "7arraro" Qusayr? What's the matter HA? Not exactly the cake walk you tought it would be?

Thumb justice 17:55 ,2013 أيار 26

.... they are having some "technical" difficulties....... it is called GUTS!

Thumb chrisrushlau 18:49 ,2013 أيار 26

Here's the spirit of the Taef Accord: accept Shia slavery (whether you are Sunni, Shia, or Christian) as the Lebanon law because the rich "white" foreigners will look at you like you're weird if you defy their party line. Plus they won't give you free bags of potato chips anymore.

Thumb beiruti 19:03 ,2013 أيار 26

Nasrallah the other day promised, I don't know who, but he promised his people, that he would deliver them another victory like the one in the July War of 2006. You know, the Devine Victory. I am sure that the Shiite people who call themselves his sheep remember what happened to them back then, and just can't wait for a repeat of the death and destruction and for what? What was gained in July 2006? Nothing was gained. What will come of this war in Qaisar?? Even if they take the town, the Regime forces have a sorry history of holding territory once gained. The FSA will return and take it back if it is lost. But after a week, the Hezbollah fighters are still coming back to Lebanon in Hezbollah draped boxes. Such a shame that these young men are being sacrificed and for what?? $1,000 for their families. Is that all that their lives are worth?

Missing realist 19:49 ,2013 أيار 26

He will send thousands of ' mujahedeen' not to liberate Sheba farms , astaghferulah, but to liberate Syria from the Syrians. The US drones 'takfiris' all over the world but somehow they are allies in Syria ( At the same time preventing any weapons from the rebels), this is the teben that nasrala wants his community to swallow with their angry and grief over their dead

Thumb primesuspect 20:00 ,2013 أيار 26

Perhaps, the time has come to deport Shiites back to Iraq and Iran. That's where they're from. They have no Phoenician blood, not a single drop.

Thumb benzona 21:40 ,2013 أيار 26

You can't and shouldnt think like Adolphe. The leadership is the cause, not the poor and innocent people. Keep in mind tha as soon as someone wants to open a new political faction for the Shias, hezb Ebola makes sure they avort. Shiites are the victims of their own tyrants in Lebanon and Tehran.

Missing peace 20:54 ,2013 أيار 26

waw! now FT knows how god himself think! no wonder FPM and hezbis suffer from a complex of superiority....

Default-user-icon Neal (ضيف) 21:26 ,2013 أيار 26

22 killed ha ... 22 thousand more i hope . long live the Syrian civil war

Missing tourettes 21:55 ,2013 أيار 26

i see no fault in hizballah marionettes dying,let them be removed from the world,may all of them go to hell

Missing samiam 22:23 ,2013 أيار 26

22 killed in one day, but 75 for the whole conflict. someone's numbers are WAY off.

Missing maroun 11:15 ,2013 أيار 27

true ..The hizb are covering up there loses.

Default-user-icon larry northridge (ضيف) 09:36 ,2013 أيار 27

I look at you lebanese from a distance and I'm in awe. You kill eachother over insignificant religious nuances, though you all call yourself muslims. You fixate on shaaba farms as if its sacred, when itis in fact a tiny piece of dirt. From what I understand, the Israelis dont even claim it, but dont know who it belongs to, syria or lebanon. But you need a reason to hate them. You applaud the "resistance", when in truth there is nothing to resist if hezb kept its mouth shut and didn't threaten Israel every day. You have a rich stable tech savvy neighbor who would love to do business with you, but you applaud the "resistance"who threatens them. Threats, that if acted upon, would mean leabanons destruction, since whatever damage lebanon could inflict upon Israel, would be inflicted on lebanon a hundred fold. Why dont you make peace with Israel, ignore syria, and prosper as you did before you got caught up in this sectarian nonsense.

Missing maroun 10:44 ,2013 أيار 27

hassan the rat thinks he will walk over the rebels..he doesn't know he is the attacker and casualties will be very high and it will be the end of the hizb if they don't pull out of Syria ..defending your country and attacking another are two different things .