Mashnouq to Kick Off Gulf Tour ahead of Decision to Lift Travel Ban to Lebanon

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Interior Minister Nouhad al-Mashnouq is set to embark on a Gulf tour ahead of an expected decision by the Gulf Cooperation Council to lift a travel ban to Lebanon.

According to An Nahar newspaper published on Wednesday, Mashnouq will travel to the Gulf in ten days, without revealing the purpose behind the visit.

The newspaper said that the trip comes ahead of an expected decision by the Gulf monarchies to lift a travel ban imposed on Lebanon after the security situation deteriorated in the country over the uprising in Syria.

The daily reported that the Gulf countries are expected to lift the travel ban in June.

Several Gulf states, including Kuwait, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain have repeatedly issued travel advisories, warning their citizens against visiting Lebanon due to the security chaos.

On Tuesday, media reports said that Saudi Arabia is likely to lift its travel ban at the end of May.

The report came in light of the return of Saudi Ambassador to Lebanon Ali Awad Asiri to the country with his family on May 2 to resume his diplomatic duties.

Asiri had left Lebanon in September 2013 because “of the deteriorating security conditions,” as he stated at the time.

The Saudi diplomat stated upon his arrival in Beirut that there is no ban on visits by Saudi nationals to Lebanon.



Comments 2
Thumb general_puppet 14 May 2014, 09:01

"The Saudi diplomat stated upon his arrival in Beirut that there is no ban on visits by Saudi nationals to Lebanon"... why would they need a ban to stay away from a country that is occupied by Iranian Major General Yahya Rahim Safavi souther line of defense.

Thumb cedre 14 May 2014, 19:43

Mashnouq go to Iran and get us some farsi tourists.
Eeh what ? They're starving ? My bad...