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Senegal to Stage 'Historic' Trial of Chadian Former Despot Habre

Chad's former dictator Hissene Habre will make history on Monday when he is tried in Senegal over his regime's brutality -- the first time a despot from one African country has been called to account by another.

Once dubbed "Africa's Pinochet", the 72-year-old has been in custody in Senegal since his arrest in June 2013 at the home he shared with his wife and children.

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16 Niger Villagers Killed in Boko Haram Attack

Boko Haram jihadists killed 16 civilians in an attack this week on a southeast Niger village, near the Nigerian border, a local official said Saturday.

"On July 15, Boko Haram elements fired on locals who were praying in a village near the town of Bosso," said Bako Mamadou, mayor of Bosso, a town in southeast Niger on the border with Nigeria, where the armed Islamist group originated.

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Chad Troops Kill 19 Insurgents after Boko Haram Raid on Army Post

Chadian troops killed 19 insurgents after Boko Haram attacked an army post on the fringes of Lake Chad, a Chadian security source said, adding a Chadian soldier was also killed in the shootout.

"Boko Haram attacked the post of Konguia at around five in the morning," the source said, speaking on condition of anonymity.

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Chad to Arrest Anyone Wearing Niqab after Boko Haram Bombing

Chadian police on Sunday warned that anyone found wearing the Muslim full-face veil would be arrested, after a Boko Haram suicide bombing in the capital left 15 dead.

Saturday's attack in a bustling N'Djamena market by a man disguised as a woman in a full-face veil also injured 80 and spread panic across the city.

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Boko Haram Claims Chad, Nigeria Attacks

Boko Haram on Saturday claimed responsibility for attacks in Chad's capital N'Djamena and the Nigerian city of Maiduguri, the SITE Intelligence Group said.

The U.S.-based monitoring group said the claim of responsibility, made on Twitter, was signed "Islamic State, West Africa Province", as Boko Haram has styled itself since pledging allegiance to the Islamic State group in March.

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11 Killed in Chad Police Raid against Boko Haram

Five Chadian police officers and six Islamists were killed Monday when suspected Boko Haram militants blew themselves up during a police raid on a safe house in the capital N'Djamena, the interior minister said.

The blasts struck after security forces arrested the alleged "brain" behind Boko Haram operations in Chad and neighboring northern Cameroon, Interior Minister Abderahim Bireme Hamid said.

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Chad War Planes Bomb Boko Haram after Attacks

Chad said Thursday its warplanes bombed Boko Haram positions in neighboring Nigeria to avenge twin suicide bombings in the capital this week blamed on the jihadists.

The government also Wednesday announced it was banning the burqa nationwide in a security clampdown following Monday's attacks in N'Djamena that left 33 people dead and more than 100 wounded.

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Chad Declares Three Days of Mourning for 33 Victims of Suicide Attacks

Chad declared three days of national mourning Wednesday for the 33 people killed in twin suicide bombings blamed on Boko Haram on Monday, the first such attacks in the capital N'Djamena.

President Idriss Deby said that the "provisional" death toll had risen from 24 to 33 as he condemned the "macabre and horrible" attacks on the city's police headquarters and police academy.

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Security Clampdown in Chad Capital after 'Boko Haram' Attacks

Scores of police and soldiers patrolled Chad's capital N'Djamena on Tuesday, a day after twin suicide bombings blamed on Boko Haram jihadists killed 24 people and wounded more than 100 in the first such attacks in the city.

The security forces had sealed off the area around the presidential palace, as well as the police headquarters -- which was one of the bombers' targets.

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23 Dead in Suicide Bomb Attacks on Chad Police

Twenty-three people were killed on Monday in suicide bombings targeting police in the Chadian capital that the government said was the work of Boko Haram militants.

They were the first such attacks in the capital of the central African nation, which has been on the frontline of the regional fight against the Nigerian Islamist group.

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