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Three Injured as Rockets Fall on Hermel, One on Army Post

Several rockets fired from the Lebanese-Syrian border area struck the Hermel region on Tuesday, leaving three people injured, including two soldiers.

"Starting 4:30 p.m. this afternoon, six rockets fired from the Syrian side of the border landed in the town of Hermel, one of them inside an army barracks in the al-Dawra neighborhood, leaving two soldiers lightly wounded and causing material damage," an army statement said.

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Strict Security Measures in Hermel after Reports of Booby-Trapped Cars

Hizbullah members and army troops on Thursday erected checkpoints in the Bekaa region of Hermel after reports said several booby-trapped cars had entered the area.

“Hizbullah has deployed in Hermel after reports about the presence of explosive-rigged cars in the region and security forces have headed to the area to assess the situation,” MTV reported.

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3 Syrians Kidnapped on Hermel-North Road

Three Syrian men have been kidnapped on the road that links the eastern town of Hermel to northern Lebanon, the state-run National News Agency reported on Sunday.

NNA said the abduction took place at dawn Sunday when armed men intercepted a van heading from the border town of Arsal to the North.

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Rockets Fired from Syria Hit Bekaa's Hermel, al-Qaa

Four rockets struck the Bekaa city of Hermel on Monday after they were fired from Syrian territory, Agence France Presse quoted a security source as saying.

"Four rockets launched from inside Syrian territory hit separate areas of the town of Hermel," which lies some 10 kilometers from the border with Syria, the source told AFP on condition of anonymity.

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'Marwan Hadid Brigades' Claims Responsibility for Weekend Hermel Rocket Attacks

The “Marwan Hadid Brigades” claimed responsibility on Tuesday for the firing of rockets in the Bekaa region on Sunday, reported LBCI television.

The previously unknown group claimed responsibility for the attack in a statement and video aired on Youtube.

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Suleiman Tasks Army to Determine Location from where Rockets that Landed in Hermel Were Fired

President Michel Suleiman expressed on Monday his “grave concern” with the shelling that took place in the Bekaa region of Hermel over the weekend.

He consequently tasked the Army Command “to determine the location from where they were fired in order to tackle the situation with the appropriate means.”

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No Casualties as Five Rockets Hit Hermel, al-Qaa

Five rockets landed in and around the Bekaa town of Hermel, a Hizbullah stronghold, on Sunday, a security source told Agence France Presse on condition of anonymity.

"Two rockets landed in the town of Hermel, in an area between the Mabarrat teaching association and the Masharii al-Qaa area, causing no casualties," the source said.

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Bodies of Missing Jaafar Clan Members Found in Syria

The Jaafar clan of Hermel on Wednesday announced that the bodies of two of its members who had gone missing in Syria two months ago have been found.

The clan identified the two men as Ahmed Youssef Jaafar and Mohammed Mahdi Jaafar.

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Rockets Fired from Syria Land in Hermel

Two rockets fired from inside Syria hit the eastern city of Hermel on Monday without causing casualties, a security source told Agence France Presse.

"Rockets fired from Syrian territory landed this afternoon on the city of Hermel, causing no injuries," the source said on condition of anonymity.

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3 Injured in Hermel Roadside Bombings

Two roadside bombs exploded at the entrance of the northeastern town of Hermel on Sunday, injuring three people, including two soldiers, the army and the state-run National News Agency said.

They said that the first bomb targeted a Honda CRV, damaging the vehicle and injuring its driver Iman Nasereddine, who hails from the town of al-Ain.

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