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Parliament to issue recommendation on refugee crisis, EU aid

Parliament will convene Wednesday to discuss a deal with the EU including a financial package of $1 billion in aid for Lebanon as the EU urged the crisis-hit country to tackle illegal migration to the bloc.

Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri has asked his political aide, Amal MP Ali Hassan Khalil, to discuss with all the parliamentary blocs their proposals regarding a recommendation to the government on the European aid deal that Parliament will issue during Wednesday's session, al-Jadeed said.

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Qaouq says Hezbollah drones can reach 'Haifa and beyond'

Hezbollah central council member Sheikh Nabil Qaouq has said that the “growing pressures” on Hezbollah are “a proof of the success of the resistance’s strategy,” stressing that “Zionist settlers will not return to the north (of Israel) before the end of the aggression against Gaza.”

“The resistance’s powerful and swift response to the targeting of civilians has burned the ground under the feet of the Zionists,” Qaouq said.

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Report: Quintet to meet Wednesday in Awkar

The Ambassadors of the five-nation group on Lebanon, which comprises the U.S., France, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Egypt, will meet Wednesday at the U.S. embassy in Awkar, the Nidaa al-Watan newspaper said.

The daily said U.S. Ambassador Lisa Johnson will head the meeting.

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4 Israeli soldiers wounded in Hezbollah attack on Yiftah

Two suicide drones launched from Lebanon struck Monday an area near Beit Hillel in northern Israel, Israeli media said.

Hezbollah claimed responsibility for the attack and said it has carried out an aerial attack with "a swarm of suicide drones" targeting tents and "sleeping quarters" for an Israeli artillery battalion in a newly created post in Beit Hillel.

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Al-Rahi says EU, world 'raising criminals and terrorists' in Lebanon

Maronite Patriarch Beshara al-Rahi on Sunday sounded the alarm over the presence of displaced and "illegal" Syrians in Lebanon, noting that "the safe areas in Syria are much bigger than the area of Lebanon."

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Hezbollah fires salvos of rockets at north Israel in response to strike on civilians

Hezbollah has said it fired Katyusha rockets at Israel in retaliation for strikes that killed two people in the south of the country.

Israel and Hamas ally Hezbollah have exchanged near-daily cross-border fire following the Palestinian group's October 7 attack on southern Israel that sparked war in Gaza.

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Religious authorities go after comedian Shaden Fakih over prayers sketch

Lebanon's Muslim religious authorities have filed complaints against a stand-up comedian and LGBTQ rights activist, after a sketch of hers about Friday prayers sparked controversy online.

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Two civilians killed in Israeli strike on Tayrharfa

Two civilians, a first responder from Amal's Risala rescue group and a telecoms technician doing maintenance work, were killed Friday in an Israeli drone strike on the southern border town of Tayrharfa, as cross-border hostilities intensified.

A Risala Scout association rescuer and a technician from Power Tec, which undertakes maintenance work for private mobile service provider MTC Touch, were killed "as a result of the Israeli aggression on Tayrharfa", Lebanon's National News Agency said.

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Bkirki presses state on Syrian refugees as Geagea takes protests to Brussels

A dialogue conference was held Thursday in Bkirki regarding the issue of the displaced Syrians in Lebanon, with church sources telling the Nidaa al-Watan newspaper that the meeting “achieved its goals and turned the refugee issue from a Christian issue into a national one.”

“Caretaker Prime Minister Najib Mikati’s dispatch of Interior Minister Bassam Mawlawi came as an assertion of the national dimension of the refugee file. Bkirki also succeeded in putting the state and its ministries and agencies before their responsibilities instead of awaiting an international decision that would allow for the repatriation” of Syrian refugees, the daily said.

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Mikati holds phone talks with Hamas' Haniyeh

Palestinian movement Hamas said in a statement that the head of its political bureau, Ismail Haniyeh, has received a phone call from caretaker Prime Minister Najib Mikati.

“The two sides discussed the latest political and military developments, especially the negotiations to stop the war in Gaza and the ongoing invasion of Rafah,” the statement said.

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