Middle East
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Rescue Teams Despair in Flattened Iran Quake Villages

Alireza Haidaree has been up all night carefully directing the spade of his bulldozer through the rubble of mud-brick homes in a desperate search for survivors from the deadly quakes that rocked northwestern Iran.

"This village is a mass grave," he says, his hollow voice betraying his exhaustion and his frustration at not finding more people alive.

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Five Killed in Iraq Attacks

Twin bombings and a shooting in and around Baghdad on Sunday killed five people, including three Iraqi policemen, security and medical officials said.

In the predominantly Sunni town of Jurf al-Sakhr, 60 kilometers (40 miles) south of the capital, an initial roadside bomb blast at 10:00 am (0700 GMT) killed three policemen, a police major and a medic at the main hospital in provincial capital Hilla said. Both spoke on condition of anonymity.

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Arabs Postpone Syria Meet

Arab foreign ministers postponed a planned meeting on the Syrian conflict that had been due to take place in Saudi Arabia later on Sunday, a top Arab League official said.

Ministers had been due to meet in in the Red Sea city of Jeddah to mull their next moves on the Syrian conflict after the resignation of U.N.-Arab League envoy Kofi Annan earlier this month, as well as who might succeed him.

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Aleppo Battle Rages as Both Sides Report Atrocities

The Syrian army pressed its assault on rebels in commercial capital Aleppo on Sunday, while both sides reported atrocities and Arab foreign ministers postponed a planned meeting on the 17-month conflict.

The exiled opposition said that pro-government militia had summarily executed 10 civilians in a round-up in the flashpoint central city of Homs, while the official SANA news agency reported the murder of one of its staff, the latest in a series pro-government journalists to be killed.

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Kidnappers Double Ransom for Saudi Held in Yemen

The planned release of a Saudi diplomat, kidnapped in Yemen almost four months ago, fell through at the last minute, when his captors doubled their ransom demand, a tribal mediator said on Sunday.

Abdullah al-Khalidi, Saudi deputy consul in Yemen's main southern city Aden, was supposed to be released overnight, but his captors "reneged at the last moment over the amount of the ransom," the mediator, who spoke on condition of anonymity, told AFP.

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Israel Tests SMS Missile Alerts as Iran Chatter Grows

Israel on Sunday began testing an SMS system for warning the public of an imminent missile attack as chatter over a possible strike on Iran dominated the Israeli press headlines.

As testing began, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Israel had chalked up "a significant improvement" in its home front defense capabilities, mentioning its highly-vaunted anti-missile systems such as Iron Dome and Arrow 2.

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Report: U.S., Egypt Negotiate New Aid after Sinai Clashes

The United States and Egypt are trying to put together a new security assistance package to address the worsening situation on the Sinai Peninsula, The New York Times reported late Saturday.

The Egyptian military has been bolstering its presence in the Sinai with tanks and helicopters after Sunday's unprecedented ambush on a border guard outpost near the borders of Gaza and Israel, which left 16 Egyptian soldiers dead.

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Anti-Government Demos Held in Morocco's Main Cities

Hundreds of activists took to the streets of Morocco's main cities late on Saturday to protest against corruption, the high cost of living and other causes of discontent, according to AFP reporters and witnesses.

Rights groups, trade unionists and the February 20 protest movement had called the demonstrations, amid frustration at the perceived failure of the Islamist-led government to make good on its electoral promises.

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Iran Says Quake Rescue over, Mourning Begins

Officials in Iran on Sunday called a halt to rescue operations following twin quakes that devastated scores of northwestern villages, killing 250 people and injuring hundreds, saying all survivors had been located and saved.

"There are no people left to recover from under the rubble in any village, and all necessary aid is currently being distributed," an Interior Ministry official in charge of disaster management, Hossein Ghadami, told state television.

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Westerwelle Wants Assad to Stand Trial at ICC

German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle said he wants Syrian leader Bashar Assad to stand trial at the International Criminal Court, which tries genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity,

"The best thing would be for Assad to appear," at the court based in The Hague, he told German Sunday newspaper Bild am Sonntag.

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