جعجع: ما يجري في سوريا ثورة شعبية ومسار الديمقراطية صعب

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اعتبر رئيس حزب القوات اللبنانية سمير جعجع ان "ما يجري في سوريا هو كناية عن ثورة شعبيّة كبيرة، الهدف ‏منها إسقاط النظام الحالي وتشكيل نظام آخر سيكون أكثر ديمقراطيّة من نظام الأسد وأن التجارب التي تحصل في الدول العربيّة الأخرى خير ‏دليل على ذلك".

وفي بيان صدر عن الدائرة الاعلامية للحزب أشار جعجع الى "أن هذا المسار نحو الديمقراطية سيمر في صعوبات وعقبات كبيرة، ولكن في ‏نهاية المطاف لا يمكن للتاريخ إلا أن يتقدّم نحو الأمام".

وأعرب جعجع، عبر اتصال مع المؤتمر السنوي لمقاطعة أميركا الشمالية في القوات اللبنانية في بافالو- نيويورك في حضور النائب أنطوان زهرا، ومسؤول قطاع الاغتراب انطوان البارد ورئيس قطاع اميركا الشمالية د. جوزيف جبيلي، "أن حلفاء النظام السوري الحالي في لبنان هم في حالة إرباك كبيرة، إلى حد أنهم أصبحوا الآن طلاب حوار ولا يمكننا ردعهم ليل نهار عن ‏الدعوات من أجل الحوار".

مضيفاً "أن حلفاء سوريا يشعرون أن النظام سيسقط لذا فهم يحاولون اتخاذ التدابير الممكنة كلّها كي يكونوا في مأمن في حال سقط النظام".

ورأى جعجع " أنه من غير الممكن أن تستقر البلاد إذا لم يأتِ قانون الإنتخابات معبّراً ومترجماً لما هو مطلوب في اتفاق الطائف، وبالتالي يجب أن نحاول إيجاد القانون الإنتخابي الأكثر قرباً من هذا الهدف. كاشفاً عن مناقشات كبيرة تحصل في هذا الإطار، إن من خلال الإجتماعات المسيحيّة التي ‏تُعقد في بكركي أو بين القوات وحلفائنا في تيار المستقبل".

وأكد "أن القانون الأساسي الذي يتم البحث به هو قانون النسبيّة المطبق على 15 دائرة في لبنان. ولكن بعد إطلاق اللقاء الأرثوذكسي فكرته بأن يكون لبنان دائرة واحدة، وعندها كل طائفة تقوم بانتخاب نوابها في كل لبنان، توقفنا نحن عند هذا الخيار ونقوم بطرحه في الإجتماعات إن على الصعيد المسيحي أو على صعيد قوى 14 آذار".

وعن قداس ذكرى شهداء المقاومة اللبنانية هذا العام، قال جعجع "لقد كان الاحتفال في الحقيقة أكبر بكثير ‏من احتفال بذكرى شهداء، وكأن الشهداء لا يزالون معنا ويصونون خطواتنا وكأنهم ‏يقومون بمساعدتنا".

واعتبر ان ما قيل في القداس هو كلام في الصميم والجوهر، وأنا شعرت ‏بالفعل أنه أعاد الروح إلى قسم كبير من المسيحيين في لبنان وأعاد توجيه البوصلة ‏تماماً في الإتجاه الذي يجب أن تكون موجهة إليه"، مشيراً الى "أنها المرّة الأولى التي يحصل فيها شهداء المقاومة ‏اللبنانيّة على حقهم كما يجب لأنها المرة الأولى التي يقوم فيها بطريرك وخصوصاً بطريرك تاريخي بحجم الكاردينال مار نصرالله بطرس ‏صفير برئاسة الذبيحة الإلهيّة عن راحة أنفسهم شخصياً، بالاضافة الى ارسال البطريرك مار بشارة بطرس الراعي رقيماً بطريركياً يفيهم حقهم ويشهد على شهادتهم".

وختم البيان بطلب جعجع من المغتربين في أميركا الشمالية "البدء بالتحضير للإنتخابات النيابيّة في العام 2013 من خلال تسجيل اسمائهم في أسرع وقت ممكن في أقرب سفارة أو قنصليّة من مكان إقامتهم، وعليهم أن يقوموا بتنظيم حملة داخل الجالية اللبنانية من أجل حض الناس على تسجيل أسمائهم، وابلاغ السفير أو القنصل أو الموظف المعني هناك بأنهم يريدون المشاركة في عمليّة الإنتخاب في قنصليّة او سفارة البلاد حيث يُقيمون".

التعليقات 24
Thumb canaanite 12:10 ,2011 تشرين الأول 03

allah ma3ek ya hakim!

Thumb jabalamel 13:02 ,2011 تشرين الأول 03

his halucinations are getting worse and worse.

looking at him, one might consider the fact that some halucinating people here are not from zionist information war department directly, but are from anti-lebanese forces, having same halucinations like their boss

Thumb jabalamel 13:03 ,2011 تشرين الأول 03

"but in the end, history can only move forward towards the positive"

yes that's why your filthy anti-lebanese forces are no longer any factor in lebanon

Default-user-icon may 7 (ضيف) 13:19 ,2011 تشرين الأول 03

jaba you camel
2 things please.
one - pay for your electricity
two - take your camel & go back to Syria you BOOTLICKER

Default-user-icon may 7 (ضيف) 13:26 ,2011 تشرين الأول 03

jaba you camel
2 things please.
one - pay for your electricity
two - take your camel & go back to Syria you BOOTLICKER

Default-user-icon Chris Jones (ضيف) 13:35 ,2011 تشرين الأول 03

What a sad case.. Only a fool would follow let alone support such a fool who makes foolish statements day-in day-out. Doing nothing ever for the future of the Lebanese.

Default-user-icon Rami (ضيف) 13:57 ,2011 تشرين الأول 03

He's 100% right ! The fool of Rabieh and the bearded lunatic of Dahiyeh have only 2 choices, either join forces with 14M with one army, or retire in the Iranian mountains. I feel the're gonna go for option two. I doubt Basho will be able to join them...

Default-user-icon Seedo (ضيف) 13:58 ,2011 تشرين الأول 03

What does he mean by "SHOULD the regime be toppled" and at the same time he says that the "allies are sensing that the Syrian regime WILL BE overthrown?" So will it be overthrown or that it might be toppled? Once again this proves that the fart has no clue what he says. He just talks stupidities because this is the most he and his followers are capable of understanding. And the jerks praise him!!! smalla 3a heik mousta2bal!!! Poor fart and his almost-daily lame stand-up stupidity show.

Thumb jabalamel 14:47 ,2011 تشرين الأول 03

here are the latest halucinations from filthy zionist information war department summarized from their comments in this article:

1. did not learn my nickname correctly yet
2. still confusing syria and lebanon
3. think than mount lebanon belong to iran
4. confused me with someone in march 14
5. want me to pay for my electricity bill to them instead to lebanese company???????

Default-user-icon + oua nabka + (ضيف) 15:04 ,2011 تشرين الأول 03

jeajea said contrary to their usual practices, calling for dialogue so why ya hakim not say yes to dialogue and then we see who wants dialogue for real or not

Thumb geha 16:34 ,2011 تشرين الأول 03

just look at all the activity on the side of the followers of the syro/iranian group: this confirms totally what Geagea is saying. they are so confused, they are just trying to find confort with each other.
but, the STl is around the corner, and the syrian resistance is now formed, so i do not think there is any escape for these thugs and their masters :)
so whatever idiots like jabak habal say, it does not matter, and we should just not reply to this such stupid assholes.

Thumb jabalamel 16:51 ,2011 تشرين الأول 03

the zionist information war department is getting foam on their mouth because of being exposed and ridiculed and therefore, they went beyond any level of decency.

it's time for an nahar to react and clean some posts here

Default-user-icon buddy999 (ضيف) 17:19 ,2011 تشرين الأول 03

I'll tell you what's confusing the 8th March.
It's that the "bad guy" is practicing a moderate politics and his speech is very balanced... while the "good guys" have accumulated so many mistakes and they did nothing right in internal politics... its time for 8th March to become more moderate but they are waiting until they have no choice.

Default-user-icon buddy999 (ضيف) 17:27 ,2011 تشرين الأول 03

I'll tell you what's confusing the 8th March.
It's that the "bad guy" is practicing a moderate politics and his speech is very balanced... while the "good guys" have accumulated so many mistakes and they did nothing right in internal politics... its time for 8th March to become more moderate but they are waiting until they have no choice.

Default-user-icon buddy999 (ضيف) 17:27 ,2011 تشرين الأول 03

I'll tell you what's confusing the 8th March.
It's that the "bad guy" is practicing a moderate politics and his speech is very balanced... while the "good guys" have accumulated so many mistakes and they did nothing right in internal politics... its time for 8th March to become more moderate but they are waiting until they have no choice.

Thumb Bandoul 17:27 ,2011 تشرين الأول 03

Can someone physically located near habal please douse him with some holy water? I am cold and I could really use a nice bonfire to warm my bones. All you have to do is really lift the sewer cover in da7yeh and you will find him at the bottom hissing like a snake, easy to find.

Thumb will_rogers 17:45 ,2011 تشرين الأول 03

Good for you Hakim. You always have and always will "say it like it is", that's what we love about you, "No Sugar coating" here. Unlike the March 8 TRAITORS (of course including the Biggest Christian Traitor of all Mr. Cloun & Sheep), Destroyers of Lebanon, and well-known Agents of the "Basij" and "Shabbiha".

Thumb thepatriot 19:21 ,2011 تشرين الأول 03

your thugs friends were in the precedent government and blocked all action. Who are you/they fooling ya mowaten...?

Default-user-icon Gabby (ضيف) 19:37 ,2011 تشرين الأول 03

Gea Gea speaks the truth. Assad id finished.

Default-user-icon jabool (ضيف) 19:43 ,2011 تشرين الأول 03

ahbal i luv your comments , what a smart guy you must be

Missing peace 19:44 ,2011 تشرين الأول 03

8 march are afraid... no more money, no more power, no more wasta....
but for them nothing is happening in syria and everthg is just fine!

but they can t go against the people of syria who demand freedom and justice for all like in all democracies...
the supporters of the syrian regime support torture, murders, rape, killings of children...they are just accomplices of murder... and people on this site still refuse to see the truth, how pathetic!
that is the model they want for lebanon....

Thumb mrbrain 21:55 ,2011 تشرين الأول 03

“The road to democracy will pass through several obstacles and hardships, but in the end, history can only move forward towards the positive,” he stressed.
That is really confusing since we all know the Dr's way of removing obstacles and applying democracy....

Thumb Bandoul 23:01 ,2011 تشرين الأول 03

@ habbal, I know u r dying for our reactions to your pathetic posts because u r a lonely and miserable child who needs much attention. So I will oblige you as usual until u learn manners: go F urself you piece of S mother F'er, u r nothing more than a paid irani parrot who repeats what he hears on manar tv.
Here are the facts no matter how ur try to fabricate them. Suleiman, Michel et Hasan are all in a panic because when ur beloved Syrian master is toppled like the criminal that he is, you will all be forced to crawl back under the rock from which u came and leave us in peace. There is no and, if or buts about it.
Continue to live in fiction habal...you will soon be forced awake from your day dream of ruling the world.

Thumb joesikemrex 04:03 ,2011 تشرين الأول 04

The truth hurts and many can't bear it. Finally someone is not afraid to state the facts on the ground. Many boot lickers are hallucinating and close their eyes regarding the murder and evils of Assad.

They try and mud the truth, state their baseless propaganda and disrespect others on this forum. It makes me wonder whether they are paid to do this or not.

These people fail to see the plank in their eyes and the ill intentions of their corrupt and unstable leaders. The biggest mistake Saad made was to allow March 8 to govern with him. Its time to remove the cancer and start again. Time for us to fight for our rights.