بري لجعجع: عون هو مرشح 8 آذار على ذات أسس ترشيحك من 14 آذار

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دارت حرب كلامية بين رئيس حزب "القوات اللبنانية" سمير جعجع ورئيس المجلس النيابي نبيه بري على خلفية ترشيح النائب ميشال عون للرئاسة.

وانتقد بري كلام جعجع حول أن "الكرة باتت في ملعب حزب الله وإن الحزب قادر على إلزام حلفائه بالنزول إلى المجلس النيابي والتصويت له"، سائلا "ما المطلوب مِن حزب الله أن يفعله؟هل يريدونه أن يضع مسدّساً أو بندقية أو صاروخاً في رأس سعد الحريري ووليد جنبلاط وسليمان فرنجية ونبيه بري، لينتخبوا مرشّحاً بعينه؟".

وقال "القصّة ليست هكذا. والعلاقة بيننا كحلفاء ليست على هذا النحو".

وعمّا إذا كان في إمكان حزب الله الضغط على فرنجية لإقناعه بالانسحاب لمصلحة عون، قال بري "ولماذا يَقبل فرنجية بالانسحاب ما دام ترشيحه هو الأقوى حتى الآن"؟.

وأضاف "صحيح أنّ عون وجعجع اتّفقا، ولكن هل هذا يكفي؟ وماذا عن القطبَين الاثنين الآخرَين".

ورد جعجع على بري بالقول "اذاً على أي أساس ميشال عون هو مرشح 8 آذار؟". فأجابه رئيس المجلس "على ذات الأسس ترشيحك من 14 أذار". فكتب رئيس "القوات" في تغريدة على "تويتر"يا دولة الرئيس بري ولكن أنا انسحبت لصالح العماد ميشال عون".

وكان بري قال رئيس بري أمام زوّاره أمس الاحد إنّ "جلسة انتخاب رئيس الجمهورية المقرّرة في 8 شباط المقبل لن تختلفَ عن سابقاتها، من حيث آليتِها، فإذا توافَر النصاب القانوني تنعقِد، وإذا لم يتوافر تؤجَّل الى موعد آخر".

واستبعَد وفقَ المعطيات الراهنة، انتخابَ رئيس في الجلسة المقبلة، على الرغم من أنّ الاتصالات والمشاورات ستستمرّ حتى موعد الجلسة.

ورأى بري أنّ "اللبنانيين لم يستفيدوا من فرصة انشغال الإقليميين بعضُهم ببعض لانتخاب رئيس الجمهورية، لكنّ الفرصة لا تزال قائمة، وإنْ مؤجّلة في الوقت نفسه، ويصحّ القول فيها إنّها لا معلّقة ولا مطلّقة بسبب استمرار الخلاف الداخلي حول الاستحقاق الرئاسي".

التعليقات 27
Default-user-icon Kazan (ضيف) 08:13 ,2016 كانون الثاني 25

Throughout history politicians abused the religion for their individual interests (Europe 1000A.D till begin 1900), by so doing populations were divided and wars were the result. Lebanon situation can be compared to medieval Europe, because of religion differences the population is divided. Moreover, because of the Lebanese history ( in fact no history), the Lebanese are accustomed to be governed by foreigners (in the past 400 years ,Ottomans , French, Americans you name it...).
All attempts to solve the presidential crisis are window dressing, like in the past it will distract the attention for a while.

Default-user-icon kazan (ضيف) 08:16 ,2016 كانون الثاني 25

Throughout history politicians abused the religion for their individual interests (Europe 1000A.D till begin 1900), by so doing populations were divided and wars were the result. Lebanon situation can be compared to medieval Europe, because of religion differences the population is divided. Moreover, because of the Lebanese history ( in fact no history), the Lebanese are accustomed to be governed by foreigners (in the past 400 years ,Ottomans , French, Americans you name it...).
All attempts to solve the presidential crisis are window dressing, like in the past it will distract the attention for a while.

Default-user-icon lucky (ضيف) 08:23 ,2016 كانون الثاني 25

and the wheel churnes round again

Thumb ex-fpm 09:03 ,2016 كانون الثاني 25

Speaker Nabih Berri has confirmed that the next parliamentary session set for the election of a new president will meet the fate of its predecessors.....

There are 2 March 8 candidates and they are now the only two viable candidates yet the Hezbollah dominated M8 ( thank you Syria ) alliance will not elect any of those two. But, it is KSA that is obstructing the elections.

Default-user-icon Fawaz al Tibnini (ضيف) 09:44 ,2016 كانون الثاني 25

Hezballah and Mr Berri are correct in doing everything in their power to stop the election of the Maronite president. It's there right and prerogative to stall until the regional climate is right to throw Taef accord, and all the unfair privileges it allows to the 24% Christian minority especially the Maronite sect, into the dustbin of history and elect a president who represents the Shiaa majority. The new day is dawning my fellow Lebanese a day of true fairness and reprentave government ruled by the dispossessed overwhelming majority Shiaas!

Missing humble 10:12 ,2016 كانون الثاني 25

And whose culture is back aged and whose level of intellect is below zero.

Missing humble 10:13 ,2016 كانون الثاني 25

I agree. I do not want to live with people whose heart is filled with hatred.

Default-user-icon Stephan (ضيف) 14:16 ,2016 كانون الثاني 25

And where did your sub intellectual brain come out with your arbitrary number of 24% You must have gone and counted them yourself. No point arguing with a moron like you.

Default-user-icon chrisraslau aka Fawaz (ضيف) 14:20 ,2016 كانون الثاني 25

well said chris abbas

Default-user-icon mowaten (ضيف) 14:21 ,2016 كانون الثاني 25

do you also think that i post under 100 different screen names?

Default-user-icon Sharon (ضيف) 07:01 ,2016 كانون الثاني 26

hmm, does this apply to Alawites too? lol ;-)

Missing humble 10:54 ,2016 كانون الثاني 25

Ebola supporters are finally revealing their true identity and objectives.

Missing humble 10:55 ,2016 كانون الثاني 25

They never read History to learn that the Christians founded Lebanon....and never read Geography to learn that there are more than 7 million Lebanese Christians outside Lebanon....

Missing humble 10:59 ,2016 كانون الثاني 25

Also They never understood - because of their hatred - how the idea of "Living Together" can lead to a beautiful country...

Primitive people...

Missing humble 13:14 ,2016 كانون الثاني 25

You need another 1000 years to learn about democracy...

Default-user-icon mustapha o. ghalayini (ضيف) 16:10 ,2016 كانون الثاني 25

druze founded lebanon since fakhreddine,and outside is not inside....

Default-user-icon Water pistol (ضيف) 11:14 ,2016 كانون الثاني 25

Who the heck said anything about gunpoint, a little nudge, push, coax and a couple of black shirts where needed would suffice nothing more than the usual fair the hezb has been regaling us with for the past decade and POUF, quorum complete and a new president is born.. Unless The herb is obstructing the election of a president for a completely different reason, waiting on the secret word from Iran perhaps?

PS: Btw ya 7adrat al asteez Nabih, the constitution does not mention a quorum past the first ballot, only a vote of half plus one the two third quorum is of your own invention shame of the MPs M14 & M8 for accepting it.. just saying?

Missing un520 13:38 ,2016 كانون الثاني 25

So, what Berii is saying is that until ALL christians agree on the same candidate, there will be no president. How is that for democracy? It works in shiah street perhaps, but not with the christians. He even has the nerve to speak on behalt of the maronite church claiming four voices that have to sing the same tune. Thats not what I heard from several maronite church officials after the Maraab-agreement. They now look forward to Berri and others to respect their words. By continue to obstruct the christians having their candidate of choise, they are buiding up pressure like a steam boiler. Sooner or later the people will hit the streets.

Missing un520 15:21 ,2016 كانون الثاني 25

Its like the Chebaa-farms issue: If Lebanon gets back the Chebaa-farms, they want the seven villages (or whatever they are called), after they get back the seven villages, they want another piece of land. Truth is they just want an excuse for keeping their guns.
Same with the president. If FPM and LF agree, they want Kataeb to agree. If Kataeb agree, they want Franjieh to agree. If Franjieh agrees, they want Dory Chamoun, Carlos Edde, Boutros Harb and God knows who. Truth is they just dont want Michael Aoun for president.

Thumb ado.australia 16:07 ,2016 كانون الثاني 25

The usual suspects are scrambling... Berri, Jumblatt, Harri etc. What to do with the unexpected maronite alliance? The same group who have divied up Lebanon to the foreign occupiers are now confused to which Presidential candidate is acceptable to their foreign lords! Aoun or Frangieh? It shouldn't be that hard! Geagea has really shocked them all! I fear for Geagea's life now. Be careful ya Hakim. Any previous Lebanese Politician that has been that bold and nationalist has been assassinated !

Thumb ado.australia 16:10 ,2016 كانون الثاني 25

Imam Musa Sadr, President Bashir Gemayel, Grand Mufti Hassan Khaled, Danny Chamoun, PM Rifik Hariri...list goes on!

Thumb ado.australia 16:12 ,2016 كانون الثاني 25

Lebanese must stay sectarian and divided!!

Thumb ado.australia 16:13 ,2016 كانون الثاني 25

there is no room or acceptance for a strong Republic of Lebanon!

Thumb beiruti 16:37 ,2016 كانون الثاني 25

The statements from Berri and Nasrallah that they support Aoun as their candidate for the Presidency was not genuine. Berri's support of Frangieh is not genuine. What they want is to break down Taif, end the current order of 50-50 split with the Christians and a Christian Presidency and to do this by boycotting the legitimacy of the current state institutions. Aoun has been complicit in the effort with his hardheaded demand to be the consensus president. Berri and Nasrallah have hid their true agenda behind this impossible demand so as to deflect criticism.
Geagea by endorsing Aoun and withdrawing his candidacy has shown the bright light on Berri and Narallah who are hiding behind Aoun.

Default-user-icon simon (ضيف) 18:21 ,2016 كانون الثاني 25

It is time to break the country into pieces... The big plan is happening.

Missing un520 22:12 ,2016 كانون الثاني 25

They dont need to be so brutal as to kill Aoun, they just have to let time take its course playing the waiting game and Aouns age will catch up with him. I do hope that they dont succeed with these tactics, but its gonna take strong words from key opinion leaders as well as people in the streets.

Missing the_truth 00:07 ,2016 كانون الثاني 26

Christians uniting is the only way to save lebanon from the radical muslim agenda... Whether it be shia or sunni, they are lead by Ksa and Iran, which is not Lebanese. So good on Geagea and Aoun for realizing this. Christianity is the only thing keeping Lebanon a place of tourism and hope for Lebanese world wide. Because as long as the president is Chrisitian radical Isalm will not prevail. It will also keep muslims who respect Islam and its true meaning safe from those who have misinterpreted what prohet Mohamed preached. Its sad to say a religion so peaceful has been demolished by the likes of the radical kufar