الجيش السوري يعلن وقفا شاملا للاعمال القتالية بدءا من منتصف ليل الخميس الجمعة

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أعلن الجيش السوري في بيان الخميس وقفاً شاملاً للعمليات القتالية على جميع الاراضي السورية بدءاً من منتصف ليل الخميس الجمعة، على ان يستثني تنظيم الدولة الاسلامية وجبهة فتح الشام.

وقال البيان الذي نقلته وكالة الانباء السورية الرسمية (سانا) "تعلن القيادة العامة للجيش والقوات المسلحة وقفاً شاملاً للاعمال القتالية على جميع أراضي الجمهورية العربية السورية اعتبارا من الساعة صفر من يوم 30/12/2016"، على ان "يُستثنى" من القرار "تنظيما داعش وجبهة النصرة الارهابيان والمجموعات المرتبطة بهما".

ويأتي بيان الجيش السوري بعد وقت قصير على اعلان الرئيس الروسي فلاديمير بوتين التوصل الى اتفاق لوقف اطلاق النار بين "الحكومة السورية والمعارضة المسلحة"، مشيرا الى وثيقة اخرى تشمل مفاوضات السلام.

واجرت روسيا حليفة دمشق وتركيا الداعمة للمعارضة السورية خلال الفترة الاخيرة محادثات من اجل وقف اطلاق النار في سوريا من شأنه ان يفتح الطريق امام محادثات سلام في استانا في كازاخستان.

وكان وزير الخارجية التركية مولود تشاوش اوغلو اعلن في وقت سابق الخميس ان في حال نجاح وقف اطلاق النار فان مفاوضات سياسية بين السلطات السورية والمعارضة ستجري في استانا.

وشهدت الفترة الماضية تقاربا بين موسكو حليفة دمشق وتركيا الداعمة للمعارضة السورية، برز خلال اتفاق الشهر الحالي تم بموجبه اجلاء مقاتلي الفصائل المعارضة والمدنيين الراغبين بالمغادرة من مدينة حلب، ما اتاح للجيش السوري السيطرة عليها بالكامل.

التعليقات 18
Default-user-icon historical records (ضيف) 14:09 ,2016 كانون الأول 29

Let's hope the Syrian army does not treat this ceasefire like all the ones it agreed to in Lebanon, breaking everyone of them.

Missing peace 14:49 ,2016 كانون الأول 29

1/ the big loser is assad: other countries now decide of peace or war, he has no more say in it lol
2/ funny how the M8 childish gang here keep saying that the oppostion or isis is the same thing whereas major countries make a distinction... brainwashed hezbis they are lol

Thumb Mystic 15:46 ,2016 كانون الأول 29

It is clear to see from your comments. That you are a loser here peace.

Assad is here to stay.

Missing peace 16:11 ,2016 كانون الأول 29

your lack of counterarguments just prove that i am right, and all you have left is barking... you believe russians will ally with your iranian buddies and let assad do what he wants when they did the job for him?

give us argument to prove the contrary ya chattour anta.... LOL

Thumb Mystic 16:39 ,2016 كانون الأول 29

It is clear to see that you are in a state of panic. Calm down and accept your defeat.

Your people could not overthrow Assad, you had your chance and failed now move on.

Missing peace 16:43 ,2016 كانون الأول 29

as i said: no arguments to refute me, nothing... just pityful barkings and lamentations over your inefficiency, as usual...
yalla: prive me wrong for once:
1/is it assad and russians or just russians and turks who decided of truce now?
2/ you always put opposition and rbels in the same bag as isis while major countries differentiates them, right or wrong?

easy questions, no? or too difficult for your unique neurone to handle?

poor miss tic

Thumb the_roar 16:56 ,2016 كانون الأول 29

Are these major countries the same ones that differentiated that Iraq indeed had weapons of mass destruction?

oops after destroying that nation & killing over 2 million people they admitted they were mistaken.

But hey who cares, they said sorry, didn't they?

Your logic is beyond any civil debate.

Thumb Mystic 16:56 ,2016 كانون الأول 29

Assad still sits on power, he still govern the part of Syria that is under his control.
That Russia and Iran negotiates on his behalf, makes no difference Assad still remains the President of Syria.
Turkey already dropped their demand that Assad should be overthrown.

Now I read many of the Salafi takfiris outlets twitters, sympathizers Al Jazeera/Al Arabiya and White helmets takfiris words, I can see they are all in the same state of panic as you.

They keep assuring each other that Iran have lost, even though the liberation of Aleppo proves that the Axis of Resistance have risen to new heights.

Thumb the_roar 17:01 ,2016 كانون الأول 29

Mystic, you are giving this shill far too much time.

anyone who ran like a propagandist day after day claiming Assad will be hung & dragged through the streets within a few months 6 years ago has the right to ask questions about Assads position now?

This shill is here day after day to spill propaganda hate with no substance to his claims...zero, totally bankrupt.

Thumb Mystic 17:10 ,2016 كانون الأول 29

You are right roar.
Yet I still find it amusing to poke them.

Missing peace 18:34 ,2016 كانون الأول 29

i see that poor purring kitten still is unable to read an article! lol
"Are these major countries the same ones that differentiated that Iraq indeed had weapons of mass destruction?"
have you read the article at least or just answering out of your stupid hatred?? => The deal was brokered by Russia and Turkey
so learn to read purring kitten...

and miss tic: what is your beloved president ruling over? a third of syria? you call that victory? LOL the boss of syria are now the russians not assad anymore: he has become their puppet....iranians thus hezbis have no more say either, just russian instruments now... enjoy!

Missing rabbishlomo 18:37 ,2016 كانون الأول 29

I respect mystic and the roar for being great Lebanese citizens and would like to wish them and their families the happiest of holidays and a very happy new year!

Missing peace 18:37 ,2016 كانون الأول 29

and still miss tic cannot answer two easy questions... it tells you a lot about his IQ level....

Thumb the_roar 01:04 ,2016 كانون الأول 30

my opinion on who could be Lebanon's next President at the time "obeid" was based on circumstances of that time.

Clearly I was mistaken, as were most...The majority thought "the General" has no chance.

But here's the difference between myself & paid shills with an agenda.(tex,peace,terr,edawn,bani,ice-norma) etc etc

I congratulated & wished the best for Lebanon on their choice of Pres.
I did not continue with my mistaken opinion as you & your fellow paid shills continue to do after you have proven to be mistaken, in fact your propaganda just defies reality, yet you press on with it no matter how wrong you have been.
Thats called paid servants to push certain agenda & cannot stop the propaganda they are paid to push no matter how many times their lies are clearly proven to be wrong.

Missing rabbishlomo 18:32 ,2016 كانون الأول 29

I disrespect peace for saying that M8 and the hezbis are brainwashed. The reality is that M14 are the ones misinformed and brainwashed.

Missing peace 18:35 ,2016 كانون الأول 29

who cares i am neither M8 nor M14... so keep on barking....

Thumb Puppet 18:05 ,2016 كانون الأول 29

I respect Mr. the_roar because he is not here every day.

Thumb the_roar 01:06 ,2016 كانون الأول 30

but you are it seems !!!