إطلاق نار على الجيش في عين الحلوة ومسلحون يجوبون طرابلس "تضامنا مع الأسير"

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تطورت اشتباكات صيدا الأحد لتشمل مخيم عين الحلوة وطرابلس ومناطق عدة في بيروت فأطلق النار على الجيش وقطعت طرقات وجاب مسلحون الشوارع.

وفي التفاصيل أفادت قناة "المستقبل" مساء الأحد عن "تجدد إطلاق النار من مخيم عين الحلوة تجاه نقطة الجيش اللبناني في التعمير".

وفيما تحدثت قناة الـ"MTV" عن "إشتباكات بين جند الشام وحركة فتح في مخيم عين الحلوة" قالت قناة الـ"LBCI" ان إشتباكات حصلت "بين الجيش ومسلحين في تعمير عين الحلوة".

وبحسب قناة "المستقبل" تعرض حاجزين للجيش اللبناني في مخيم عين الحلوة "لاطلاق نار من قبل مسلحين".

لاحقا كشفت قناة الـ"MTV" أن "إطلاق النار بين مجموعات مسلحة في عين الحلوة بهدف التخفيف من وطأة "الهجوم" على الأسير" من قبل الجيش.

إلا أن قناة "الجديد" أكدت أن "القوى الفلسطينية في مخيم عين الحلوة سيمنعون تفلت اي عناصر لجر المخيمات الى اشتباك عبرا".

وقال قائد المقر العام لحركة فتح في لبنان منير المقدح "حريصون على عدم إطلاق أي طلقة من المخيمات الفلسطينية ومنع زجها في الخلافات اللبنانية".

من جهة أخرى سمعت اصوات طلقات نارية في مدينة طرابلس وجاب مسلحون الشوارع وقطعوها بالإطارات المشتعلة.

كذلك تم قطع مستديرة عبد الحميد كرامي فيما شوهد مسلحون على دراجات نارية يجوبون شوارع طرابلس في ظل عدم تدخل القوى الأمنية.

واستشهد ستة عناصر من الجيش بعد ظهر الأحد في صيدا في اعتداء عليهم من قبل مسلحي إمام مسجد بلال بن رباح في صيدا الشيخ أحمد الأسير تطور في ما بعد إلى اشتباكات عنيفة سمعت في أرجاء المدينة.

مساء استهدفت قذيفة "آر.بي .جي"، نقطة للجيش عند مستديرة ابو علي في طرابلس ولم تؤد الى اصابات، والجيش رد على مصادر النيران.

كذلك أفادت "الوطنية للإعلام" عن "ظهور مسلح في منطقة المصنع وفي بلدة الفيضة في البقاع الاوسط فيما سجل قطع طريق قب الياس - عميق بالاطارات المشتعلة تضامنا مع الشيخ احمد الاسير".

وقام عدد من الشبان بقطع طريق الميناء -اوتوستراد بيروت قبالة فندق ال"كواليتي ان" تضامنا مع الشيخ احمد الأسير. كذلك قطعت طريق عام حلبا - الكويخات عند مفترق بلدة تلعباس الغربي للهدف عينه.

التعليقات 42
Missing realist 23:59 ,2013 حزيران 23

Hezbollah goes to Syria and leaves its Lebanese army in Lebanon to deal with dissent. It doesn't take much to create a problem between the army and the Sunnis, all it takes is few cooperating officers, readily available. Meanwhile the culprits of all assassinations roam free, even those who killed the embassy protester, of course not to mention hayek who tried to kill butrus 7arb and a dozen more incident, and the four terrorists who killed hariri. Oppression is slowly but surely reaching civil war thresholds. Extremists should be stopped, whether she3a or sunis, but realistically it is too late , another 15 years of war awaits us.

Thumb benzona 00:50 ,2013 حزيران 24

Samer Hanna's killer is eating his ice cream on Raouché tonight....

Thumb benzona 00:56 ,2013 حزيران 24

The army stopped two men of Assir. Why? He's our resistance against the Lebanese Farsi Chabiha.

The army should take the matter into its own hands and storm Dahye and bin Jbeil and arrest the terrorists that a killing THOUSANDS in Syria today, that cause the death of 1200 Lebanese in 2006 (including people from our army), many more on may 7. (these are proven) and Hariri, Gemayel junior, Kassir, Tueni and many other. So, our army can go fuck itself if it takes sides. They either apply to law to EVEYONE or they can go to bed. We don't need an army if it's to set useless checkpoints that slow traffic. We need a strong army, an army that has high moral values, that will deal with Shiite assassins, Sunni assassins, maronite assassins, orthodox assassins, Druze assassins etc... And terrorists. The #1 priority is HA.

Thumb Chupachups 01:01 ,2013 حزيران 24

Hey benzona stop blaming Hezbollah , even though I'm against them.. This was assirs fault fair and square and he should be hanged by his beard .. Dirty rat

Thumb benzona 01:08 ,2013 حزيران 24

Exactly min Canada. It's intolerable.

Thumb benzona 01:12 ,2013 حزيران 24

Well Error, the root of the problem is the double standards.... It's a type of revolt, an uprising against unjustice. I feel crap for the poor soldiers, really.... But what the heck!

You can clearly see that the army is instrumentalized by HA.... A shame for Lebanon. I'm glad I'm no longer living there....

Thumb geha 06:51 ,2013 حزيران 24

hizbushaitan is upset about the president for sending the letters to the UN and the arab league about Syria. so they are loosing their 'legitimate' cover in Lebanon. thus the rockets...
now the assir issue: he is scum and creating sectarian strife: that we all agree on.
by pushing the army to act against assir to break the army.
once the army is broken up, it becomes easier for hizbushaitan to control the country.
how do you see this scenario?

Thumb benzona 00:24 ,2013 حزيران 24

3anjadd mareed.

Thumb jcamerican 00:31 ,2013 حزيران 24

Now that is funny. Sorry benzona.

Thumb Chupachups 00:33 ,2013 حزيران 24

El Assir wa7ad 7ayawen

Thumb Chupachups 00:34 ,2013 حزيران 24

Btw one of those army soldiers killed is related to my cousin in Lebanon

Thumb benzona 01:14 ,2013 حزيران 24

My condolences.

Default-user-icon leb (ضيف) 15:06 ,2013 حزيران 24

Allah yir7amo

Missing abraham 02:04 ,2013 حزيران 24

hey overseer
where were you when Nahr Bared happened
were you saying the same thing?

Missing plantmorecedar 02:23 ,2013 حزيران 24

FT, let's be clear about this, mustaqbal was not anymore responsive towards Asir as much as hizbullah was. Both parties did not acknowledge his existence in the political arena, and neither one should be accredited to his increased support.

I understand you support hizbullah, but this lunatic is a product of the environment stirred by hizbullah and not by mustaqbal. The weapons he received were sold through the same venues used by palestinian militias and rogue elements. I'm not accusing hizbullah at all in this, they acquired weapons through the smuggling infrastructure that has been in place since before the civil war and is protected by all political parties, both m11 and m8.

Missing plantmorecedar 02:26 ,2013 حزيران 24

They need to arrest this man. One thing that does worry me, as some individuals on these forums have pointed out is the striking resemblance to the civil war. One factor that stands out is the claim that the military is siding with one faction to marginalize another, the only difference between today and then, is if they are effective at disenfranchising one faction, which seems to be the case, is that this will not escalate into a sectarian war.

Missing thomas... 02:48 ,2013 حزيران 24

lebcad.spoken like a real patriot brother.

Missing thomas... 02:50 ,2013 حزيران 24

the1phoenix. geagea is no lfer, he is an imposter.

Thumb primesuspect 04:28 ,2013 حزيران 24

aplicar la ley del embudo, double standards... Asir achieved his objective. he proved the army command was partial. it's a huge victory for him!

Thumb primesuspect 05:26 ,2013 حزيران 24

and where is his shia counterpart? oh wait, i just remember.... en turbaned boy is only moslem on his ID.... he enjoys killing at will and doesn't seek shelter in a religious sanctuary.... but in sewers.

Asir is a thug, it's unforgivable but he achieved his victory, at least, if we follow phoenix's theory that he got his orders from Saudi Arabia. yes, he proved our army command was under direct orders of Bashar the giraffe and his lebanese shabi7a. Therefore, lebanon needs more work than expected to become democratic. It's sad for true lebanese.... and we, the diaspora, are anti assad, anti iran. we need more representation in the parliament.

Thumb primesuspect 05:50 ,2013 حزيران 24

yes, i am anti assad, him and his father consider lebanon as a syrian province and killed dozens of thousands of lebanese.

Nosralla gets his orders from Qom and murders non shia moslems...[see banimaroof's youtube videos] he doesn't have his place in lebanon.

Thumb primesuspect 06:11 ,2013 حزيران 24

was their occupacion is is irrelevant. who cares if they r army, firefighters, salesmen. they are human beings. valuing life is wat matters. neither assir or nosralla value life. who cares if they r syrian, lebanese, palestinians, or iraqis.

Default-user-icon Claude (ضيف) 06:19 ,2013 حزيران 24

How sad this has become, where Arabs are fighting against each other. Where is our unification? It is just horrible to see this in 2013. It's enough now, stop letting everyone interfere... It's become an embarrament.

Default-user-icon mona (ضيف) 20:21 ,2013 حزيران 24

It is so sad to hear read or sea what is going on in the Arab world
I thought we are one nation loves and care to each other ,were is the devil come from or are we the DEVIL ? I am proud Lebanese and proud Arab I want my kids and grand kids to be proud too .Please put religion aside and love and be proud for who you are .Once we were a proud nation lets get up again holding each others hand for a better future for the generation to come .(I am not a dreamers )

Thumb geha 06:53 ,2013 حزيران 24

assir was not and never will be Geagea's ally! what is it with these accusations?
hizbushaitan is upset about the president for sending the letters to the UN and the arab league about Syria. so they are loosing their 'legitimate' cover in Lebanon. thus the rockets...
now the assir issue: he is scum and creating sectarian strife: that we all agree on.
by pushing the army to act against assir to break the army.
once the army is broken up, it becomes easier for hizbushaitan to control the country.
how do you see this scenario?

Thumb LebCynic 07:46 ,2013 حزيران 24

Long live the Alawite's of Jabal Mohsen, true allies of the LAF in Tripoli. Salafi's/Wahabi's are a problem that must be dealt with an iron fist in Lebanon.

Missing realist 10:41 ,2013 حزيران 24

Whichever way you toss the coin, this will be read as the lebanese army showing muscle only against one sect, second class citizens, while other militias effectively own the government, the army (yes they do) and cross borders in thousands under the army nose, kill whoever they please in lebanon under the "army's" nose etc. this was a total set up of a mashkal for hizbustan benefit. Next plan is 3arsal, majdel 3anjar, tripoli, what is in common between all these areas ?? It is attacking the suni sect before they have a chance to organze into becoming a force, and the best plan is to have them clash with the army. This is the greater picture of hegemony, the rest is just details. Would the army dare show any muscle and arrest just ONE person accused of assasination lol? We have at least 10 names public. Of course this is the 70s all over again, back then army belnged to maronites and now to the she3as.

Missing alpha1 10:55 ,2013 حزيران 24

As part of the HA inner circle , we have officially declared war on the "Sunni Fanatics" that have attacked or LAF .

Thumb rare_tiger 11:38 ,2013 حزيران 24

The followers of Amad Assir just attacked the army in Abra for no reason. The army won't let its soldiers get killed by a bastard, so it attacked them. The thing is between the army & Assir, Hizbullah has nothing to do with all this. You just find a way to blame them. Don't you think there are Sunnas who are against Hizbullah in the Lebanese Army? And they are against Assir because he attacked them. So being against Hizbullah doesn't mean being with Assir.

Thumb rare_tiger 11:39 ,2013 حزيران 24

Hizbullah wants Bachar Assad to stay, but not Syrians living in Lebanon. In the 70's Michel Aoun (who has the same political opinion) expelled the Syrians who were the cause of the war from Lebanon. Hizbullah is against Israel, & thus with Iran. If someone is with Assir or against Hizbullah, that means they are against Iran, so they are with Israel. What's Israel? The country that wants to conquer the lands of Lebanon. So they are actually not being with their country but with its destroyers. The army is attacking Assir who follows Israel to protect themselves & their country. So it's with Lebanon, like Hizbullah is with Lebanon, so that doesn't mean the army supports Hizbullah. Look what Assir's followers are doing with civilians in Saida every time & the crimes they do in the streets.

Thumb rare_tiger 11:39 ,2013 حزيران 24

Who was destroying Syria? Bachar Assad? It was the people who don't want him, right? The opposition. When the Syrian army got the lands back from the Syrian Free Army, there was no more war, but they got it destroyed.

Thumb rare_tiger 11:39 ,2013 حزيران 24

You're asking why Arabs are arguing? Because half of them follow USA & Israel which want to destroy the Middle East. USA's goal is to make all religions argue, especially in Lebanon where there are all types of religion, & then they could conquer the area along with Israel, & not let Christians enter Beit Lahm & other places in Palestine. So being with Lebanon means facing Israel & getting own rights back. Hizbullah face Israel, & by that Christians can enter, & you people don't have your rights & say they are the cause of war.

Thumb rare_tiger 11:41 ,2013 حزيران 24

Saad Hariri follows Assir, but now after this he isn't saying if he's with him or with the army. He should either follow his country & its army or just stay away, it's a shame that this is how Rafiq Hariri's son became.
That's it, now blame the Lebanese army Hizbullah one more time.

Default-user-icon Double Standard (ضيف) 13:15 ,2013 حزيران 24

FT : you're so full of shit you should be banned for being either an complete imbecile or a propagandist spreading lies and hate.

You cannot blindly accuse others or receiving Saudi Funding and accept Iranian Funding at the same time.

You cannot accept that the army reacts to the death of soldiers (God rest their souls) and do nothing about the murder of a civilian at the hands of Hezbollah.

The moment you start condemning both sides is the moment bullshit will stop flowing through your mouth.

Thumb benzona 14:46 ,2013 حزيران 24

Bcp trop de boulot.... À cause de la crise, on ne sait plus ou donner de la tête!

Missing peace 15:23 ,2013 حزيران 24

all the current unrest is the result of M8 stubborness to protect hezbis and their arsenal... when ONE party is allowed to hold weapons it was foreseeable that others would do the same! why double standards? it is mathematic.... all the experts told it... M14 warned from that... but M8 to keep their privileges just hid their heads in the ground and now they are crying like offensed virgins... more hypocrit than that you cannot find.... so blame M8 not those who armed themselves as a result to the lack of a strong state carefully kept as such by hezbis.....

Thumb normzz 16:20 ,2013 حزيران 24

100 % what you said the1phoenix 12 hours ago
(1). It is clear that those who still support Al Assir, still do not grasp the reality of things. OK people, here is a little secret which you will get to know soon, hopefully you will begin to think: In Syria recently Bachar Al Assad's regime forces, bolstered by Hezbollah, Russia and Iran have been regaining the upper hand once again. Their gains have shocked even the hardiest. Today they've set their sights on Hama and Allepo. It looks like they'll regain them, possibly sooner than later. Now ya people, who was in the KSA only last week? What did he do there? What were his orders? Who in turn in Lebanon did he order? For some time now, the behavior of Al Assir is orders received from the KSA, cause a distraction, mayhem, or even a civil war if necessary, put pressure on Hezbollah to return back its fighters from Syria. Put pressure on both Syria and Iran and give breathing room for the FSA and its radical extremist. 100%

Thumb normzz 16:20 ,2013 حزيران 24

100 % what you said the1phoenix 12 hours ago
(1). It is clear that those who still support Al Assir, still do not grasp the reality of things. OK people, here is a little secret which you will get to know soon, hopefully you will begin to think: In Syria recently Bachar Al Assad's regime forces, bolstered by Hezbollah, Russia and Iran have been regaining the upper hand once again. Their gains have shocked even the hardiest. Today they've set their sights on Hama and Allepo. It looks like they'll regain them, possibly sooner than later. Now ya people, who was in the KSA only last week? What did he do there? What were his orders? Who in turn in Lebanon did he order? For some time now, the behavior of Al Assir is orders received from the KSA, cause a distraction, mayhem, or even a civil war if necessary, put pressure on Hezbollah to return back its fighters from Syria. Put pressure on both Syria and Iran and give breathing room for the FSA and its radical extremist. 100%

Missing idris_gray 16:48 ,2013 حزيران 24

Tragic and I pray for the families of these soldiers but let's keep perspective here. Assir and his followers are small potatoes. Hang him if you want, I don't care about him, but hezbollah is and will continue to be the biggest threat and cause of instability in lebanon. You can't have a normal country where the army is outgunned by a sectarian militia. This is an invitation to chaos

Missing idris_gray 19:24 ,2013 حزيران 24

There are many Islamic militants who are fighting for a unified arab islamic state but you call them puppets of the west. So which is it?

Default-user-icon rare_tiger (ضيف) 20:58 ,2013 حزيران 24

Then why does the Free Syrian Army exist? To destroy Syria right? At least Hizbullah aren't committing crimes & destroying their country, nor they are attacking civilians. Tell me why they are the cause of instability. What are they doing? You want to follow Israel who are responsible for all our problems. Nice, let people who don't use their brains like you fill the country & we're dead...

Default-user-icon Tony_ Ghanaim (ضيف) 18:05 ,2013 حزيران 24

whoever desires the head of Assir and let the Hezbollah do whatever they want cannot be true Lebanese and they don't have any right to talk about the Lebanese Army. If you guys have a common vision for your own country more than a secterian allegiance, you would ask the question; "we have our own army. what the hell is that resistance?" If you say that Hezbollah has right to involve in Syria, then The Sunnis have right to support Assir and you guys allow that vicious circle..