Aoun: We are Not Spiteful, But Just

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Free Patriotic Movement leader MP Michel Aoun stressed on Saturday that corruption should not be the norm in forming a new government in Lebanon.

He said during an FPM dinner in the Chouf region: “The state cannot be built without security, a fair judiciary, and adequate finances.”

“The state treasury cannot be guarded by someone who steals the people’s taxes,” he noted.

“We vow that we will complete the plan of change and reform and those who deserve it will be appointed to their rightful positions,” the MP added.

“We want a fair state … and all who have robbed the country and led us to this poor condition will be held accountable,” Aoun declared.

“No one can label us as spiteful. We are not spiteful, but just,” stressed the FPM leader.

Comments 21
Default-user-icon Forever (Guest) 07 August 2011, 10:57

A low life looser

Default-user-icon moallek (Guest) 07 August 2011, 11:20

Définition de la justice: J'ai tous les droits, je suis le seul homme honnête, vous n'avez aucun droit, vous êtes tous malhonnêtes.

Missing future_vision 07 August 2011, 12:06

you are the first one who robbed the country in 1990 when u transfered 30Million$ of funds from the Lebanese treasury to ur HSBC account and then flew like a coward to France, lived on a Villa in Nice with a view on the beach, and was exercising "resistance" against the Baas Regim in Syria which now you are fully defending .. and u accused them live on TF1 in 2005 for the killing of Rafic Hariri

when u came back, u also used ur " human rights" (the western label u called last time) to ask for damage re-compensation ..

plz spare us your useless speeches asking for a fair state with justice when you are the ally of an anti-state militia that does not want to abide to international justice ..
start by following your principle ..

Default-user-icon Ex-Aoun (Guest) 07 August 2011, 12:36

Default-user-icon Forever (Guest) 07 August 2011, 13:47

A low life looser who should dumped in the bin of history

Missing elielebnan 07 August 2011, 13:58

Did the small general really said "government cannot be formed on corruption" ?? Someone should whisper in his ears that the current goveronment came courtesy of "Black t-shirt" the ultimate symbol of corruption and doom in Lebanon!
We despise you general and everything you stand for.. Which amounts to nothing.

Default-user-icon ALi (Guest) 07 August 2011, 14:15

what a" moral imbecile".... Psychopath......! The prototypical psychopath has deficits or deviance in several areas: interpersonal relationships, emotion, and behavior. Psychopaths gain satisfaction through antisocial behavior, and do not experience shame, guilt, or remorse for their actions. Psychopaths lack a sense of guilt or remorse for any harm they may have caused others, instead rationalizing the behavior, blaming someone else, or denying it outright. Psychopaths also lack empathy towards others in general, resulting in tactlessness, insensitivity, and contemptuousness. Psychopaths can have a superficial charm about them, enabled by a willingness to say anything to anyone without concern for accuracy or truth. Shallow affect also describes the psychopath's tendency for genuine emotion to be short-lived, glib and egocentric, with an overall cold demeanor. Their behavior is impulsive and irresponsible.

Default-user-icon Neal G (Guest) 07 August 2011, 14:47

the so called General should practice what he preach . and I'm sure he has a mirror at home . look at the mirror Mr. Aoun and with pure honesty judge your self ...... i forgot you don't know what honesty is

Default-user-icon proGMA (Guest) 07 August 2011, 15:10

What happened to the 75 millions you received in 1988 -1990 in donations for the war of liberation? Where are they now? How are you using them TODAY? For which prurpose? What about the NEW millions of your son-in-law? and the NEW millions of Simon & co? Why don't you look INSIDE your house FIRST?

Missing eagle 07 August 2011, 15:32

There will never be a fair and just state as long as you and nassrallah are still alive.

Default-user-icon Ibn el jabal (Guest) 07 August 2011, 15:54

Finally an honest man and that is the reason the dogs are barking at him.

Thumb canaanite 07 August 2011, 16:03

He looks more evil with every passing day...

Spite is all you know! Corruption is all you know!
All aboard the sinking Syrian ship!!

Thumb ithinkthere14iam 07 August 2011, 17:19

If Aoun tries to even do this, were gnu need a completely new're all corrupt. Every single one of u is corrupt. Berri nd jumblatt being the biggest corrupters...

Default-user-icon Le Phenicien (Guest) 07 August 2011, 17:30

@ Moallek ,

Pour une fois , je suis entièrement d'accord avec vous , et je dirai même que vous n'êtes pas seulement malhonnête , mais des voyous de première aussi ! Je veux bien dire des voyous de la finance , et non des voyous musclés , puisque vous n'avez rien dans les tripes ni entre les jambes !! On vous a bien vu un fameux 7 Mai courir comme des lapins .

Default-user-icon 10-13-1990 (Guest) 07 August 2011, 20:17

Thank God at last the deserter General Aoun's going to return the million$$ in our salaries he embezzled and took with him to Paris when he fled in 1990 and deposited in his wife's name in banks.

Thumb charbel 07 August 2011, 23:35

The Lybians have Qaddhafi, the Lebanese have Aoun... two cheeks of the same arse

Thumb sasi 07 August 2011, 23:43

Oh! corruption is the soul and bread and butter of the Lebanese. Good luck M. Aoun trying to fight a whole nation!

Get a grip of yourself please and go retire you warlord!

Default-user-icon moallek (Guest) 07 August 2011, 23:56

Le Phenicien:
Ma réponse que vous avez pu lire et qui tout compte fait n'était pas plus offensive que votre commentaire a été supprimée par Naharnet.
Je ne peux que reconnaître que bigdig n'est pas entre mes jambes puisqu'il se complait entre les vôtres.

Missing th21 08 August 2011, 09:15

Chere phenicien,

La seule personne plus ingras, malhonnete et infidel que le grand michel, c'est toi.

Au revoir

Default-user-icon Alexander (Guest) 08 August 2011, 11:52

The main theme of March 8 is their allegiance to probity and honesty regarding the financial issues, and their charges to March 14 of being the sole responsible of our debts. It is a way to stimulate people's hatred toward Hariri and his allies. I would like to remind ALL that from 1991 till 2005 both camps were an UNIQUE gang robbing all the institutions of the state with harmony love and coordination, and this under the complicity of the Syrians. Each member of March 8 was occupying a postion in the State (and still) during that period and was granted a sector from which he was robbing without restraint. Sectors like telecom, customs, fuel, harbour, majlis el jnoub, etc... were distributed per sects leaders and we know well that all of them were aware about the impact of their acts on the debts. Do you think that Nabih Barreh was just a spectator during these 15 years? Wht about Lahoud, El Murr, .... Those who remained dogs at Syrians legs became now the victims??

Default-user-icon Beiruti (Guest) 08 August 2011, 15:22

I think Nahar reports on this guy just because so many people read it and want to tear into this idiot. Ever googled up his name? Read all of the "complementary" stuff that you find there.