Jumblat-Hizbullah Ties in Tatters over al-Rahi’s Statements

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Relations between Progressive Socialist Party leader Walid Jumblat and Hizbullah seem to be reaching an all-time low after the Shiite party’s al-Manar TV station slammed the Druze leader for criticizing Maronite Patriarch Beshara al-Rahi.

Al-Manar said in reference to Jumblat in its newscast on Monday that some officials remain steadfast in their stances while others tend to swing to adjust to the “regional winds.”

The network compared the PSP chief to the Lebanese Forces in its criticism of al-Rahi over his statements on the Syrian crisis and Hizbullah’s weapons.

PSP sources told al-Akhbar daily published Tuesday that al-Manar’s remarks were a clear “attack” from Hizbullah on Jumblat. They were surprised by such an “attack,” saying the MP’s stance from the resistance and his rejection to link Lebanon to any regional crisis hasn’t changed in the past three years.

However, a Hizbullah MP denied that al-Manar’s criticism was a political message to Jumblat, telling al-Akhbar that the remarks were only part of the TV station’s praise of al-Rahi’s stance from Hizbullah.

Last week, al-Rahi said the fate of Hizbullah’s arms is linked to the termination of Israeli occupation of Lebanese territory and the return of Palestinian refugees to their homeland.

Al-Rahi also warned that the rise of the Muslim Brotherhood in Syria was a threat to Christians. He said Syrian President Bashar Assad should be given the chance to introduce reform.

But Jumblat noted on Monday that the latest “fear-inciting remarks on the rise of Salafist or fundamentalist movements … are being used as a scarecrow.”

He also rejected to link “Lebanon’s fate to the liberation of the Shebaa Farms and the entire conflicts in the region.”

March 8 sources told al-Liwaa newspaper that Jumblat’s stance reveals a rift between him and Damascus. They said Public Works Minister Ghazi Aridi, who is loyal to the PSP chief, has tried in vain for three consecutive times to set a date for a visit by Jumblat to the Syrian capital.

Comments 7
Default-user-icon knight templer (Guest) 13 September 2011, 10:14

i really really really hate jumblat 2allah ydabro

Thumb ado.australia 13 September 2011, 12:12

Wow... He hasn't changed his stance in 3 years... LoL!

The hesteria of the Lebanese media adds fuel to conflict in lebanon. If someone farts, you'll have some media organisation reporting that a "unnamed official" or "source" smelt that fart and believes it smelt like kibbi nayhe from the bsharri region, there for that person must have been conspiring with geagea against so and so.... Really, Lebanon's news media is no more than gossip tabloids, and the prostitutes, we call politicians, play along like actors in a Mexican soap opera.

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (Guest) 13 September 2011, 13:38

the latest jumblat calculations, hizballah of 7th may is long gone, bashar of 2011 at the least is very "disturbed"......the arab upraising contracted the farsi influence..he is ready to strike, but through who???????/

Default-user-icon A Lebanese (Guest) 13 September 2011, 14:52

[Jumblat's] "rejection to link Lebanon to any regional crisis hasn’t changed in the past three years."

So, this means that Jumblat's stance switch sides every 3 years or so?

I'm puzzled... I'm really puzzled how schizophrenic people can be political leaders for so long! What puzzles me even more is the herd following those leaders! People don't think?

Missing realist 13 September 2011, 21:14

jumblatt will topple the government sooner or later, he has no choice but to ally himself with tayar mustaqbal in the next elections.. let march 8 enjoy the jackpot for now , at the end the house always wins, and the house here is the lebanese people. The orange/yellow people cant see beyond their nose, the short era of iran's exaggerated influence is coming to an end..the region is going through dramatic re-sizing, iran simply lacks the demographic support, you must be blind not to see that.

Thumb shab 13 September 2011, 21:56

And the circus continues

Default-user-icon Antonio (Guest) 14 September 2011, 00:25

So to the analysts of Naharnet and the other mrettin, the relationship is in tatters. Now the idiots of the defunct March 14 are having an orgasm over this analysis, only to wake up tomorrow to the sad and everlasting truth that they remain the LOSERS. 3an jad m3alla2in bi 7ibal al hawa