Charbel: Travel Advisories Don’t Imply All of Lebanon Under Threat

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Interior Minister Marwan Charbel stressed on Friday that travel warnings for Lebanon issued by Western embassies are routine procedures that don’t imply a dangerous situation in the entire country.

In remarks to al-Joumhouria daily, Charbel said the warnings “don’t mean that the situation in Lebanon as a whole is under threat.”

He said that Lebanese nationals should as well abide by the precautions that the embassies are advising their citizens to take.

Several embassies have tightened travel warnings for Lebanon, advising their nationals to avoid parts of the country due to unrest in Syria and the kidnapping of Estonian tourists.

The British embassy has advised its nationals to avoid travel to Lebanon's eastern and southern borders with Syria following incursions by Syrian troops into the country.

Embassies including those of the United States, Australia, Britain, Canada and France have also warned of the risk of abduction after seven Estonians were kidnapped at gunpoint in the Bekaa Valley in March.

The U.S., Canadian and Australian embassies cite in their warnings the international Lebanon.

"U.S. citizens in Lebanon should monitor ongoing political developments, particularly in relation to the Special Tribunal for Lebanon, as Lebanese political leaders have warned publicly that the tribunal's findings could spark civil unrest," said a U.S. embassy travel advisory.

Comments 7
Thumb jabalamel 14 October 2011, 10:34

the warning was for chicken type citizens. the spies will continue to come here and so will business people.

Default-user-icon JP (Guest) 14 October 2011, 13:06

Charbel is so assuring with his comments! This is the same guy that determine the bomb that killed to assasins in Entlias were on a just routine bomb planting for personal reason.

Default-user-icon JP (Guest) 14 October 2011, 13:13

Very assuring to have Hizballah controlled government and to see them take all the necessary measures, including providing security for tourists and Lebanese citizens alike, to improve our economy. We all feel safe with them in charge and with Charbel as security chief!

Thumb Marc 14 October 2011, 17:13

There is something about this advisory. Take me for an example, I live in Canada and my business operates in several countries (not Lebanon) but I like to stop by whenever I get a chance . . . When there is an advisory, my life insurance will no longer cover me if I go to Lebanon and they make it clear.... So, I am hesitant to go just in case something would happen to me (not necessarily as a result of war or ...) but if something happened, my family will be left in the cold... So, I will wait it out!

Default-user-icon marie (Guest) 14 October 2011, 19:19

send habal hamel and family to iran and Lebanon will be a very safe country

Thumb shab 14 October 2011, 20:16

marie, jaba lammel is not Lebanese

Default-user-icon Wahhab is less boring (Guest) 15 October 2011, 16:47

The country is safe as long as the fieldmarshal keeps saying it is not unsafe.
Can he be amusing and that's all?Or he is the man of Prince of Persia with a mandate stretching from Antilias to Anti all Lebanon?