ISF Intelligence Bureau Detains Sheikh over Tripoli Bombings

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The Internal Security Forces Intelligence Bureau detained Sheikh Ahmed al-Gharib in Tripoli over links to Friday's blasts that rocked the northern city and seized arms from his residence, the state-run National news agency reported Saturday.

According to the NNA, a surveillance camera spotted in the area near the explosion that took place near al-Salam mosque.

The Intelligence Bureau raided al-Gharib's house in Minyeh neighborhood in Tripoli and seized machineguns and grenades.

On Friday, powerful car bombs exploded outside two Sunni mosques in Tripoli, killing at least 45 people and wounding hundreds.

The first bomb struck in the city center at the al-Salam mosque as worshipers were still inside.

The second explosion struck just minutes later outside al-Taqwa mosque, about two kilometers away, near the port.

Earlier on Saturday, al-Akhbar newspaper reported that al-Gharib was detained over links to the blasts.

According to the report, Gharib was detained after security agencies seized at his residence military maps for the city of Tripoli and explosives.

The newspaper said that Gharib was moved to the ISF intelligence Bureau center in Beirut.

Gharib, according to the report, was tasked by head of the Islamic Unification Movement Sheikh Hashem Minqara to follow up with the Syrian regime the latest developments.

The movement denounced Gharib's arrest, expressing fear that the accusations were fabricated against him.

Sources told the newspaper that the seized arms in Gharib's house were an individual pistol in addition to two hand grenades.

On Wednesday, army chief General Jean Qahwaji had said his forces were fighting a "total war" against terrorism whose aim is "to provoke sectarian strife" in the country.

The army had been pursuing a "terrorist cell that prepares car bombs and sends them to residential neighborhoods," he said, adding that this action aimed at provoking sectarian strife.

A Lebanese and two Palestinians suspected of preparing a car bomb attack were arrested days after the latest blast in Beirut, the General Security agency said.

Comments 17
Thumb LebCynic 24 August 2013, 08:50

If it is proven that he has any involvement what so ever, I sincerely hope they send him to hell. Innocent Lebanese lives should not be used to make a political statement or sell an agenda. RIP to all the victims and hope a speedy recovery for the injured.

Thumb geha 24 August 2013, 08:55

tawjid are armed by hizbushaitan....

Default-user-icon Shango Kalafan (Guest) 24 August 2013, 10:02

Thank you Inspector Clouseau. Now move on to your next case.

Thumb geha 24 August 2013, 12:51

whether you like it or not: this is a fact :)

Missing greatpierro 24 August 2013, 12:52

But it's common knowledge that Tawhid are pro hizbullah and armed by this terrorist organization

Default-user-icon Hassan (Guest) 24 August 2013, 10:31

Dont you just love Saudi Arabia ..

Missing coolmec 24 August 2013, 11:43

Hang them all
sheiks or priests have no business owning weapons and storing them in their houses

Thumb joker37 24 August 2013, 14:34

Syrian rubbish filth youre not welcome on this lebanese website.. i am comforted in the knowledge that 150k filth like you have been slaughtered.

Missing canadianadam 24 August 2013, 16:35

For once me and FT are in agreement. Joker you're a neandrathal and should be stripped of your citizenship for having zero compassion. I hope Naharnet bans you because you re comments are not welcome by the Lebanese on this website.

Missing appleorange 24 August 2013, 18:24

Flamethrower, nice double standards. There is little diffirence between you and joker37. You have posted similar things against others before.

Default-user-icon LEO (Guest) 25 August 2013, 00:23

Joker37 is simply attempting to get a reaction to her obviously stupid comment.

Missing VINCENT 24 August 2013, 14:39

I guess if your religion allows it, being a Sheikh or a Priest could be a convenient cover to commit crimes, promote violence, terrorize, etc. Otherwise, "coolmec" above is correct, and these thugs don't have any business owing weapons. Leave the business of waging wars or terrorism to those whose business it is to wage wars and terror attacks. OK, so if you are a Sheikh who terrorizes and kills innocent people, then you are a terrorist? I would think so. Unless of course God has told these holly and pure people that they are doing God's job, and therefore we should all admire and listen to their holly words.

Default-user-icon The Truth (Guest) 24 August 2013, 15:33

Hizb Allah linked Tawhid behind the bombings? Shocking, Hizb Allah never bombs anyone of course.

Missing canadianadam 24 August 2013, 16:33

Delusional, after re chemical attacks in Syria and attacks here it must be getting more difficult for you to rationalize your Aoun mentality of being unwaveringly pro Syrian and pro HA terrorist.

Missing canadianadam 24 August 2013, 16:33

Delusional, after re chemical attacks in Syria and attacks here it must be getting more difficult for you to rationalize your Aoun mentality of being unwaveringly pro Syrian and pro HA terrorist.

Missing appleorange 24 August 2013, 18:26

Syriannyer your a fraud. Those who bet on islams enemies to be their allies will end up not only losers in this world but in the hereafter as well. You can not win by taking an enemy of islam as your ally in order to defeat another enemy of islam. Hezballah is surely misstaken as is bashar but how are you any better? Are you even a syrian? I wouldnt be surprised if your one of the regulars on this site who thought it would be better to post under a fake account when posting such things :)

Default-user-icon LEO (Guest) 25 August 2013, 00:20

canadianadam, I have to disagree with you. Aoun is not pro HA or Assad. His is and always has been PRO AOUN!