رعد: كلما تحركتم من خلال القرار الاتهامي سنواصل الضغط لمحاكمة شهود الزور

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شدد رئيس كتلة "الوفاء للمقاومة" النائب محمد رعد على انه "كلما تحركتم من خلال القرار الاتهامي أو من خلفه، سنواصل الضغط من جهتنا ايضا، وهذا حق من حقوقنا من اجل ان نحاكم كل شهود الزور الذين ظلموا الضباط الاربعة على مدى ثلاث سنوات وظلموا الرأي العام العالمي اللبناني والعربي واتهموا دولا شقيقة وكادوا ان يخلقوا حالة عدائية بين لبنان وسوريا من جراء التلفيق الكاذب للاتهامات السابقة.

واعتبر رعد في حفل تأبيني أن "من لفق تلك الاتهامات هو من لفق القرار الاتهامي وهو يقصد تحقيق نفس الاهداف ولكن بأسلوب جديد، وسيفشل كما فشل في اسلوبه القديم".

ودعا الى "ضرورة الالتفات الى ان القرار الاتهامي الذي صدر بحق عدد من الاشخاص يهدف الى استدراج المقاومة، وذلك عبر تحميلها مسؤولية جريمة ارتكبت في لبنان والمقاومة كانت اول واكثر المتضررين من نتائجها، هي ومن يحمل رايتها ومن يلتزم بنهجها وخطها، معتبراً أن "هذا الاتهام لا يساوي قيمة الحبر الذي كتب فيه".

ورأى "ان سبب استهداف المقاومة من خلال هذا القرار الاتهامي أمر لا يحتاج الى فلسفة وتنظير، فلقد جربوا كل الاوراق لاسقاط المقاومة فلم يفلحوا".

وقال: "لقد جربوا المناوشات والحرب وتشويه صورة المقاومة عبر الاشاعات، جربوا اغراءها بالسلطة والضغط عليها اقتصاديا وماليا، جربوا التهديد واختراقها واغراءها بالكثير من الوعود، وجاءت الاغراءات من اكثر من جهة دولية مرسلة من الادارة الامريكية، لكن كل هذه المعطيات والتهديدات والاوراق التي استخدمت من اجل ان تسقط المقاومة وسلاحها لم تفلح ولم تجد نفعا، وبقي ان تستخدم ورقة التجييش الدولي".

ورأى رعد المقصود من القرار الاتهامي تجييش الرأي العام الدولي وتحريض الدول العربية والاسلامية واميركا اللاتينية والشمالية ضد المقاومة وشيء اسمه حزب الله في لبنان، علهم ينجحون في محاصرة المقاومة وتضييق الخناق عليها، نفسيا وسياسيا وماليا واجتماعيا".

أضاف: "من تحمل حربكم العالمية في العام 2006 يهون عليه تحمل كذبتكم الاخيرة من خلال القرار الاتهامي، وكما سقطت اهدافكم في حرب ال2006، ستسقط مفاعيل هذه الكذبة وسترتد عليكم ايضا.

التعليقات 20
Default-user-icon Le Phenicien (ضيف) 17:27 ,2011 تموز 10

All this "joke " called STL will be over and behind us soon .

The world is not willing to provoke a war for the sake of the eyes of the Saudi royal family , or for the eyes of Chirac or Rafik Hariri , and especially not for the BLACK Arab eyes of the SAD SAAD that is hiding in Paris .

Bye bYe political Int mahkama . Hello real Lebanese Mahkama for corruption .

Missing lubnan-awalan 17:27 ,2011 تموز 10

as Mr. Raad is using "the More"
I do Recommand to Mr. Raad to listen to that tune lmaooooooo


Default-user-icon Django (ضيف) 17:42 ,2011 تموز 10

"it is aimed at inciting the international public opinion and provoking the Arab, Islamic and Latin and Northern American nations against the Resistance and Hizbullah" ... How 'bout the Gipsies, oh thunder thighs, I hope they don't incite and provoke the Gipsies!

Default-user-icon JP (ضيف) 17:43 ,2011 تموز 10

At leastthis time his not pointing his fingers at all of us. Sad to say but the truth will come out and all indications points to your involvement and the Syrians. Lets judge with facts rather than rumours and your campaing to discredit the court. Innocents are not afraid of the truth, but only the guilty.

Default-user-icon Hassan (ضيف) 17:46 ,2011 تموز 10

“This accusation is not worth the ink it was written in"... how the hell would you know you can't read!

Default-user-icon Al Rahi al Saleh (ضيف) 17:46 ,2011 تموز 10

More important than the four general are you going to push for putting on trial the one general false witness you know AKA the tool, this one:


Default-user-icon Jezzine (ضيف) 17:50 ,2011 تموز 10

Raad stop covering up for the fact that you are part of group of thugs and murderers. You and your militia have brought nothing but war, death and miserable standards of life for the those who haven't died as a result of your adventures. You are treason is continuous and you owe the people of the South, North, the Beka and the Mountains centuries of compensation!

Default-user-icon Ali (ضيف) 17:57 ,2011 تموز 10

Excuse me Mr. resistance.... but are you not part of a government that just won a vote of confidence in parliament and whose policy statement states according to your prime minister its support for the STL? Arrogant people.... your day will come and Lebanon will be free of you and your deep routed hatred.

Default-user-icon Beiruti (ضيف) 18:10 ,2011 تموز 10

Mr. Raad continues to act like a guilty person. Now black mail threats with the "false witness" issue. He will go after that if the STL goes after him. Well, Raad, go ahead! Who is to stop you. Your puppy dog Aoun has the Justice Ministry let him start a prosecution of the "false witnesses" and let the world see what a political prosecution looks like.

The STL is not one, the "false witness" prosecution certainly will be a political prosecution undertaken strictly as a means of winning political immunity from the STL.

Since it is a red herring, I say, go for it.

Default-user-icon Basil (ضيف) 18:23 ,2011 تموز 10

what a joke, a representative of the supreme leader of iran, threatens lebanon again. sad comment on these guys, they are bought and paid for by Iran and want to give lessons in virtue

Thumb Marc 18:53 ,2011 تموز 10

That is fair. You sue them in the court of law and your guys should defend themselves in the court of law. Let justice take it's course

Default-user-icon truth (ضيف) 19:27 ,2011 تموز 10

Those guys have indicted themselves long ago.There is nothing that can expain how they hae been : initially approving, then carefully obstructing, then openly opposing the work of the STL.It has accumulated so much hard, scientific, forensic eidence, that it is futile to gesticulate, and use worn out arguments do get away from it. False witnesses don t exist.Any court case doesnt progress on a straight line. Only the final judgement is important. That the process moves in trial and errors is perfectly normal, and doesnt substitute the core case i.e the assassination with a side-case problem, the so-called witnesses.In a similar international investigation, (cant remember if it was Yougoslavia) those that were finally proven to be unfairly accused got a few hundred dollars in compensation! This is the most the four generals could hope for, assuming they' re not arrested again if new evidence appreared against them.

Default-user-icon Truth (ضيف) 19:32 ,2011 تموز 10

The same could be said of Syria' s involvment in the aassination if it were proen true.What even Saad Hariri had to say, for political reasons has no bearing on the prosecution, even if the 8th march jumped on the opportunity to use his statement in their favor. Finally, what can one say, today that we know who is is in the accusation box, and knew long ago, what WE only discover today, in carefully obstructing, and attempting to manipulate the whole process....

Thumb tabasco 19:36 ,2011 تموز 10

the more you talk with this attitude the more guilty you look to me !

Default-user-icon Mehdi (ضيف) 20:19 ,2011 تموز 10

I did not realize that MP Raad was president, PM, justice minister and majless al wouzara2 moujtami3an. you've come a long way baby

Thumb sasi 20:46 ,2011 تموز 10

Hezeb el Shitan Propaganda!

Raad is playing James Bond and they are all thinking their speech in the media can affect a court! HIRE LAWYERS they need to work, don't act as lawyers all of u. there is court go go go go there!

The truth is THIS IS INTERNATIONAL JUSTICE! FIGHT IT with whatever you have but under the law and i court not on Almanar TV!

Plus i don't understand why they don't wanna go to Hague. its a beautiful place in Netherlands, gorgeous blond girls, fast internet and lots of good beer! They will surely enjoy Hassan and his bunch!

Missing peace 23:38 ,2011 تموز 10

i m not an expert in law, but doesn t the term 'false witness" refer to false testimony inside a court of law not before?

all the arguments the hezb have against stl are very thin until proven the contrary in the court of law!

Thumb shab 00:47 ,2011 تموز 11

This Iranian baboon still thinks that STL is a Lebanese incention and that he can bargain with it. Bunch of inbreeds

Thumb joesikemrex 07:18 ,2011 تموز 11

Justice will be served. Go get a shave you fat loser

Default-user-icon Borat (ضيف) 11:54 ,2011 تموز 11

he is suffer from retardation