شربل: التمديد سيفرض نفسه شاء سليمان أم أبى

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رأى وزير الداخلية في حكومة تصريف الأعمال مروان شربل أن التمديد لرئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان "حاصل حتما" وإن "شاء الرئيس أم أبي".

ونقلت صحيفة "الأخبار" صباح الجمعة قوله أن "تمديد ولاية سليمان حاصل حتماً اذا لم تؤلف حكومة جديدة حتى موعد الاستحقاق الرئاسي".

وأضاف "التمديد سيئ، لكن الفراغ في الرئاسة اسوأ في غياب حكومة جديدة نصبح امام احد هذين الخيارين، السيئ والأسوأ، التمديد او الفراغ".

كما شدد على أنه "في نهاية المطاف اذا وجدنا انفسنا امام فراغ محتمل في رئاسة الجمهورية، فان الرئيس سليمان سيجد نفسه ملزما الرضوخ لهذا الحل لتجنيب البلاد ازمة اكثر تعقيداً، على نحو ما جرى مع ولايتي مجلس النواب وقائد الجيش".

إلا أن شربل لم ينف أن المخرج لم يكن "ملائما ولا الطريقة مقبولة، لكن التمديد لهما جنّبنا ما هو ادهى. ان نرى الجمهورية بلا مجلس نيابي، وان نرى الجيش بلا قائده. وقد يكون استحقاق الرئاسة مرشحا لهذا المصير".

كذلك عاد وشدد على أن سليمان "يجب ان يوافق عليه (التمديد) اذا استمرت العراقيل في طريق تأليف حكومة جديدة" قائلا "لا يسع رئيس الدولة، عند انتهاء ولايته من دون انتخاب خلف له، ومن دون وجود حكومة، اقفال ابواب قصر بعبدا والذهاب الى بيته وترك الرئاسة والدولة بلا رأس. التمديد سيفرض نفسه شاء الرئيس او ابى".

يذكر أن ولاية سليمان تنتهي في أيار 2014 وهو رفض في أكثر من حديث التمديد له، إلا أن الحديث يكثر في الآونة الأخير عن ضغط دولي عليه للتمديد.

والتمديد إذا تم سيكون في ظل مجلس نواب ممدد له حتى تشرين الأول عام 2014.

التعليقات 8
Thumb haile.selassie. 09:59 ,2013 تشرين الأول 11

Exactly what i said before. They will start denying concerning the extension of the president's mandate then someone as stupid as Charbel who has no knowledge about constitutional Law will find it inevitable then opinions will witness a turn then they will extend and The president, the day when he announced he wouldnt accept to stay it was a Declaration from him that he Wants to stay.

Anyhow at the end of the day with or without a Government stop cheating your citizens and read your constitution it clearly stipulates many windows where you can vote for a new president without any government in hand. Bunch of liars and whats funny a lie coming out of the mouth of an ignorant who has no basic knowledge of Constitutional law.

Thumb Roaring-FlameThrower 10:08 ,2013 تشرين الأول 11

The extension of my Sri Lankan's maid VIDUSAHANI contract seems inevitable if the political foes in this country fail to form a new cabinet that includes the holy equation of the resistance, people, and army. Vidusahani's term expires soon and unless a new cabinet is formed a vacuum might occur in our household. Neither I or Alona are capable of handling the day to day pressures. Vidusahani will find herself obliged to agree on this extension to avert plunging our household into a social crisis.

Thumb popeye 10:15 ,2013 تشرين الأول 11


Thumb -.-.wolf-.-. 11:56 ,2013 تشرين الأول 11

Our Constitutional Law has been ABUSED .
ENOUGH of this BS , it's time for our ISF & our LAF (who represents the whole spectrum of our citizens ) to overthrow this current illegal Government who are costing us Money , Chaos , Havoc , & Unwarranted Lebanese Lives , not to mention the destruction of our beloved Country !
The Lebanese President MUST allow to install ABSOLUTE MILITARY RULE !
Our very identity is on the edge of existence .
For the sake of our Country & People , replace these thieves wearing suites with our National Identity which is the Military Uniform bearing our CEDAR on our Heads !
Let us stop putting these thieving billionaires before our country , they have being milking us for generations , no more of their corrupted attitude , instal the young brave sons & daughters to protect our land & our future as well as break away from a family run mafia like monopoly !
Signed Wolf !

Thumb haile.selassie. 12:32 ,2013 تشرين الأول 11

flamecatcher and others kindly understand that you cannot blame one side on all the crisis that is happening in Lebanon at all. yes Hizbullah is to blame but also the 14 Camp is to blame. That is for the main reason that there are two major alliances that are struggling to hold the region each represented and supported by one block in lebanon. and as Lebanon vulnerable due to the division and due to the resources that it has but unable to extract people will be divided just like the political blocks administrating this country. Hizbullah and allies support Iran's plan of holding power and a strong alliance from the Gulf sea to the Mediterranean, Russia which is involved to maintain its last fortress which lays in Syria otherwise they will be stuck in the black sea and their fight with the chechens which is translated now in Syria. and America and Israel have the same plan from Saudi to Beirut through Syria thus disabling Iran from Nuclear arms and surrounding Russia in the black sea.

Thumb haile.selassie. 12:35 ,2013 تشرين الأول 11

so at the end of the day you're got Hizbullah and the 8th supporting the Russian Chinese Iranian plan. knowing that China is not directly involved but would like to lay its hands on any country or region which gets out of Western influence as they adopt Mao's policy of wait and influence and counter attack not Attack. and the 14th supports the American Israeli plan. and each one of you thinks he can blame one side which is totally wrong.

Thumb haile.selassie. 17:14 ,2013 تشرين الأول 11

well thats for sure dear phoenix

Default-user-icon B-jeen (ضيف) 01:31 ,2013 تشرين الأول 12

sometimes when i read you, i hear the Bach speaking. it gives me goose bumps. we need more sensible people like you on this site.