الجيش السوري يدخل الزبداني قرب الحدود اللبنانية

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افاد ناشط حقوقي ان الجيش السوري دخل الاحد مدينة الزبداني التي شهدت تظاهرات كبيرة مناهضة للنظام والواقعة على بعد 50 كلم شمال غرب دمشق حيث باشر حملة اعتقالات.

وقال رئيس الرابطة السورية لحقوق الانسان عبد الكريم ريحاوي ان "قوات الامن والجيش دخلت الزبداني اليوم. لقد فتشت المنازل واعتقلت اكثر من خمسين شخصا" في هذه المدينة القريبة من الحدود اللبنانية.

واضاف المصدر نفسه ان الجيش دخل ايضا مدينة حمص (وسط، 150 كلم شمال دمشق)، لافتا الى ان "اربع دبابات وناقلة جند تمركزت في (حي) دوار الخالدية، وقد نظم السكان تظاهرة كبيرة تعبيرا عن رفضهم دخول الجيش".

والسبت، وقعت مواجهات في حمص بين مناصرين للنظام ومعارضين له بعد مقتل ثلاثة شبان مؤيدين للنظام، وفق المرصد السوري لحقوق الانسان.

وتشهد سوريا منذ منتصف اذار حركة احتجاج غير مسبوقة على نظام الرئيس بشار الاسد ووجهت بقمع دام ادى الى مقتل اكثر من 1400 شخص واعتقال اكثر من 12 الفا اخرين، وفق منظمات حقوقية.

التعليقات 9
Default-user-icon Wiss (ضيف) 14:01 ,2011 تموز 17

ok the syrian army is ready !! but why the photo of abou l abed kabara is on the wall

Default-user-icon Freezolla (ضيف) 19:48 ,2011 تموز 17

First they wanted reforms, thinking that demands for reforms would confuse and corner the regime. When reforms began to be applied and meetings with many "local" opponents began to take place. This angered the US and France, and behind them Saudi Arabia (the real evil in the region) and Israel (Saudi Arabia's not-so-secret partner), and they became the confused ones. Then they lost it. Their real goal from the start was and continues to be the downfall of the regime. For God's sake, Saudi Arabia seeks reforms, BUT only in the countries that they despise. FOR GOD'S SAKE!!! Well, opponents cannot have it both ways. What they seem to not understand is that the regime, as bad as it might be, is a million times nicer and democratic than one run by the filthy Wahhabis and Salafi fundamentalists and the filthiest Syrian on the face of the earth Abdul Halim Khaddam. All of the Lebanese, and above all the Christian Sunnis among them, should know better. But these have shown to be dumb!!!

Missing hmorsel 19:51 ,2011 تموز 17

oh the all mighty Syrian army is attacking poor unarmed citizens, that's why these cowards are Hosballah heros, they are both the same a bunch of cowards.
I remember when the Isrealy army came in to Lebanon in the 80's the Syrian army were selling their uniformed and couldn't get away fast enough..

Default-user-icon neutral (ضيف) 21:14 ,2011 تموز 17

why doesnt he attack israel? and take back the golan heights? the syrian people are being killed by the syrian army. He does not have any army on the border with israel. i am so confused.
assad is a coward he only attacks innocent unarmed people.
I do not understand why the world is still watching and doing nothing about it.

Missing peace 00:17 ,2011 تموز 18

it s funny to read hezbi fans saying that the usa and france want a regime governed by the salafis! it s funny to read them say that because who has seen any images on the syrian tv filming armed salafis killing the syrian soldiers?

all the other revolutions are people asking freedom but not in syria for M8!

then usa and france prefer assad in power because he is the one keeping the golan heights calm since its occupation!

poor freezolla.....

Default-user-icon Ben-USA (ضيف) 01:53 ,2011 تموز 18


I know how Lebanon feels (taught) anger against Israel. The "enemy". I have never lived in the great country of Lebanon but I am a reader. History gives your capital and country praise. The Paris of the ME, banking center of the ME, Land Of The Cedars...etc. I see a country that I would love to visit someday thrown over by a military coup. Say it hasn't been. Hizthrowup's arms equal or exceed the LAF's capabilities. There is enough history on all major players and parties to condemn them all. But look to now and the future and I can't belive what I see. A Lebanon in turmoil with the wrong "enemy". I would love to travel the ME with my daughter, learn a little Arabic, have her know history. Israel woul love to have a peace deal with Lebanon. Syria and Iran are in the way. If I see "occupation" or anything like it, I want to know who "occupies" Lebanon. May Peace be with Lebanon and Israel.

Default-user-icon Ben-USA (ضيف) 02:04 ,2011 تموز 18

I realized I wasn't done:

Think of a nice peaceful area with Lebanon, Jordan, Eygpt, Syrian, Turkey, SA and others enjoying peace with Israel and Palastine? People from all over the world coming there, A combined Arab military alliance like NATO to protect civilians against dictators and terroists. A united ARAB front. Because of Iran and the puppets they control. Hizthrowup and Hamastards think they can eliminate a country? I'm assuming with such a claims comes backing from somewhere.

Thumb ado.australia 08:47 ,2011 تموز 18

Ben. Your welcome to come anytime to Lebanon. However u should remember that the idf is made up of "terrorists". Haghana, made up most of the idf, and leaders like ariel Sharon, yitzach Rabin, moshe Dayan, dov hov. Then their was the Irgun terrorist group who became the Likud party and committed terrorist attacks like king David hotel and many massacres. The list goes on. 1 mans terrorist is anothers freedom fighter. It is not poor Israel that wants peace and evil Hezbollah, Syria and Iran who only want war. This is very naive or purposely misleading. There is a war game being played with Lebanon as one of the playgrounds or chess boards as usual. On one side you have, Israel, Saudi Arabia and the USA, and the other is Syria and Iran. This is always Lebanon's fate and will probably always will be. Pan Arabism is a farce. Lebanese have nothing in commen with the gulf Arabs or morocco except using the same alphabet.

Default-user-icon Danny B (ضيف) 15:21 ,2011 تموز 18

Ado-Australia. Almost any country in the word before it came independent there were underground groups till became independent. What is difference between Ben Bela and his FLN group in Algeria ? Fiddel Castro in Cuba?
The revolution in Egypt 1952 the revolutions in Syria ? the resistance if France ? Even the Americans fought the British government,. Macarius in Cyprus and many others all over the world.
Freedom fighter do not blow up buses and schools, this is difference.
To compare the Haganah to Hamas or El Quaida is a shame to human race.