قبلان فوض الراعي بقضية لاسا: سأتصدى لأي مؤامرة ضد البلدة

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أكد نائب رئيس المجلس الإسلامي الشيعي الأعلى الشيخ عبد الأمير قبلان وجود "حقائق ووثائق وبينات وحجج تثبت أن لاسا وجوارها تعود في ملكيتها لأهل لاسا" مطالبا بألا "يتورط احد في موضوع" البلدة ومفوضا البطريرك الراعي لحل القضية.

وقال قبلان في خطبة الجمعة:"هناك حقائق ووثائق وبينات وحجج تثبت لمن تعود ملكية أهل لاسا، ومعلوماتي ان لاسا وجوارها تعود في ملكيتها لأهل لاسا، وكذلك الأمر بالنسبة الى قرقريا وامهر حيث يملك الأهالي الوثائق والحجج التي تثبت ملكيتهم لها".

وكان أهالي البلدة قد منعوا الأسبوع الماضي وفدا من الرابطة المارونية من مسح أرض في البلدة تابعة لمطرانية جونية، وتم التعرض للصحافة ومنعها من التصوير، كما عقد اجتماع في بكركي منذ يومين دعا إلى "نزع الصبغة السياسية عن حادثة الاعتداء في لاسا، وحصرها بالمسار التفاوضي والقانوني".

وطالب قبلان أن "لا يتورط احد في موضوع بلدة لاسا، وان يتعاطوا بإنصاف مع أهالي لاسا دون ظلم، واحذر من مؤامرة على بلدة لاسا" جازما أنه سيتصدى لاي مؤامرة ضد البلدة.

وأضاف قبلان "لا نريد ان نستولي على ارض احد، ولا نقبل ان يستولي احد على ارض لاسا" واضعا "هذه القضية برعاية البطريرك بشارة الراعي فهو مفوض من قبلنا في حل هذه القضية".

وأوضح أننا لا نريد مشكلة مع احد، ويكفينا مشاكل من إسرائيل التي تحتل الارض وتنتهك السيادة، وعلينا ان نحافظ على أرضنا ".

ودعا إلى الرجوع لـ"الوثائق والحجج التركية التي تثبت من هم أصحاب الأرض في لاسا الذين يسكنون هذه المنطقة منذ زمن طويل وهم يعيشون مع جيرانهم أخوة متحابين".

وختم نائب رئيس المجلس الإسلامي الشيعي الأعلى :"إذا كان هنالك من لا يملك ارضا فإننا نعطيه الأرض ومن يريد ان يتعاطى معنا بفوقية وظلم، فنحن بالمرصاد لكل غاشم وظالم".

التعليقات 20
Default-user-icon Eagle (ضيف) 17:03 ,2011 تموز 22

“We don’t want to create a problem with any one. We have enough problems with Israel to contend with,” he continued.

What problems you have with Israel? Huh? what garbage..... your talk is for local consumption only. You have not fired a shot since 2006 when your mujaheedine learned the hard way. In my opinion, if you don't attack Israel, she will not attack you. It seems you been busy internally since 2006 eroding the state and its institutions, organizing sit ins in commercial districts, cleansing beirut of its true and real residents, beating up press crews, arresting people, confiscating land, getting rich, intimidating other sects, supporting the great regime in syria, sniffing up to Iran, etc. I think that is what you have been contending with.

Thumb shab 17:10 ,2011 تموز 22

And Syria and Iran

Default-user-icon Fuziyad (ضيف) 17:10 ,2011 تموز 22

So basically he's saying, we do whatever we want, we count on the batrak to accept that or we will consider the maronite church as our enemy like Israel. Brilliant

Default-user-icon Blue (ضيف) 17:19 ,2011 تموز 22

“I will confront any conspiracy against the town,” he stressed.
I swear these people all have a complex..... what's always with the conspiracy theory ? He thinks the world knows what and where Lassa is? I think more than half the Lebanese never heard of this town before this recent incident, and he talks about "conspiracy"? Wlak who and when and what? I am pulling my hair out......!

Thumb loveandpeace 17:55 ,2011 تموز 22

It's Fozzie Bear wearing a turban! Give him some credit! He's got the funniest ears of his wholecommunity!!!!!!!
+ he really looks smart. They must be proud of him.
You have to understand that those people's choice is squatting in Lhassa or carrying people's suitcases at RH International Airport while the likes of Berri and their co-religionists are counting their billions.

Default-user-icon Truth (ضيف) 18:02 ,2011 تموز 22

Fuziyad I agree with you, that's my reading too! These guys have been accustomed to steel property under the vigilant and fatherly eye of the Hizb..

Default-user-icon Alexander (ضيف) 18:25 ,2011 تموز 22

What is demagogy? here we have a simple example. Demagogy is a tool used by some leaders toward their people to change the reality of a fact into another. This practice is widly used in the middle east to entertain the convictions of followers in order to avoid loosing them when a problem occurs. So the facts are transposed and disfigured during the speach in a matter that at the end, the audience is brainwashed and interpretes the facts according to the wanted way. All speaches of Sayed Hassan are demagogic. The current speach aims to make the Shiite community beleives that Maronites want to take their lands, but that the Hezb is here and will not allow that. Now what are the facts? some people in Lassa constructed residences in some lands without a construction permit! They builded homes without the approval of the Authorities. Why? because they don't have official documents which prove that they own this land. They builded in lands of others. Just compare with what is said here :)

Default-user-icon Truthwar (ضيف) 18:48 ,2011 تموز 22

There we go again Hezballah sends poor old Qabalan to say what they can't. Using Qabalan won't embarrass Aoun as much as if they said it.

Default-user-icon Mohammed Fawaz (ضيف) 18:55 ,2011 تموز 22

"I will confront any conspiracy" haha why don't you first confront the conspiracy that is keeping you Vice President of the Higher Islamic Shiite Council.

Missing allouchi 19:15 ,2011 تموز 22

Take away Hizb's weapons and you will never hear from this guy again.

Default-user-icon liar liar turban on fire (ضيف) 21:13 ,2011 تموز 22

Hezb promises Patriarch Rahi that they will let the courts deal with the Lasa issue then get this thing that's too dirty to live even between the Patriarch's toes to attack.

Default-user-icon Simon Hokayem (ضيف) 21:34 ,2011 تموز 22

And we all going to Lassa and you go to fight your Israel s.o.a.b!

Default-user-icon BullsEye (ضيف) 22:10 ,2011 تموز 22

It seems that in Lebanon, all political parties have their masks and costumes ready to go out and parade and tell what they want in a 'Halloween fashion' without anyone recognizing their true faces, or that's what they think... This is why when a religious figure come out expressing (supposedly) his opinion, like this guy, then it is not truly him talking, for he carries the mask of his political leader...
Look at the religious figures in Lebanon from Qabalan (shia), to Qabbany (sunna) to Hassan (druze), etc.. who do you think of thiese guys have his own opinion to declare, when needed???
Hope Elrahi will be an exception.

Default-user-icon LadyGaGa (ضيف) 02:04 ,2011 تموز 23

Why is it the whole world conspire against you?
You play the same game as the black people in America, they always claim discrimination, being singled out and poor, yet they rob the government/citizens by living on welfare and citizen taxes, The STL is zionist, you bark in advance to force the outcome.
You are doing something wrong which is why you're always on the defense/threatening mode.

Default-user-icon abulees (ضيف) 02:17 ,2011 تموز 23

al rahi must tackle YOU and people who are like you, hiding under a turban and claimimg to be preachers, while you spew hatred all around.. As sheikh bechir said it: we are the angels of the orient and its devils.. and you know that very well.. It seems you want us to become the devils AGAIN....

Default-user-icon neutral (ضيف) 06:29 ,2011 تموز 23

What the hell is he talking about? comparing the christians to israel? he is admitting his hate for the christians. so now we are their target not israel. we can read ya mr who ever you are. you unveiled the truth about you and your people taking over the christian area and not israel. I do not think you people belive in God. You only beleive in your weapons. We all know your plans they are out in the open now. you are still living in the stone age not thinking that the lebanese people are silence for a reason. I advise you to read about how the tsunami hits.

Default-user-icon neutral (ضيف) 06:32 ,2011 تموز 23

What the hell is he talking about? comparing the christians to israel? he is admitting his hate for the christians. so now we are their target not israel. we can read ya mr who ever you are. you unveiled the truth about you and your people taking over the christian area and not israel. I do not think you people belive in God. You only beleive in your weapons. We all know your plans they are out in the open now. you are still living in the stone age not thinking that the lebanese people are silence for a reason. I advise you to read about how the tsunami hits.

Default-user-icon neutral (ضيف) 09:15 ,2011 تموز 23

This guy's words are going to start a civil war. coming soon. in the news.
Lebanon on fire again.

Default-user-icon Thinker2011 (ضيف) 09:48 ,2011 تموز 23

My family and friends and fellow civilised Lebanese citizens in Australia will never visit or return to Lebanon as long as Hizb El-Kizb is in power. Unfortunately for us, that is what Hizb El-Kizb wants because it means that they can drive out all the civilised and educated people from Lebanon and they can build wherever they want without owning the land or obtaining goverment approval .... why would they need government approval when they control the government ???? For all of you Hizb and Sheikh Aoun supporters please look at the countries which Hizb El-Kizb is trying to convert Lebanon into .... Iran and Syria .... they are going to take us back 200 years. Lebanon used to be the jewel of the middle east before the war and has every opportunity to be the leading middle eastern nation with respect to people's freedoms, democracy, education & advancement but the scum that has taken over wants to rid the nation of thinkers and only wants brainwashed followers which are easy to mislead.

Thumb shab 12:01 ,2011 تموز 23

This sect has many real wierd looking inbreed scary monsters.