قاسم: نحن مع الحوار و حاضرون لمناقشة الاستراتيجية الدفاعية وليس بند سلاح المقاومة

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أكد نائب الأمين العام لـ"حزب الله" الشيخ نعيم قاسم أن حزب الله مع " الحوار بين اللبنانيين لأننا محكومون بالعيش في بلد واحد"، مشددا أن الحزب حاضر لمناقشة الإستراتيجية الدفاعية وليس بند سلاح المقاومة".

وقال: " إننا مع الحوارلأننا محكومون أن نعيش في بلد واحد، وحاضرون لمناقشة الاستراتيجية الدفاعية عن سبل حماية لبنان والدفاع عن أراضيه والاستفادة من المقاومة والجيش والشعب لمصلحة قوة لبنان ومنعته، وليس مناقشة بند سلاح المقاومة التي هي شرف للجميع وقوة وعز لبنان".

وجزم قاسم خلال الاحتفال الحاشد الذي نظمه الحزب في الهرمل لمناسبة ولادة الإمام المهدي والذكرى السنوية لانتصار تموز، "ليس لدينا سلاح مقابل سلاح الدولة، وما عندنا هو سلاح المقاومة"، لافتا الى أن "حزب الله ليس من " يملك قرار الحرب والسلم بل إسرائيل التي تستعد دائما للحرب".

وأوضح أن "ما نتخذه (حزب الله) هو قرار الدفاع عن بلدنا وشعبنا، وهذا لا تراجع عنه"، معتبرا أن "لا حرب إسرائيلية في الأفق لأن العدو يخاف قوة الردع لدى "حزب الله" وهو بالتالي ليس قادرا على تحقيق أهدافه، وهو يعلم أن قدرات المقاومة اختلفت كثيرا منذ تموز 2006 حتى اليوم".

وأضاف: "الفريق السياسي الذي يشكل الحكومة اليوم حقق مقابل إخفاقات الفريق الآخر مجموعة من الانجازات منها تشكيل الحكومة ، واستصدار بيانها الوزاري والبدء بجلسات فيها انتاج وتعيينات وخطوات إلى الأمام، كما عطل فريقنا السياسي هدف المحكمة التفجيري الذي كان يريد أن يفجر الوضع الداخلي".

وعليه، أكد أن "لا نزول إلى الشارع ولا فتنة مذهبية كما كانت تتوقع إسرائيل"، معربا عن ارتياح الحزب " للتطورات السياسية التي تحصل".

وأردف: " نعتبر أننا في المسار الصحيح، ولسنا متوترين أو مستعجلين ونضع الخطوات ونتعاون مع حلفائنا لما فيه المصلحة وأكثر من ذلك، لا أحد يملك خيار عدم التعامل مع هذه الحكومة، فالاتحاد الاروبي وأميركا سيتعاملون معها لأن مصالحهم ستتضرر، وإن لم يتعاونوا لن يكون لهم صلة وصل".

وإذ رأى أن "المحكمة الدولية مسيسة من رأسها إلى أخمص قدميها وإنها لم تعد مرتبطة بلبنان، وأصبحت أداة سياسية بيد مجلس الأمن وخصوصا أميركا وإسرائيل"، التي كلما احتاجوا أن يحركوا شيئا ضد حزب الله سيستخدمون المحكمة"، أكد قاسم أن " جماعة الداخل لا قدرة لديهم أن يصنعوا شيئا في هذا الأمر".

التعليقات 20
Missing lubnan-awalan 16:56 ,2011 تموز 23

No discussions , no dialogue, no round tables unless you let down your arms,,,, there is no more a resistance what you have shown it's a gang of armed criminals steered by the Mullahs of Teheran ,, imposing a theocratic dictatorship by the force of the false resistance arms .. M/s false resistance you loured us once will not work this time...


Default-user-icon Alexander (ضيف) 16:57 ,2011 تموز 23

First go discuss with the tribunal. Bring lawyers and don't fear any complot since you are innocent and the 120 judicials of the STL among them lawyers and judges have built a tale alike Hitchcock's and Agatha Christies to take off your weapons. If you still hide behind your critics and challenges to the STL we will never beleive you. Go face them and prove that they have built-up this huge scenario with dozens of actors just for you baby. Go answer them why a young oficer of 34 years old called Wissam Eid has been killed while investigating in Hariri's murder, after being contacted by you one week before. Go prove them that Israel killed him to ignite a civil strife, and killed all the remaining officials of March 14 to create a civil war. Go repeat your dumb bullshits because here we had enough. Enough stealing cars, lands, properties, electricty, water, lives, and the freedom of our country. And take Aounallah with you.

Default-user-icon Le Phenicien (ضيف) 16:59 ,2011 تموز 23

- His Eminence Monseigneur KASSEM is right ! instead of talking about the Hezb weapons , we should talk about the Palestino weapons inside and outside the camps ..

FYI , the Palestinians are very heavely armed and equiped by KSA and Hariri , against the Christians Maronites and the Shiias + the Alaouites in Lebanon and Syria . Al-Mustakbal is playing the role of go between for the political cover to these fanaticas assassins terrorists , called Palestinians refugees in Lebanon and Syria .

Remember what happened in Lebanon during the civil war , and look what is happenning today in Syria by the same sunnis fundamentalists financed and equiped by KSA like they did in Lebanon , and lately in Naher el Bared .

Default-user-icon Citizen (ضيف) 17:00 ,2011 تموز 23

no comments.... i am speechless..... i am in awe at how they think. How can you O'Wise man discuss a defense strategy but not weapons and who carry the weapons, and when they carry the weapons??? Do you understand the meaning of the word "Strategy"? How a battle is fought is a matter of tactics: the terms and conditions that it is fought on and whether it should be fought at all is a matter of strategy. When you decide when and where and even the hows, how can you claim your openess to discuss strategy? Another bunch of time wasting BS.....

Default-user-icon Truth (ضيف) 18:00 ,2011 تموز 23

How on earth can anyone expect those guys to discuss their death sentence. Their very raison d' etre is to carry arms and execute a common agenda for establishment the Wilayet Al Faqih, their ultimate goal. All the rest is nonsensical. Whne you receive tens of millions per month, when you are structurally and operationnally controled by the Farsi, when you are an administrative division of the Pasdaran, no one can sit and discuss anything with you. You are just paid to do a job. Can anyone tell me when was any Al Mustaqbal member, cited in a criminal case in Egypt, Arentina, Kazakstan, Colombia, Bahrein, Syria, etc etc... This is an organisation with global reach, which is an organic part of the Farsi project. These guys have trained to be Sophist guys who have nothing to say, nowhere, with nobody, expect that they have the final say (for the time being) by the force of arms. We discuss strategy but not weapons, weapons but not calibers, calibers but not usage, usage but not objectives

Default-user-icon Ali (ضيف) 18:04 ,2011 تموز 23

hmmmmm...... I believe Saniora and Harriri went ahead and eliminated the terrorists in Nahr Al Bared..... did they not? It was your Monderrier Nassrallah who said it was a "Red Line"..... You people write history and pollute it, but we are still ALIVE!

Default-user-icon Truth (ضيف) 18:05 ,2011 تموز 23

objectives but not rules of engagments, rules of engagments but not timing......They' re a bunch of idiots who think they can fool everyone all the time, by hairsplitting, in 2 then 4, then 8 , then 16...... They should meditate what happened to Milosevic who had 99% of followers, not 33%.....Time will tell, they will soon learn what it is to deal with a UN resolution under chapter 7!

Default-user-icon neutral (ضيف) 18:17 ,2011 تموز 23

Lebanon became an iranian state. A deadly cancer has striken lebanon.
Lebanon wont survive if they dont remove the cancer. Dialogues and meetings all are rubish. Nothing will work. Who are the winners? Israel and hizballah.
Who are the losers? the Lebanese people. We can discuss things from here to eternity . Only a civil war will decide. Sooner or later this is going to happen.
As a Christian i do not want to live with shiite armed millitias and under their rules. Id rather see a partitioned lebanon. I do not want to fight Israel i do not want to fight hizballah. I want one area for the peaceful lebanese ruled by laws with no guns. the ones who want no laws but guns can have a piece of lebanon and stay there and leave us alone. Just like Cyprus. You go your way and go mine. i want peace .

Thumb Marc 18:20 ,2011 تموز 23

All the rest of Lebanon is saying is that merge your arms and your men with the Lebanese army. That is defense strategy. Problem is you want these arms to be ready to bully the others . . .It is as simple as that

Missing startrip 18:24 ,2011 تموز 23

Le phen, until you show a shred of evidence to justify your trash talk, we'll just chalk you up as another moron.

Thumb joeleb 19:08 ,2011 تموز 23

Le Phenicien, how dare you call this piece of crap Monseigneur? And he and his gang of thugs, otherwise known as Hizbullah, are the best friend Israel has. This BS that they are a resistance is no longer a valid argument, if anything, they are resisting the building of the Lebanese state, and they are still working on their ultimate goal, turning Lebanon into a Muslim state...They saw that they could not do this by force, so they are doing it by taking over the government and by stealing land....they are a cancer, they are acting like it too, slowly invading and sucking the life of Lebanon. Their arms are nothing but a tool to terrorize the Lebanese. Our only cure is, I hate to say it, an all out war on Hizbullah...fight fire with fire....since you can't talk to them, you can't talk to someone who always believes he is right...Oh and one more thing, you are as traitor to Lebanon, so is Hizbullah...so please change you name from "Le Phenicien" to "Le Iranien"..

Default-user-icon moukawem (ضيف) 19:11 ,2011 تموز 23

I agree with my fellow Shiite Le fini all the groups that supported the PLO resistance and fought along side it are part of the new majority supporting the Iranian Islamic resistance, we are all working hand in hand in creating the new Islamic middle east that our Iranian brothers announced back in January.
Hamas, Ahmad Jibrel and all the armed Palestinian groups inside and outside the camps are supporters and supported by the Resistance, remember the road to Palestine goes through Lasa. .
I sign off with a quote from the magnificent GMA from his Zionist conspirator perioud in France:"By the way, I remind you here that the Syrian regime had said that it came to ‎Lebanon to save its Christians from extermination. I want to ask this regime who, apart from ‎it, in fact wanted to exterminate us?" lucky for us today GMA agrees that exterminating the Christians is a good thing.

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (ضيف) 20:07 ,2011 تموز 23

naim kassem:the STL is cooking,the regime in damascus is crumbling,the defense strategy is the sole responsability of bilad el arz state,the arms u have is ur poison and will be SURRENDERD.period.

Default-user-icon Alexander (ضيف) 20:11 ,2011 تموز 23

Le phenicien, you should name yourself "Le Pénissien". Just translate it into arabic and you get what you really are. You are saying that fundamentalist sunnis in Syria are trying to topple the regime? For God sake, the actual dictatorship in Syria which is governing since 25 years is what then? Based on crimes, tyranny, oppression, abductions,without counting the numerous massacres executed in Lebanon. They left their people without press (have u ever seen more than 1 opinion in their journals) and without any freedom, imposing on them by force their baasist regime. They sold the Golan to save their nizam and pretend to fight Israel; not a single gun shot. And they kept their promise to Israel by doing their best to keep their people poor and without education to guarantee a good future for their jewsih neighboors.

Missing hmorsel 20:18 ,2011 تموز 23

HA will defend their weapons for ever they will never give it up, that's the only power they have over us. they will always use israel as a scape goat to keep scaring us, they wont tell us that the only reason israel is at war with us is because of HA, when HA is gone, we will have no problems with israel.
he is defending criminals such as bedreddine who the Iranian intelligence freed from a Kuwait prison after he was sentenced to death for many of his crimes, now this insulant a-hole is teaching us morals.

Default-user-icon Le Phenicien (ضيف) 22:28 ,2011 تموز 23

@ Alexander ,

And you should call yourself " Alexandre le cocu " translate that to Lebanese and you will have ( Iskandar zou al Karnayn ) Because you are so far from truth and from the reality ..

Default-user-icon Pacifier (ضيف) 01:37 ,2011 تموز 24

The same bullshit as usual, same brainwashing, where are the spies that you caught that are high ranked in hezbollah like sayyed Hassouné said? are they dining all together in your underground sewers? are you joining them after for dinner when you finish lying to your community and Lebanon once more? you are nothing but a Zionist Iranian Syrian worthless nobody, you and your master are sooner or later will meet your doom, oh and ya qozem qassem, you dare threaten the world that their interests will be harmed if they dont work with you, who the hell you think you are? the world owes you nothing and nobody has any business in Lebanon ya Habibe, we have no gas, no oil, no water, no nothing, the only thing why the world gave a shit about Lebanon is because they hoped for it to be modern and thus allow its people to come visit and for it to be another tourist destination, thats it, all the owners in Lebanon are mostly Lebanese and you are harming them ya Zionist agent

Thumb bashir 11:33 ,2011 تموز 24

I wonder if he is willing to discuss 'defense strategy' regarding 'defending' the Lebanese people from private militias?

Thumb shab 18:15 ,2011 تموز 24

Among all the Shiite inbreed, he is by far the most entertaing and clueless.

Default-user-icon Unenebouhheva (ضيف) 16:20 ,2012 أيلول 10

you and me field this d‚mod‚
