جنبلاط: معركة السلاح عبر التراشق الاعلامي والسياسي هي معركة بلا أفق

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رأى رئيس جبهة النضال الوطني النائب وليد جنبلاط إن المضي قدما في معركة السلاح بالشكل المطروح حاليا عبر التراشق الاعلامي والسياسي هي معركة بلا أفق ولن تؤدي الى أي نتيجة يرجوها اصحاب هذه الحملة.

وقال جنبلاط في حديث لصحيفة "اللواء": "النتيجة الوحيدة الأكيدة لهذه المعركة هي المزيد من التوتر السني الشيعي والمزيد من التمترس كل خلف مواقفه، وهذان التوتر والتمترس يهيئان ارضية خصبة لاستقبال سريع لتداعيات ما يحصل وما قد يحصل حولنا".

وأضاف: " لقد دعيت للحوار لأنني مؤمن بأننا سننتهي عمليا الى مناقشة السلاح أو الاستراتيجية الدفاعية سمها ما شئت مهما كانت الشروط المسبقة والكلام خارج الطاولة، وفي اسوأ الحالات فإن الحوار يمتص هذا التوتر الطائفي ويعزز فرص نجاتنا من تداعيات العواصف السياسية في المنطقة".

التعليقات 5
Default-user-icon Citizen (ضيف) 08:27 ,2011 تموز 26

First and foremost, this so called fallacy equation of the "People, Army, Resistance" must be discarded. Most people equate it to the existence of a shiite statelet which in practical terms is stronger than the State itself. Hizbullah past and present behavior has made this equation no longer acceptable. The equation is and should be "The State and its institutions and its armed and security forces are the only entities tasked with protecting Lebanon and its citizens". It is no longer acceptable to even include such statements in the government policy as they are redundant. They were forced in the past under the threat of arms. We cannot accept your equations Mr. Jumblat if they are not based on popular demand i,e people's will but rather forcefully imposed. I refuse to have an islamic or christian so called resistance forced on me and my way of life under the pretext of protecting me. It is the duty of this failed state to protect me rather than just take my money in taxes! I

Thumb bashir 12:08 ,2011 تموز 26

'Party of God, kufar, state militia' is how it is seen through Nasrallah's eyes.

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (ضيف) 14:47 ,2011 تموز 26

ya walid when u jumped and took ur path ,it was ur choice,and it is completely different from ours so stay in ur corner, and keep quiet.

Thumb ado.australia 17:32 ,2011 تموز 26

Citizen... One day soon, the resistance(Hezbollah) will be incorporated into the Lebanese armed forces. This is the goal of all patriotic Lebanese. However, we cannot expect them to be forced to assimilate under conditions of us v them. Were there are many in the previous government and current security forces that have openly sided with Israel against fellow Lebanese and in particular, the shites. We must acknowledge the power and discipline of hezbollah's led resistance to Israel. This is something we can use to encourage and build our self belief that we are not too small that we must submit to the powers that be. We must understand and what the south has endured over the past 50 years.Through the Palestinian,Israeli,Arab, western, soviet and Syrian war games that the southern residence had to cop! Now they have built enough power to resist one of the most powerful armies in the world. We need to build trust with them, to defend Lebanon together and then the rest will happen!

Thumb ado.australia 17:46 ,2011 تموز 26

When we unite and stop using foreigners for local political advantage against each other, then trust will develop. This is what general Aoun is trying. Yes, there are political and ideological differences, but this can be resolved democratically and peacefully when we unite against the foreign conspiracies and threats. Look at Israel, they are very admirable in the way they are able to unite huge differences between themselves, ideologically and religiously. There are some(ultra orthodox) that don't even believe in the state of Israel and yet they are still united internationally. We must be united internationally and let the domestic differences play their course without foreign meddling.